ToolBox writes:To provide php-nuke site users with the highest effective tree-style drop-down menus in a navigation, NukeKorea Dev. Network has been observing how php-nuke site users would access their hot contents. Needless to say, that was navigation menu that is still static. Most php-nuke sites uses static navigation on the top. We concluded and implemented that the navigation menus have to achieve the followings to make your php-nuke based sites be professional
- Easy accessible and editable to administrators
- Theme independent modules and controls
- Dynamic tree-style dropdown styles
- Tree-style categorical hierarchy model
- Separators to classify dropping-down sub-menus>
- Unlimited tree depth of sub-menus
- Supports of multi-linguals
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Do not miss read more... section. All documents and manuals belong to NukeKorea Dev. Network, which means that you will not be able to copy the documents and manuals without permissions from NukeKorea Dev. Network ©
The current version follows GPL 2.0 license.
This module has been developed for NukeKorea Premium Packages
Categorical Hierarchy Model of Dynamic Navigation Drop-down MenuPosted on Monday, May 22, 2006 @ 02:14:47 CDT in Add-Ons |