Norway, Sweden, Finnland - Nuke-supporters wanted

Posted on Thursday, September 22, 2005 @ 04:13:46 CDT in osc2nuke
by Raven

nukeevangelist writes:  
Norway, Sweden, Finnland - supporters wanted

g'day all Nukers on ravenphpscripts :: since osc2nuke is heading to the 10000 st user we need some who want to get part of this great new evolving sucess story!

We're looking for some new supporters in all areas of the world.

if you can open up a support site in Norway, Sweden, Finnland, Russia; Lettland, Greek or anywhere else in the world - plz do this. help the Nuke-success story: - ge part of it now ! Jump in and be a osc2nuke-supporter in one of the above mentioned countries