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 Topic: Invalid False Admin Cookie coppermine

Replies: 15
Views: 16985

PostForum: NukeSentinel(tm) v2.6.x   Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:09 pm   Subject: re: Invalid False Admin Cookie coppermine
Ok so now I feel stupid sorry myrtletrees been a weird day!

So fkelly, Palbin, Raven would this be secure enough of a work around?

// Invalid admin check
if(isset($aid) AND ( ...
 Topic: Invalid False Admin Cookie coppermine

Replies: 15
Views: 16985

PostForum: NukeSentinel(tm) v2.6.x   Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:23 pm   Subject: re: Invalid False Admin Cookie coppermine
This is the code fkelly was tolking about it seems to ignore the admin setting off though. Maybe no one ever shuts it off? Anyway you can try commenting it out until someone comes up with a check that ...
 Topic: Invalid False Admin Cookie coppermine

Replies: 15
Views: 16985

PostForum: NukeSentinel(tm) v2.6.x   Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:31 pm   Subject: re: Invalid False Admin Cookie coppermine
For anyone following this post the mentioned module freely is available from myrtletrees Where/when is this happening I'm not seeing that error?
 Topic: Coppermine for Raven

Replies: 5
Views: 7574

PostForum: v2.4 RN Issues   Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:00 pm   Subject: Coppermine for Raven
Makes sense! I'm not running a site that uses video or even a gallery right now. Been holding off to see how Jestrella does with his project. I liked MeG and it seems to have a simular layout. Also it ...
 Topic: Site Guardian

Replies: 14
Views: 17141

PostForum: Other - Discussion   Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:17 pm   Subject: Site Guardian
I'm still liking zbblock for its minimalistic approach. Though there is no user interface to monitor/manage stats. Which makes it a great candidate for hooking into for its use of the stop forum spam ...
 Topic: Coppermine for Raven

Replies: 5
Views: 7574

PostForum: v2.4 RN Issues   Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:49 pm   Subject: Coppermine for Raven
Have you inquired with pcnuke? It would be much easier for someone intimately familiar with the package to backport the hack. As far as I know the port is a dead project aside from the Dragonfly CMS c ...
 Topic: Download Exuberanza Theme Pack for RavenNuke(tm) For Free

Replies: 19
Views: 22957

PostForum: Themes   Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:04 pm   Subject: Download Exuberanza Theme Pack for RavenNuke(tm) For Free
I keep win2k-ie6 in a box where it belongs... sorry I missed this before nice work jestrella!
 Topic: What to change/remove from RavenNuke(tm)?

Replies: 78
Views: 112407

PostForum: v2.4 RN Issues   Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:34 pm   Subject: re: What to change/remove from RavenNuke(tm)?
One or two new themes as default package makes a lot of sense. FB did have a good idea of giving each release a smart new look. (Ok they weren't all that smart looking...) Marketing!

I was really l ...
 Topic: CSS 3.0 is going to be exciting

Replies: 46
Views: 86731

PostForum: CSS   Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:35 pm   Subject: re: CSS 3.0 is going to be exciting
That looks really awesome here is a good example of what CSS seems to always do for me (at least in some popular browser to be unnamed.
(Note real commercial product shown this not an endorsment!)
[ ...
 Topic: PHPBB3 to Nuke

Replies: 16
Views: 6744

PostForum: PHPBB   Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:37 pm   Subject: PHPBB3 to Nuke
nuken thanks for the quick reply as always! I agree for the time being phpBB2 is very good and meets the needs of most.
 Topic: PHPBB3 to Nuke

Replies: 16
Views: 6744

PostForum: PHPBB   Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:08 pm   Subject: PHPBB3 to Nuke
When converting the db do the attachments transfer too?

Any reason not to give this a try?

I assume this would speed the forum up for many by leaving the CMS queries seperate.

Hmn so many for ...
 Topic: FCKeditor - file uploads directory path

Replies: 38
Views: 57819

PostForum: v2.4 RN Issues   Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:55 pm   Subject: re: FCKeditor - file uploads directory path
I'd start by checking the permissions on the upload directory.
I used the default /uploads/ directory myself. (bad security I know...)

