PHP-Nuke Auto-Logout v1.0 Add-On/Tweak released

Posted on Sunday, August 08, 2004 @ 10:33:11 CDT in Add-Ons
by Raven

beetraham writes:  

This Add-On/Tweak will allow you to be succesfully empowered with auto-logout feature with your PHP-Nuke portal - in a user friendly way.There are two main features included, which were considered beneficial to implement:
- TIMEFRAME based auto-logout [single line configurable]
- BROWSER status based auto-logout [single line modification]

::: TIMEFRAME based auto-logout [user cookie detection applied] :::
- unregistered users uneffected
- admins uneffected
- detected registered users EFFECTED [auto-logout due to elapsed inactivity timeframe]
- users can visually follow the amout of time left prior to system initiated auto-logout
(java-script message window in the browser bottom status bar)

As the end-user refreshes the page (or moves to another page), the counter being responsible of performing the *logout_by_system* function call/triggering, will get reset to it's initial start value (say, 3600 seconds or whatever is set as a system initiated auto-logout trigger value)

::: BROWSER auto-logout main features :::
- user automatically logged out, as the used browser window gets closed.

More detailed explanation & installation guides can be found enclosed in the package.

The Add-On/Tweak is available as a GPL/GNU based package to further use/copy/distrubution.

Package can be downloaded from downloads section.

Kind Regards,

-beetraham aka. ZenoCide
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Re: PHP-Nuke Auto-Logout v1.0 Add-On/Tweak released (Score: 1)
by beetraham on Monday, August 09, 2004 @ 21:31:32 CDT

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As an non-critical udpate to this Add-On/Tweak:

// v1.1 : ADDED : TITLE BAR MESSAGING (you can now choose between TITLE
or STATUS bar messaging, or both. Some browsers may
not show STATUS bar as a DEFAULT.
// v1.1 : ADDED : comment: this creates TITLE BAR messaging (page top)
to both *auto-logout* files
// v1.1 : ADDED : comment : this creates STATUS BAR messaging (page bottom)
to both *auto-logout* files
// v1.1 : ADDED : TITLE BAR MESSAGING (you can now choose between TITLE
or STATUS bar messaging, or both. Some browsers may
not show STATUS bar as a DEFAULT.
// v1.1 : REMOVED : (3) pcs of excess/relic lines from /includes/my_header.txt
// v1.1 : GENERAL : overall cleaning of documentation

Kind regards,

-beetraham aka. ZenoCide


PHP-Nuke Auto-Logout v1.2 Add-On/Tweak released (Score: 1)
by beetraham on Thursday, August 12, 2004 @ 13:15:58 CDT

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Unfortunately the v1.1 release DID NOT contain needed GLOBALS, resulting to annoying inteference with NON-REGISTERED users as well, This omission has been fixed now with additional 3rd party JavaScript enabling PAGE TOP messaging.

// v1.2 : ADDED : MISSING GLOBALS!!! DUE TO v1.1 update (THIS CAUSED
// *autologout* to interfere with unregistered as well!)
// v1.2 : ADDED : NEW javacsript: possibility represent the status in the
// in the page top area (script usage with permission from
// FILE : "includes/autologout-pagetop-quick.php"; (FOR TESTS)
// FILE : "includes/autologout-pagetop.php"; (USAGE)
// v1.2 : ADDED : ADMIN INFO (page top message informing ADMINISTRATION
// PHP-Nuke AutoLogout being set as NOT ACTIVE while logged in
// as an administrator - this required changes to the
// file *includes/my_header.txt*, so please REPLACE the
// previous copy/pasted content to one in with this pack.
// (if having instantiated a previous copy of code hack.
// v1.2 : CHANGED : DEFAULT AutoLogout value set to 900 seconds (15minutes)
// (to be applied for registered users ONLY)
// * some aspects/guidance related to this Add-On/Tweak

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