nukeevangelist writes:brandnew - Mediawiki 1.5.6 went public [2006-01-19]
mediawiki patched 1.5.6 [2006-01-19]: "in version 1.5.6 and 1.4.14 fix infinite loop bug in malformed edit comments. recommended upgrade; also various bug fixes in 1.5.6." :: more infos on
btw: we ve got a great Nuked-solution - please travel over to the phpnuke-module Nuke Guiki [FEATURES & Download] actual Version 1.3.0 :: please travel over and support the sustainable development with your continued feedback - the more the better
mediawiki 1.5.6 was released [2006-01-19] :: besides this we have a Nuked-wikiPosted on Sunday, January 22, 2006 @ 01:43:49 CST in Add-Ons |