TinyMCE Integrated, Called and Defined Properly

Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 @ 00:46:24 CDT in Bugs - Fixed
by Raven

64bitguy writes:  
In the very long road of making PHP-Nuke compliant, I have made a major leap forward by discovering several key integration flaws that were recently introduced by the PHP-Nuke Author (Mr. Francisco Burzi) with PHP-Nuke 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9.

In addressing these issues, I have completely recoded the integration of TinyMCE as well as recoded all of the modules that use it (in addition to my other bug fixes and compliance recoding of PHP-Nuke for "After-Patched").

For the first time ever, you can now see how the TinyMCE Editor should have looked when integrated into your administration screens.

For a preview, see the article at the "After-Patched" for PHP-Nuke 7.8 test domain:

Additionally, you will note that the special functions that have never worked now do.

On top of this, because of these actions of fixing not only the major integration flaws and coding errors but all of the compliance bugs as well, the problems that led FB to strip out all of the security filtering functions are now capable of being added back into PHP-Nuke 7.7/7.8/7.9 code, as the data produced and manipulated by TinyMCE is now 100% compliant to W3C standards as well as capable of being interpreted by the filtering rules!

Just one more in a long series of Nuke advancements and fixes introduced by "After-Patched"!