Nuke Reviews where your views count

Posted on Friday, March 14, 2008 @ 00:51:03 CDT in Community
by Raven

Guardian2003 writes:  

* Are you a phpNuke developer releasing modules, blocks or hacks for the community? * Do you develop commercial scripts or themes for phpNuke? * Thinking of buying a theme or commercial script for nuke? * ..or installing a module or hack but not sure if it will meet your needs? * Want to make $$ for your opinion?

Then read on...
I have recently opened a new non-profit site called Nuke Reviews ( ) to enable developers to post their work for others to review and comment on.
What does this mean for developers?
It means you can now link your work to Nuke Reviews where users can submit positive and constructive reviews/comments on your work which will encourage others to to use or buy your work. It also gives you among many other benefits, additional linkbacks and free advertising for your product.

What does this mean for the rest of the community?
You now have a one-stop site to search for modules, hacks, themes etc and see an unbiased opinion on what existing users think of a particular item.
If you are thinking of installing or buying something, you would want to know if it is compatible with your particular nuke version wouldn't you?
You would want to know if it was supported or if development of a particular work had stopped, if it was available somewhere else?
You would want to know exactly what others had found; was it easy to install?, are there any bugs?, is it actively supported and developed?

I would like to tell the world about a module, theme, hack etc that I use but what's in it for me?
As a reward for taking the time to tell others about your experience, we have put in place a unique revenue sharing scheme - the more reviews you write, the more you could earn.
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