After 9 long months of updates, upgrades, fixes, enhancements, sickness, vacations, and more fun than one could possibly ask for or imagine :lol: - the best and most secure CMS (in or opinion) has been made even better and more secure! The RavenNuke™ Team is proud (and relieved) to announce the public release of RavenNuke™ v2.20.00.
In order to meet the time line that has passed at least twice :), we have released this with the following caveat. The documentation is about 98.6725401% complete. The remaining 1.3274599% will be released in the next couple of weeks or sooner. There is nothing that has been withheld that should affect the installation process. The omissions are mostly due to changes in screen prints, images, etc. Nothing too meaty.
The downloads are released in 4 formats (.7z, .zip, .rar, .tgz) so there should be a little something for everyone. Please post all support issues in the RavenNuke™ v2.20.00 forums. Be sure to search the other RavenNuke™ forums before posting questions.
Read on for the change log.
2008-02-11 v2.20.00 Major Release
0000772: [-Specific to PHP Version] array_merge failure in PHP 5.x.x.
0000782: [Addons - Dynamic Titles] Implement TegoNuke™ DynamicTitles version 1.2.0 release.
0000803: [Addons - Dynamic Titles] using the censor feature of phpBB the titles still shows everything.
0000783: [Addons - HTML Newsletter] Banner images not absolute on email send if not so in the banners table.
0000883: [Addons - HTML Newsletter] Newsletter create fails on higher versions of MySQL due to default value.
0000732: [Addons - HTML Newsletter] Remove empty <p></p> tags in newsletter list.
0000857: [Addons - nukePIE] Add nukePIE as a replacement for RSS reader functionality.
0000703: [Addons - ShortLinks] Add Advertising module to ShortLinks.
0000725: [Addons - ShortLinks] Add ShortLinks for GCalendar.
0000702: [Addons - ShortLinks] Already encoded links cause an where it should end up being ..
0000705: [Addons - ShortLinks] Implement ShortLinks version 1.1.0.
0000822: [Addons - ShortLinks] Short links error with 2 words with space in-between.
0000812: [Addons - ShortLinks] Shortlinks to comments.
0000877: [Addons - ShortLinks] Top 10 blocks (web links, downloads, and top) ShortLinks not working.
0000749: [Addons - ShortLinks] Upgrade to ShortLinks 1.2.0.
0000851: [Addons - ShortLinks] Why am I not seeing &sid in the Forums....
0000807: [Admin Functions - Forum] Can't save avatar upload path in forums config..
0000710: [Admin Functions - Modules] Admin function Messages error.
0000757: [Admin Functions - Modules] Admin panel for Users Groups/Points has 174 warnings.
0000823: [Admin Functions - Nuke] Admin/modules/blocks.php.
0000827: [Admin Functions - Nuke] Backup DB via ACP does not work in PHP5.
0000835: [Admin Functions - Nuke] Delete of Super User does not drop into stories re-assign code.
0000740: [Admin Functions - Nuke] Email address fields not big enough.
0000745: [Admin Functions - Nuke] Reduce SQL calls in admin.php upon normal page load reading news articles.
0000735: [Admin Functions - Nuke] Typo when removing a user.
0000811: [Admin Functions - Nuke] Use of special characters in admin name.
0000788: [Captcha] Captcha annoying and probably unneccessary in some places.
0000868: [Captcha] Captcha sometimes only shows 4 numbers instead of 5.
0000734: [Core (in General)] Add "classes" folder to the core html folders.
0000726: [Core (in General)] Add SMTP capability to RN.
0000758: [Core (in General)] Logging.
0000737: [Core (in General)] Now seeing  type characters in upper left-hand corner.
0000798: [Core (in General)] Several undeclared variables found in error log.
0000736: [Core - admin.php] Changing password in authors table.
0000747: [Core - backend.php] Add upcoming nukeFEED in preparation for possibly getting rid of backend.php and forumsbackend.php in the future.
0000706: [Core - backend.php] RSS feed fails validation if $sitename contains named entities.
0000850: [Core - Blocks] Site Info Block - Mouseover user name missing from Latest User image.
