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 Topic: To fork or not to fork - that is the question

Replies: 281
Views: 506533

PostForum: General/Other Stuff   Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:17 am   Subject: To fork or not to fork - that is the question
Peejay. maybe u should read the posts Wink it's not a fork, it's a whole new portal.

 Topic: To fork or not to fork - that is the question

Replies: 281
Views: 506533

PostForum: General/Other Stuff   Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 4:41 pm   Subject: To fork or not to fork - that is the question
You know from my view FB greatest think was that he managed to do THAT not phpnuke as it is!
Not wanting to start a flame war here, but FB didn't do that. We did. Yes, I mean we including myself bac ...
 Topic: To fork or not to fork - that is the question

Replies: 281
Views: 506533

PostForum: General/Other Stuff   Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 11:03 am   Subject: To fork or not to fork - that is the question
Chatserv, I Know we may have had the odd difference, but I wasn't refering to you when i talked about hostility to outsiders.

As for recognition of your work, ANYBODY who knows you and has seen wha ...
 Topic: To fork or not to fork - that is the question

Replies: 281
Views: 506533

PostForum: General/Other Stuff   Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 6:25 am   Subject: To fork or not to fork - that is the question
Brum, but I think this is off topic again Wink

 Topic: To fork or not to fork - that is the question

Replies: 281
Views: 506533

PostForum: General/Other Stuff   Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 3:25 am   Subject: To fork or not to fork - that is the question
Yes, the history helps. But again, what is the difference between what Bob is doing on NSN-Nuke versus NukeScripts? Is NSN-Nuke from scratch type of approach and Bob is helping out? If so then why is ...
 Topic: To fork or not to fork - that is the question

Replies: 281
Views: 506533

PostForum: General/Other Stuff   Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 5:21 pm   Subject: Re: re: To fork or not to fork - that is the question
What it boils down to is confusion. Confusion on who is developing for this system for the official package (nukecops or phpnuke.org?), who's integrating and blessing the patches for the security pr ...
 Topic: To fork or not to fork - that is the question

Replies: 281
Views: 506533

PostForum: General/Other Stuff   Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 5:15 pm   Subject: To fork or not to fork - that is the question
as much as it pains me to say it, I don't think PHP-Nuke is going to be immensly different in terms of features from NSN-Nuke as FB seems to be erm..... "borrowing" most of our ideas for his own proje ...
 Topic: To fork or not to fork - that is the question

Replies: 281
Views: 506533

PostForum: General/Other Stuff   Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 2:39 pm   Subject: re: To fork or not to fork - that is the question
Why? Today, we have to answer questions like

I want the left column to disappear.

I want the right column to disappear.

I want to set the foreground/background/table/whatever colour ...
 Topic: To fork or not to fork - that is the question

Replies: 281
Views: 506533

PostForum: General/Other Stuff   Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:03 am   Subject: re: To fork or not to fork - that is the question

This post was brought to my attention and really has peaked my interest.

I know that if you go ahead with this that NSN-Nuke would be a rival of sorts to any project you would create, but ...

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