nukeevangelist writes:Multiheadlines v2.0 - Web Based RSS/RDF/ATOM Aggregator was enhanced - get your copy today
Aikon writes "Hello everybody!!! I want to anounce a new release of Multiheadlines phpnuke addon.
Shortly, Multiheadlines is a php-nuke addon who let you show/post the content[link, title, description/summary]
of RSS, RDF, ATOM feeds directly to your php-nuke site. It has a lot of options in administration panel and is completely automated.
The second release of Multiheadlines have new lots of options:
- most signigficant is that from now on Multiheadlines have support for ATOM files format.
- activate/deactivate the feeds colection
- showing the time for every feed is optional
- showing the logo for each url feed is optional
- change the time format for feeds
- from now on you can preview the content of channel[or entry] for RSS/RDF/ATOM files [you can check before adding a feed url to your site, what content have the RSS/RDF channel or ATOM entry]."
please travel over to - get your copy and add your general praise, your further suggestions, your ideas and all your visions. Help to improve the module, the code and the whole commuity!
Multiheadlines v2.0 - Web Based RSS/RDF/ATOM AggregatorPosted on Monday, July 03, 2006 @ 02:29:40 CDT in Add-Ons |