PHP-Nuke Flash Player v0.3.2
Posted on Monday, August 29, 2011 @ 02:29:54 CDT in PHP-Nuke
by Raven
KennyW writes: What´s New in This Release v0.3.2: Update JW player to new version (v5.7.1896) Remove preview.swf,swfobject.js,video.flv files (not need) Module now not use JS code (many problem IE browser old swfobj lib) Preview now simple image not a swf file JW Player not supported more logo to not licenced version (settings removed) Fake EQ not support new JW player version (settings removed) Added tooltip.js to info text and jscolor.js (color picker) to easy coloring player layout Categories list and file list rewrite to table view not a select Integrated comment Chapta patch Updated block file and embed media file (removed swfobj lib, not support func.) Update about other bug fixDownload : PHP-Nuke Flash Player v0.3.2