Protect Your Computer and Educate Your Pre-schooler

Posted on Friday, February 10, 2006 @ 23:48:38 CST in Software
by Raven

forgotz writes:  
Screens and download available at and Introduces your child to the computer. Every key stroke triggers a fun skit corresponding to the letters of the alphabet and at the same time protects your computer from a child's banging hands.

Can be set as your default screen saver so that you can protect your computer at all times from unwanted key strokes and still allow your kids to interact and play with it. You never have to worry if your child is damaging your files or applications on your computer.
To inaugurate Desktop Design and Service re-design, upgrade and new focus, we will feature Alphabet Fun With MaeMae And Jakey (tm) Screen Saver. We have chosen this project for a few different reasons. One being our new focus, Screen Savers. Although Desktop Themes at one time were a primary focus, since the release of Windows XP (tm), themes at best have become problematic for both the developer and end-user. Screen Savers on the other hand, provide a much larger range of potentential for the imagination to explore. For entertainment value, faster computers coupled with new and existing technologies, multimedia presentaions are much more viable.

Lastly (but certainly not least), Utilitarian value, in the case of this month's featured Screen Saver (Alphabet Fun With MaeMae And Jakey (tm)), educational as well.