It might be something in the switching is incomplete? I'd be ...
 Topic: MySQL 5.5 has been released.

Replies: 1
Views: 5570

PostForum: MySQL   Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:51 pm   Subject: MySQL 5.5 has been released.
There have been impressive claims about MySQL 5.5, and you’ll find reports detailing speed improvements of up to 4,000%. Take those with a large pinch of salt, but you can generally expect version 5 ...
 Topic: I want a news submitter that lets you submit like fb status

Replies: 8
Views: 11795

PostForum: Converting/Creating Modules   Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:28 am   Subject: I want a news submitter that lets you submit like fb status
Facebook isn't that a movie starring John Travolta, Nicolas Cage?

Sorry couldn't resist. Like few others I've never participated on Facebook so the title is meaningless without more info.
 Topic: Catch em at the door with mod rewrite

Replies: 5
Views: 10965

PostForum: Security Issues   Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:24 pm   Subject: Catch em at the door with mod rewrite
unicornio I only glanced but Indy\ Library seems to be covered twice. I'd remove one. I think splitting the topic XSS and BOTS might make sense. BOTS are well covered by other resources online I'd lik ...
 Topic: Catch em at the door with mod rewrite

Replies: 5
Views: 10965

PostForum: Security Issues   Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am   Subject: Catch em at the door with mod rewrite
We could expand this to include UNION and so on. Just a thought from something old I found on the osc contribs. Its a nice example at any rate.

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} base64_encode.* ...
 Topic: .htaccess Errors When Running A PHP->HTML Script

Replies: 9
Views: 57351

PostForum: Converting/Creating Other   Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:07 pm   Subject: re: .htaccess Errors When Running A PHP->HTML Script
Try setting up a build directory with 0777 permissions.
 Topic: osc2nuke 2.3

Replies: 24
Views: 31276

PostForum: eCommerce   Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:32 pm   Subject: osc2nuke 2.3
Nice work!
 Topic: osc2nuke 2.3

Replies: 24
Views: 31276

PostForum: eCommerce   Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:00 pm   Subject: osc2nuke 2.3
What happens if the mysql sessions are used?
 Topic: Problem with FCKeditor uploading or getting directory.

Replies: 15
Views: 29538

PostForum: v2.4 RN Issues   Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:10 pm   Subject: re: Problem with FCKeditor uploading or getting directory.
I'm not familar with abyss but I am guessing the path in use is reletive to the webroot and for some reason its different now. I've never bothered to chase down that language issue but its been a long ...
 Topic: NEW Super Tabs Block

Replies: 12
Views: 16775

PostForum: Converting/Creating Blocks   Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:23 am   Subject: re: NEW Super Tabs Block
One small tip is the current module directory structure is to put the modules admin directory inside the ./modules/module_name directory rather then inside the ./admin directory. While there are still ...
 Topic: Is this what you would call an active forum?

Replies: 4
Views: 9596

PostForum: Other - Discussion   Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:08 am   Subject: Is this what you would call an active forum?
It is full of useful tidbits. Bit tough to navigate with so many cats to trip over.
 Topic: Spamming my site

Replies: 11
Views: 18189

PostForum: Security - PHP Nuke   Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:02 am   Subject: Spamming my site
I meant did you use mod rewrite or? Just thinking of what would be the most resource friendly approach ect... Always fun to see what others are doing in response to issues like this.
 Topic: Spamming my site

Replies: 11
Views: 18189

PostForum: Security - PHP Nuke   Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:48 pm   Subject: re: Spamming my site
What sort of htaccess response are you using?

That works for a very specific type of DoS attack. Empty user-agent I believe. May cause issue with some proxies (bad ones basica ...
 Topic: Raven, check this out...

Replies: 9
Views: 11869

PostForum: Other - Discussion   Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:16 pm   Subject: re: Raven, check this out...
Pretty accurate:
The estimated value of www.mydevshed.com is: $0
Which is just about right except its more like minus-$120 and some change...

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