ToolBox writes:Recently, some bugs are found in BB2Nuke 2.0.18 which one of chatserv's great works. The first BB2Nuke 2.0.18 np and 2.0.18 have been upgraded as compressed packages. As a parallel to chatserv's BB2Nuke package, NukeKorea Dev. Network equalizes chatserv's great work on BB2Nuke 2.0.18 with manual upgrader of BB2Nuke 2.0.18 also updated. Still, manual upgrade of BB2Nuke is equivalently important to those who installed MODs to the previous BB2Nuke 2.0.18 and tweaks of BB2Nuke. To support those BB2Nuke users, NukeKorea Dev. Network (C) released the upgraded BB2Nuke 2.0.18 np
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Upgrade: Manual Upgrading BB2Nuke 2.0.18 npPosted on Monday, November 21, 2005 @ 14:24:37 CST in Bugs - Fixed |