osc2nuke diamond edition: many additional features: see first demos online

Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 @ 08:43:07 CDT in osc2nuke
by Raven

nukeevangelist writes:  
breaking news: more sustainable development on oscn2uke.com :: a new
version with many features [thread]
was coded: diamond edition - first demos online.

see a demo on osc2nuke francais.org - which are the new features that are included:

This version is based on osc2nuke 7703 universal but a lot of improvement (specially for oscommerce part) have been added.

Master Product 1.15
Order Update 1.3.4
PDF catalog 1.59
Country State Selector + DOB dropdown selector
Newsletter Subscriber 0.52
Wysiwyg 1.9 FR with image manager
Credit Glass Gift Voucher 5.13
Dynamic Titles
Atribute Copier
Must Agree Terms 1.5.2
RSS and XML output for products
Easy Populate 2.76 ms2

read all bout it new
version with many features [thread]

travel over to the good news on osc2nuke.com

see a demo on osc2nuke francais.org :: new
version with many features [thread]
was coded: diamond edition - first demos online.