Upgrade done!

Posted on Friday, April 19, 2019 @ 17:51:16 CDT in Announcements
by neralex

RPS is patched to the current version and installed on a new server. The website is using PHP 7.3.4 and has been optimized for it. Furthermore the RNWIKI and the demo page have been updated.

On the way of the revision I discovered some contemporary witnesses, which go back to the year 2009 and even further. Among other things, I found entries from the early days of this project when updating the RNWIKI and the Mantis bugtracker, which I of course humbly and proudly included in the patched system.

The logo in the header of the page has also been polished up and the block on the start page with the last commits for the RavenNuke repository on Github is also new. So you have now a direct overview which changes have been made without having to browse on Github.

Github offers a very good way to report bugs, a bug tracker where you can directly reference the corresponding files. For me it is also a very good solution to make current changes available immediately. I can only recommend it to everyone to deal with GIT and Github as remote-repository. Elnegro had recently provided many Italian translation customizations about this.

At this point once again a big thank you to Raven, Kguske, Montego, SpasticDonkey, Guardian and last but not least to Palbin for their great help and input in the last 10 years. Unfortunately, some time ago the Montego´s site went offline after many years and another large knowledge database disappeared from the Nuke-World. @Montego if you still have a backup, let me know. I would also like to receive the page.

I will definitely keep up RPS, because it contains a huge pool of knowledge for me and today I find many things that help me further.

What happened to the RavenCMS? Iit still exists and I´m still working on it. My private environment and my job have changed a lot over the last 3 years - I have turned a hobby into a profession. My free time has become very limited, which is why I have already given up another big project that I have been working on for many years. Now my head is free again and as you can see, I am moving.

If you find any issues, please feel free to report them to me at any time. Use the forum, Github or via PM.

Neralex wink