Custom 404 page with mail function

Posted on Friday, February 03, 2006 @ 11:37:31 CST in Security
by Raven

hitwalker writes:  
Ok we all have our nuke site running and its protected also with sentinel...right?
Okay but how many of you have more things installed like more websites or just scripts that run outside of the protection of Sentinel?
Well let me tell you this...
I have a lot installed and running and i know its secure but i would feel better if i could ban / block any one that even tries anything.
Because i wanted to know how illegal traffic is going since my big move to the main root (was /phpx/html/..remember?) i activated my mail option again in my custom 404 page.
Shocked? not realy but amazed that some bad countries are actualy searching my whole domain looking for holes.
I know a few members here that would be interested in knowing it all.
Ok i got like 140 mails this morning send by the script but showed 4 ip's that were trying to mess around with my snippet library,whitch is useless anyway.
But i dont want them on my domains so now i can block them.
So the question you know whats going on ?
Its a hell of a job going through your referers or stats but having a simple script running that will mail everything they try....wouldnt that be better?
Naturaly this all goes for any traffic whitch results in a big 404.
What about engines,crawlers etc...they bump into your 404 more then you know of..
Wouldnt you like to know about it?
Would you like to be indexed with a page that doesnt excist?
Allthough the custom 404 with its mail function is easely made you can have it by contacting me.
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Re: Custom 404 page with mail function (Score: 1)
by Susann ( on Friday, February 03, 2006 @ 18:45:12 CST

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The 404 page is a spider trap with mail function used to find bad bots and traffic thieves.Right ?
It´s hard work and very time consuming to go daily through the log files manually to find out whats going on but you can´t stop controlling if you are really interested in your work I mean your web project. However, its interesting only the flood of emails could be a problem.

Re: Custom 404 page with mail function (Score: 1)
by hitwalker
on Friday, February 03, 2006 @ 19:16:57 CST
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No susann,its not a trap...
Its just an 404 page but with mail function.
It not only keeps me informed of errors but also things wannabe hackers look for.
Normaly you never know if you get page requests that result in a 404 dont you?
But with this you do,i had requests for login.php randomimage.php /shoutbox/ etc...all requests that could be abused if they find anything.
But it can also help in fixing things on your site..

Re: Custom 404 page with mail function (Score: 1)
by Susann
( on Friday, February 03, 2006 @ 20:07:48 CST
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I know all HTTP error rcodes from my site because I ´m using an extra analyzer tool it displays not only the 404 but also aborted downloads but of course without mail function. Since this month my tool is down or my host did some changes but for me it´s important to know the 404 pages because of different reasons.

Re: Custom 404 page with mail function (Score: 1)
by hitwalker
on Friday, February 03, 2006 @ 20:13:39 CST
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yes susann,i know you value your stuff just like i do...
but do try it with a mail function....i promise you ,you would be suprised what triggers your 404...:)

Re: Custom 404 page with mail function (Score: 1)
by Susann
( on Saturday, February 04, 2006 @ 08:51:27 CST
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Well, it´s interesting I will try it out.

Re: Custom 404 page with mail function (Score: 1)
by hitwalker
on Saturday, February 04, 2006 @ 09:38:27 CST
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well 9 requested it so far...thats nice...

Re: Custom 404 page with mail function (Score: 1)
by hitwalker
on Sunday, February 05, 2006 @ 11:24:26 CST
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a few of the funny requests your server reaches is without any doubts....


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