Make money with clickbank on phpnuke and other portals

Posted on Saturday, April 23, 2005 @ 08:54:48 CDT in Thoughts and Ideas
by Raven

takaharu writes:  
After Googles addsense, the Europermission affiliate program and clicksor you can now put clickbank search and mini adds ( like google addsense) on your site and you will get a more than decent income. The clickbank search and miniadds are part of a seperate program/script that can be integrated in parts of your phpnuke portal. you can add the mini-adds in a center block or in the forum header, news header, etc.... Take a look at the examples you can find at the martial arts portal Kamikaze :
Clickbank search is a search engine that searches the clickbank products catalog and lists them on your site weith your affiliate id automatically integrated into every link produced. Read the full article here :