PHP-Nuke 7.9 FINAL Released

Posted on Thursday, September 15, 2005 @ 02:34:22 CDT in Bugs and Alerts
by Raven

Posted at

FB Writes: "Hello Nukers! PHP-Nuke 7.9 Final version is out now and available from here. This version includes a new variables validation and filtering system more effective and more secure, potential security vulnerabilities generated from the wysiwyg editor has been fixed, BBtoNuke 2.0.17, added banned IP edit function, improved search module internals, quotes and double quotes are now supported on all parts of the system, wysiwyg editor can be totaly deactivated from config.php file, users groups fixes to properly load the members modules, several fixes in the advertising system and many more.

Also, there is already a road map for the future version 8.0. Since it's a totaly new branch I planned lot of new features for that version. A new and redesigned administration system, more functional, more easy to use and more organization over its sections, new reorganization of Downloads module, more use of CSS style and many new features that all you'll love for sure.

The work of coding for the next version 8.0 will start in a couple of weeks since it requires lot of design first since the urgent need of a new administration system is one of the priorities for that release. You can expect improvements on almost all modules."

There are few suggestions and ideas from users that are really insane and maybe few of them will be applied to version 8. Features that all you'll like and all us will have fun by using it.

Second priority is a reorganization of the displayed data. There are some parts of the system that are just a total mess and requires urgent attention.

A new set of CSS style classes will be created having in mind the customization of the entire system.

In resume, will be a very interesting version for all us. For now, version 7.9 offers a good approach to a more secure and stable system and gave the base to start adding new stuff.

Thanks for reading and have a nice nuke day!"
I now have a copy - Thanks to a generous donor :). I and a few others will test it before making it available.