rjdias writes:NUKE Platinum developed and it is in the release of the version NUKE Platinum 7.6.b.4.v2. The bugs were corrected, it is as good as the release of the version PHP NUKE 8.0. The original liberation exists in www.futurenuke.com, and
a release in Portuguese from Brazil that can be found of www.nukeplatinumbrasil.net.br.
Thank you very much to Loki for the adaptations, and to the rjdias for the translations for the Portuguese from Brazil. The version NUKE Platinum 7.6.b5 is already available for tests. The version translated for the Portuguese from Brazil with your several modules it is already with the messages of the system 99,99% translated. The new version GENESIS is already 90% ended.
Release NUKE PlatinumPosted on Tuesday, June 09, 2009 @ 15:28:54 CDT in Nuke Platinum |