0000715: [Core - Blocks] Top 10 Downloads Malformed URI.
0000714: [Core - Blocks] Top 10 Links Malformed URI.
0000718: [Core - config.php] Add RavenNuke Version Constant.
0000858: [Core - config.php] Move a few settings out of config.php to rnconfig.php.
0000819: [Core - Language] Miscellaneous problems.
0000756: [Core - Language] Missing language files.
0000871: [Core - Language] Pare down language files.
0000727: [Core - mainfile.php] Add Pager Class For Universal Access.
0000743: [Core - mainfile.php] is_admin() and is_user() checks fail to cache results.
0000692: [Core - mainfile.php] mainfile.php has extra line at the end possibly causing issues with the captcha for some.
0000834: [Core - mainfile.php] Possible notice error in Feed logic.
0000755: [Core - mainfile.php] Reduce the number of setlocale() calls per page load in formatTimestamp().
0000717: [Core - mainfile.php] Ultramode throwing warning on $querylang variable not defined.
0000815: [Core - Themes] Compliance error in Anagram theme.
0000724: [Core - Themes] Font in style.css for themes.
0000775: [Core - Themes] Make fisubice now fully XHTML compliant for Forums, Member List and Private Messages.
0000731: [Core - Themes] URL tags not working in fisubice.
0000810: [Core - Themes] Cannot not see horizontal rule in fisubice theme.
0000713: [Documentation] Update all references of v1.1x to v1.20.00.
0000738: [Enhancement Request] Create Comments module to review recently posted comments.
0000886: [Installation/Installer] Bring installer form v2.10 up to date for v2.20 release.
0000744: [Installation/Installer] MySQL Error - installSQL.php.
0000779: [Installation/Installer] Tests for compatibility with user's server settings.
0000712: [Installation] Rename Printer Friendly Scripts Folder.
0000711: [Installation] Upgrade Printer Friendly Scripts.
0000720: [Installer] Bug issues pertaining to the new RavenNuke™ Installer.
0000800: [Installer] Complete work on new Installer.
0000721: [Installer] Enhancement issues pertaining to the new RavenNuke™ Installer.
0000723: [Installer] Other issues pertaining to the new RavenNuke™ Installer.
0000722: [Installer] Security issues pertaining to the new RavenNuke™ Installer.
0000704: [Module - Advertising] Logout link within client view banner function does not work.
0000696: [Module - Advertising] Module had slight XHTML compliance issues and one small bug.
0000748: [Module - Content] Content module saving pages in wrong language.
0000754: [Module - Downloads] 404 error block downloads and weblinks.
0000842: [Module - Downloads] Add Download was not sufficiently protected in some fields.
0000843: [Module - Downloads] Showlinks config setting was not producing the intended download counts.
0000844: [Module - Downloads] Validate email in Submit Download simply dies if not valid.
0000795: [Module - Feedback] Feedback issue with umlauts like ü, ä, ß.
0000856: [Module - Forums] Add check for cookie and not append the sid if cookies are not active.
0000391: [Module - Forums] BBtoNuke Needs to be Made Compliant!.
0000693: [Module - Forums] Forum word censor feature not working?.
0000694: [Module - Forums] Forums poll results are centered under IE due to XHTML change.
0000859: [Module - Forums] Make Forum Attachment Mod Available As An Addon.
0000848: [Module - Forums] Missing email icons and odd Information message.
0000700: [Module - Forums] Regular expression botched in Forums/admin/admin_users.php.
0000698: [Module - Forums] User registration date issue.
0000773: [Module - Forums] version and S_TIMEZONE.
0000801: [Module - GCalendar] GCal warning when first installed.
0000707: [Module - GCalendar] Implement Gremmies GCalendar to RavenNuke™.
0000760: [Module - GCalendar] Incorporate the upcoming 1.7.0 release of GCalendar into RavenNuke.
0000777: [Module - Journal] Journal warning stripos expects parameter 1 to be string.
0000802: [Module - Journal] Make Journal module XHTML compliant and core code review with bug fix.
0000785: [Module - News] Cut some SQL calls out of news.
0000882: [Module - News] Do not spider News printer friendly pages.
