nukeSEO Mouse Hover Topic BoxOver forums mod

Posted on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 @ 07:05:48 CDT in Code Hacks
by Raven

kguske writes:  
The nukeSEO Mouse Hover Topic BoxOver forums mod enhances search engine optimization while improving forum efficiency. Using the BoxOver popup script and the title tag, this simple mod displays the bbcode-formatted post in a popup on the viewforum page (the last post) and the forum search page (for each result) when hovering over the post.

See it here (viewtopic) and here (forum search). Download it here (free registration required).
The nukeSEO Mouse Hover Topic BoxOver forums mod includes easy instructions and the BoxOver 2.1 script. It displays the bbcode-formatted post and filters bad words so the popup will look just like the viewtopic page. Users will save time by seeing a forum post before selecting it on the viewforum and forum search pages.

This mod is only for PHP-Nuke distributions and has not been submitted to or approved by the phpBB mods directory.

It is based on the Mouse Hover Topic Preview forums mod by Shannado, modified for PHP-Nuke by Dauthus.