November Challenge!

Posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @ 10:36:19 CST in Opinion
by Raven

montego writes:  
Come on folks, $47.24 in donations is absolutely crazy for the amount of help you can get on this site! It takes money to run a site like this and the last I checked, there still are no money trees been invented LOL.

I cannot stand by and watch this happen. I personally will match ALL donations from now until November 29th (end of your day) up to a total of $50 (total new donations - I have not found that money tree either - lol).

Come on! Anyone can donate a few dollars.

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Re: November Challenge! (Score: 1)
by Susann ( on Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @ 14:27:01 CST

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It isn´t not crazy its a shame. I personally would lock the RavenNuke download and see what happens.

Re: November Challenge! (Score: 1)
by Susann
( on Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @ 14:37:58 CST
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From the download section RavenNuke"If you download this, please consider a one time donation of $5.00 or $10.00 to help support the ongoing work." I mean this is clear verbalized but it seems that many people just ignore this and thats a shame.


Re: November Challenge! (Score: 1)
by montego on Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @ 20:15:26 CST

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I am not trying to cause any "trouble" here, just trying to help raise awareness. I have watched the donations dwindle this year and then to see this in November, it shocked me! Yet, I know that we're helping out a lot of people.

Any takers on the challenge???


Re: November Challenge! (Score: 1)
by montego on Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @ 21:18:50 CST

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Just remember folks that I said $50 "total new donations"! Money doesn't grow on trees in this household just yet... lol I feel like I'm in a Jerry Lewis telethon... :-)


Re: November Challenge! (Score: 1)
by hitwalker on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @ 06:35:13 CST
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yeah this is nothing new....
most people are cheap $#$#@@#....
they want ,they ask,they want ,they grab...etc...
i said it a year ago.......
support should be paid for, i mean the forums...

if i dont get any money for donations or whatever i cant hire jaded for my image creations,cause the paypal is the only way for me to pay.....

how many of you have credit cards and spend money on junk you dont need or pay for crappy support....?
Not many addresses are reliable when it comes to support...

Maybe raven can tweak the forum a bit....
every member that donated gets a marker near its name...

and so we know who is supportive...

and for those that didnt donated.....
let a counter below the name show how many times they started a topic for help/support.

just an idea...

Re: November Challenge! (Score: 1)
by Dawg
on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @ 08:29:18 CST
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Hit, I have the same problem on my site. The guys will spend big money on JUNK but getting them to cough up a few bucks for the site is tough. The funny part is as I travel the coast and meet folks they always say I run the best site out there (in what we do) and I am like.....well break out the CC....kind words don't pay the bills!


Re: November Challenge! (Score: 1)
by hitwalker
on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @ 08:58:25 CST
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Well if i would write down the promises some make i would have a bestseller !
Support is just being abused in many ways..

I dont need money to run my stuff,i pay $60 a month for that...
I dont have to beg for money etc..

But its the thought that counts....
Raven is a big boy and doesnt need your money or mine but its a way to appricate the support..

I can tell stories about know sites that offer support services and how they grab money and leave the customer behind with a here you go feeling....its done bla bla bla and your on your own.....

but i dont do that....i spend hours and hours on a customer ,like many of us do.

a new support client of mine paid $2700 to install a site ! to his previous tech.
i couldnt believe my ears.

they did that almost 2 years ago.
And is probably most f...ed up website ive seen.

we work our asses of and what do we get?

Re: November Challenge! (Score: 1)
by Susann
( on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @ 15:28:43 CST
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I´m for a marker so that "every member that donated gets a marker near its name" but I´m against your idea" they support should be paid for".
However, its quite obvious that many guys who downloaded RavenNuke did´t donate.
The author of Bad Behavior asked a time ago for donations and he said something like he need more free time for development.
Time is money thats no secret :)
He was surprised that he got afterthat several hundred of Dollars.So he got the time and released a new version.


Re: November Challenge! (Score: 1)
by Dawg on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @ 08:25:52 CST

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Well break out your CC cause I just matched your $50.00 :)


Re: November Challenge! (Score: 1)
by montego
on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @ 16:50:24 CST
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Yup! Had to put it in Raven's bank! :lol:


by montego on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @ 16:51:54 CST

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Well, the challenge was met and I have paid up! Just wish that I had seen some "new faces" in that Donate-o-Meter... All who gave are regular contributors here in terms of supporting others.

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