IP to Country Updates

Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2008 @ 18:49:51 CST in NukeSentinel (tm)
by BobMarion

I'm preparing to release this weeks ip2c dump in a few hours. For now you can see for yourselves the massive changes that are taking place by going to the NukeSentinel(tm) test site. You will have to make sure it comes up with the index.php in the url otherwise you will not be able to get to it. This is the only publicly accessable page on the site. On this page you will see a master grid of all 256 "A" classes. and the month/year it was overhauled.

As you can tell most of the work has been done over the last four months but I have coded a script that should allow me to update all of them by the end of Febuary. And hopefully shortly after that I will be able to include a way for all webmasters to do a one click update of all 256 "A" classes right from their admin panel. I have to give the webmaster over at United Federation of Trek a big thanks for the huge amount of IP2C data they have supplied over the past months.

On the final note to this posting, IP2Country updates will only be released as full updates since so many "A" classes are changing so very much. But like I said I hope to make it so that you don't need to download updates from here but get them directly from the RIR's themselves.
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