coyoweb writes:Small Problem on the administration Forums the error is Access Denied
Only open modules/Forums/admin/forums.php
-------Find Code------
if (!eregi("admin.php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) { die ("Access Denied"); }
------Replace with------
global $admin_file;
if (!eregi("".$admin_file.".php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) { die ("Access Denied"); }
by CoyoWeb
Re: Minor bug in phpnuke 7.6 in admin Forum (Score: 1) | ![]() | I am still trying to figure out to deal properly with the Open Source world of on-going change. My world is of packaged software that I upgrade every 2 - 3 years or MS is automatically updating... How do the nuke patched versions work on sites such as this? Are the download distributions always patched as new changes are recognized? I.e., if I have not yet downloaded the patched version for 7.6, can I assume that the various issues found since the distro was first added have already been included now in the current distro packs? Also, what is the significance of CVS? I am not familiar with this concept. TIA, montego |
Re: Minor bug in phpnuke 7.6 in admin Forum (Score: 1) by Raven (raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Sunday, November 21, 2004 @ 09:15:30 CST (User Info | Send a Message) | |
I do not update to later releases. I am running 6.9 and have no need/desire to change. FB hardly ever released anything after that, that mattered, as far as functionality goes. What he has added is certainly not anything that I need. So, my core base is patched and if I need a certain functionality I either write it or find it. CVS is Current Versioning System. It is a way to allow a team (or one) of developers to make changes and to keep things in order. It tracks changes in order that you can restore your application to a certain point in time. It does more, but that's the gist of it. |
Re: Minor bug in phpnuke 7.6 in admin Forum (Score: 1) by montego on Sunday, November 21, 2004 @ 09:42:50 CST (User Info | Send a Message) | |
Sorry Raven, my question was not clear. What I was asking in my first part was related to the several News article recently about fixes to the patches proposed for 7.6. I am trying to figure out if I have to somehow keep track of all these changes and apply them to the downloaded version of patched from Ravenphpscripts or if you already update the distribution files. I have a feeling based on your response that you would not fix the original distro. I can certainly see how that would take a huge amount of time given the multitude of changes suggested over time. Thanks again for such a tremendous resource of the Nuke community! I am finding more and more that I do not have to go anywhere else. My hat's off to you and the others that support this effort. Regards, montego |
Re: Minor bug in phpnuke 7.6 in admin Forum (Score: 1) by Raven (raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Sunday, November 21, 2004 @ 12:42:56 CST (User Info | Send a Message) | |
I update the downloads with Chatserv's patches. No offense to anyone but his are the 'official' patches in most places. So, I have updated the 7.6 download as soon as he put it out. |
Re: Minor bug in phpnuke 7.6 in admin Forum (Score: 1) by Raven (raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Sunday, November 21, 2004 @ 12:44:30 CST (User Info | Send a Message) | |
I should have added that patches like this one I leave up to each person to implement. That's why I post them in an obvious place. |
Re: Minor bug in phpnuke 7.6 in admin Forum (Score: 1) by mattcampbell on Sunday, November 21, 2004 @ 20:51:25 CST (User Info | Send a Message) | |
Raven, I understand the confusion and I think it may come down to consistency. Some of your downloads are labelled as patched while others (7.6 for example) are not labelled as being a patched version. It would be very valuable to the community if you labelled the patched download version so that we can ensure the package we are getting is secure. Also it would be fantastic if you could fix the bugs listed in the news section in the patched verison of the download so that you always offer the latest secure version with limited bugs. Nukescripts often fix there patched versions with reported bug fixes however they don't nearly have the number of reports that ravenscripts receieves. So I would ask you to please consider providing an always up-to-date patched version of the latest PHP-Nuke which includes Chatserv's patches and bugs and fixes reported on this website. |
Re: Minor bug in phpnuke 7.6 in admin Forum (Score: 1) by Raven (raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Sunday, November 21, 2004 @ 20:56:52 CST (User Info | Send a Message) | |
Thank you for taking the time to comment on this. I will rename the 7.6 as patched. However, Chatserv is the 'authority', whether by right or might, and things could really get confusing if we started trying to keep up with all the fixes out there. Chatserv is a sys admin here so he is up to speed on anything that gets posted here. He will then accumulate the fixes in anticipation of the next patched series. At that time, I will update. |
Re: Minor bug in phpnuke 7.6 in admin Forum (Score: 1) by mattcampbell on Monday, November 22, 2004 @ 00:20:36 CST (User Info | Send a Message) | |
Raven, Thanks sounds great!! I wasn't aware that Chatserv was watching these PHP-Nuke communities. But the way you have set it up sounds good aslong as Chatserv is informed of all the little bugs/fixes and not just his own forums. Keep up the good work |