jaded writes:Hi everyone,
We want to announce the FREE public release of our new theme.
This is a Holiday inspired theme. It is shades of yellow, white, and and black.
This theme is complete with beautiful images of Passover, the star of david, and a religious quote.
You may preview this in our gallery. The theme header simply says " Have A Blessed Passover". It is
created with a nice hebrew style font. It is an exciting and fun theme called Passover. It is compatible
with nuke 6.0 to 7.5 and should work with 7.6.Please be sure to read the read me file included with the theme.
You may download it in our designer resources section. Our themes are best viewed in a higher resolution.
We hope that you will all enjoy the use of this theme on your sites. Registration is required to download.
We will be releasing a St.Patricks and Easter/Spring theme soon as well.
Get theme for phpNuke from Jaded Designs
Passover Theme ReleasedPosted on Wednesday, March 09, 2005 @ 20:27:57 CST in PHP-Nuke Themes |