0000766: [Module - News] Last 20 articles within the administration doesn´t show all.
0000816: [Module - News] Problem with automated news when being edited.
0000741: [Module - Reviews] Improper slash escaping in Reviews Module.
0000763: [Module - Reviews] Reviews module copyright file has Enhanced Feedback Module in it.
0000805: [Module - rwsMetAuthors] SQL errors in RWSMetauthors.
0000781: [Module - Surveys] Links don't work in Survey Comments.
0000817: [Module - Topics] Topic Image files can't have - character in them.
0000751: [Module - Web Links] 2 Warnings when accessing admin panel.
0000761: [Module - Web Links] A PHP notice is generated in Web Links admin when adding a new link.
0000764: [Module - Web Links] magic_quotes_gpc / stripslashes problems with Web_Links (maybe others).
0000753: [Module - Who Is Where] RWH Who Is Where - 5 Notices and a warning on access.
0000728: [Module - Your Account] Add Auto-Activation hack to RN.
0000814: [Module - Your Account] Can't register with valid email address of the form
0000828: [Module - Your Account] Headline grabber in Your_Account flaky.
0000797: [Module - Your Account] index.php - $theme_id used but not defined.
0000821: [Module - Your Account] Lost password screen needs option for name or email.
0000831: [Module - Your Account] Missing language constant trnaslations in YA.
0000849: [Module - Your Account] Notice: Use of undefined constant _ACCOUNTCREATED.
0000864: [Module - Your Account] Number of Private Messages isn´t correct.
0000302: [Module - Your Account] Review Email Send Routines for Correct Header Formation.
0000750: [Module - Your Account] YA Admin Hack to add drop down box for selecting users.
0000833: [Nuke (All Code)] Modules still accessible when registered user doesn't have sufficient points..
0000826: [NukeSentinel] A couple of coding considerations.
0000872: [NukeSentinel] Deny direct access to nsnst_installer files.
0000820: [NukeSentinel] IPtoCountry readme's need clarification.
0000774: [NukeSentinel] More exploits from Waraxe.
0000729: [NukeSentinel] NS v2.5.10 Code Incorrect-FIX.
0000697: [NukeSentinel] NukeSentinel 2.5.08 ABSearch results syntax error.
0000837: [NukeSentinel] NukeSentinel™ hangs when socket create is not allowed.
0000794: [NukeSentinel] Overlib code in some admin functions oddity.
0000825: [NukeSentinel] Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in modules/NukeSentinel/public/.
0000818: [NukeSentinel] Posting HTML in forums triggers NukeSentinel.
0000771: [NukeSentinel] SQL Injection.
0000769: [NukeSentinel] The nsnst.php file (installer) refreshes to index.php.
0000767: [NukeSentinel] Update files from v2.5.11 to 2.5.12.
0000768: [NukeSentinel] Update IP2Country Tables.
0000733: [NukeSentinel] Upgrade NS to 2.5.10 -> 2.5.11.
0000879: [NukeSentinel] Upgrade to NukeSentinel 2.5.16 and latest IP2C.
0000699: [NukeSentinel] Upgrade NS to 2.5.09 -> 2.5.10.
0000887: [Other] Add Shout Box to download package (version tweaked by Gremmie to work with RN).
0000691: [Other] Fix patch README documentation - had typo on NukeSentinal install.
0000759: [RavenNuke Distro (All)] Remove of section.gif and ephemerids.gif..
0000806: [Security / Vulnerability] dblog is accessible to all.
0000813: [Security / Vulnerability] Local Script Cookie/Forum XSS exploit!!.
0000873: [Security / Vulnerability] PHP-Nuke *modules/Search/index.php* SQL Injection.
0000874: [Security / Vulnerability] phpBB Private Message Deletion Cross-Site Request Forgery.
0000776: [Security / Vulnerability] Vulnerabilities in mainfile.php cookiedecode / getusrinfo?.Note:
There are several who are using prerelease copies. Be sure and get the official release copy and update your files. This is important as there have been many changes especially during this week.
RavenNuke™ v2.20.00 CMS ReleasedPosted on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 @ 00:49:40 CST in RavenNuke |