Hack: AUM 1.0.2 is released with new technical advancements

Posted on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 @ 00:26:03 CDT in Code Hacks
by Raven

ToolBox writes:  
Full-fledged Advanced User Management tool, which replaces phpnuke user manager (just modification and deletion) with more than 35 GUI-based interactive and dynamical linkages related to user activities, is released. The present release of AUM, which is versioned by 1.0.2, includes new features: 1) Subscription management and corresponding Your-Account module. This new feature of subscription management tool enables you to take care of paid users in your service. With the current version 1.0.2 of AUM, you, as an administrator, are capable of managing the following user activities and information (for the purpose of short description, only major features are described).See read more..section for exhaustive details of features, download info, screen-shots and manuals
Distinctive features of near-feature AUM versions
phpnuke front-end group control interactive and exhaustive all users and group information between karma, point system, BB2Nuke users and their groups, subscription, and new group users in the following PHP-Nuke version Blog users and advanced user groups by NukeKorea Premium and Professionals Unlimited programmable and controllable requirement fields for registration New approveable membership and group affinity Available Extras:
[ Download (registration required) | Screen-shots and Manuals | Supporting forums ]

Extended List of Features:
- subscription queues
- Graphical subscription waiting lists
- New model of Your Account processing adds-on
- phpnuke front-end group control
- Forum status
- advanced user group manager by NukeKorea Dev. Network
- blog manager
- View user personal info
- View user's group info
- Automatic Dead-user Prune Scheduling
- Dead-user Pruning Email
- Reorganized Menu
- Auto-Activation for Registration
- Email Domain Filtering for registration
- Fully-fledged management of inactive registration users:
- resend confirmation email
- resend all [ automatically ]
- remove pending users
- remove all pending users [ automatically ]
- manual activation of pending users [ individual user level ]
- batch activation of all pending users [ automatically ]
- Graphical indicators of pending user status
- new Last visit date
- editable last visit date with new GUIs
- new language packs
- new pagination GUIs
- new GUIs
- Last Visit fixation
- Last Visit date/time edit option added
- PM stats
- direct user edit & view
- Enhanced Front-end Last Visit added
- Subscription option added
- Status dropped
- Last Visit option added
- Last Login IP option added