nukeevangelist writes:Static HTML in PhpNuke - Tailor your site to your very own needs - well it is great - this runs also in NukeCommerce & osc2nuke
Demo: You can see it working here
Download: You can download it here
ever wished to tailor your site to your needs - well that is possible with the guides: Developers Guide to PHP-Nuke with many subsections :: Developers Guide to PHP-Nuke with many subsections :: PHPNUKE-HowTo on karakas-online
a new article on announces a great Mod: Static HTML in PhpNuke
John writes: "For those of you who need to add static html content without creating blocks for each page or having all html files in the top directory may find the php script I wrote for phpnuke useful. Basically, you can include your static HTML content including sub directories. Relative and absolute links work as well. Place the script in your phpnuke directory and the html files in a directory called "static" underneath, and link with the following: You can see it working here.
:: You can download it here No registration required"
Demo: You can see it working here
Download: You can download it here
Static HTML in PhpNuke - Tailor your site to your very own needsPosted on Monday, December 13, 2004 @ 18:12:03 CST in Add-Ons |