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Joined: Mar 08, 2005
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Fri Jun 30, 2006 9:55 am |
The question is, "Should Raven integrate the NSN suite into RavenNuke"? |
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Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:11 pm |
The answer is  |
Theme Guru

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Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:41 pm |
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Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:20 pm |
The idea is worthwhile, but the question / survey probably could have been worded better (i.e. Raven won't be responsible for doing all the work associated with such efforts).
We generally consider adding things to RavenNuke that meet several criteria (Raven and Montego, please correct me if I'm wrong):
- provides enhanced security
- provides functionality that a majority of users want
- requires modifications to core files
- doesn't restrict users from adding other addons, themes, etc.
Aseitz, as we've discussed, there is definitely some merit to considering replacing some of the default modules with NSN enhancements (e.g. NSN-News, NSN-Banner Ads, NSN->CNB YA). However, with NSN Group Downloads, although it's a good replacement, there isn't a clear preference for that (though I prefer it, many others do not).
However, other modules (e.g. NukeProject, NukeWeather, etc.) don't exist in PHP-Nuke, don't require modifications to the core files, and could easily be added for those that want it. Thus it's unlikely that we would consider adding these to RavenNuke.
A better question might be: which one enhancement would you most like to see added to RavenNuke, followed by a listing of various enhancements, including the NSN modules you are interested in. |
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Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:39 pm |
aseitz, love the graphic! Raven never looked so good... Anyways, back on topic... the survey is just not complete enough for me to answer. The answer that I would most likely pick is not on this list. It might be more appropriate to have a survey with each of the NSN scripts listed with checkboxes and allow folks to pick their favorites that they would want included. Unfortunately, none of the survey tools in nuke does this...  |
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Joined: May 15, 2004
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Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:37 am |
please don't change anything that will hurt other modules.
Some of us, I think, are using phpNuke as a base for their own module.
The existing modules, like download or weblinks, are more than pure and ugly looking ones. I hate them ...
What I try to say is, if you do exchange them with better ones, that will be great. It can be a problem if those new modules are using different database tables because that will/can affect other modules. So, if changes you make will ensure that:
1. existing tables are populated (even the new module use different tables)
2. changes to core files will not affect other modules
That will be great, RN will still be a 'normal' phpNuke, just better ....  |
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Joined: Nov 22, 2004
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Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:25 am |
The only module I'd like to see completely redone is web-links.
The way it is now is completely useless in term of SEO/SERP. |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:06 am |
An interesting idea, guidyy. What improvements would you suggest? Have you seen a similar module or standalone application that does it better? |
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Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:29 am |
I would have to agree with most of benson's comments and I think most of those involved with the on-going development of RN would also agree.
However, there will ALWAYS be a trade-off somewhere down the line. You do not anything for nothing as far as nuke is concerned.
Altering core nuke files is always something that conncerns me from a code maintenance and compatibility aspect which is wht, behind the scenes, so much thought, discussion and testing goes on. Likewise, altering core nuke tables is something I think everyone tries to avoid (or should do) but when it is essential, the pro's and con's of doing so have to be weighed very carefully as well as other avenues explored in case there are other ways of achieving the same result.
I have not really maximised the use of the Weblinks module on any of my sites, mostly because it is always set to registered user access only and it seems human nature dictates that registering just to put a link in is too much trouble (suits me fine ).
However, my thoughts do turn immediately to something similar, like the Yellow Pages modules (there are several versions about) - something that would allow not just plain old 'links' but something a little more like a link directory type script with categories, sub-categories, ability to add name/address/phone (as options) as well as keywords etc for the various categories and links themselves. |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:52 am |
The main problem is the redirection:
No one will exchange links with you if you do not carry any pagerank back.
some of the features Link review, rate your resource, are just a waste of resource.
other cool features:
Thumbnails of the pages you are linking.
Sponsored links on top (paid inclusion for one-way links)
Reciprocal link checker (if you drop my link, I drop your too)
Just my 2 cents.
P.S. there are several stand alone web-links managment system
I can recall |
Last edited by guidyy on Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:14 am; edited 1 time in total |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:07 am |
well weblinks is realy one of the modules that should be changed because it is used on nearly every site
(not this one, but you always see a 'Links' entry on most sites).
What I like to see in it is:
* reading meta and other informations automatically
* generating a snapshot of the site (see Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!, sorry it's in german)
* import of the old 'phpNuke' links (I do not want to loose them )
* showing new entries, not just dates )
* comments
* rating
* own link and banner listing
* top-site function
* short and extended list of links
* google (what ever they want )
* link check (invalid or broken links)
* better admin function (not pure by link number, who knows all that numbers?)
* premium links (to be payed?) show separatly
* separat banner / image entry (selectable, not only as html ref.)
* email notification for new entries to admin
* etc.
Who is doing it ? How long will it take? (joke)  |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:20 am |
Now you have mentioned it, yes, editing by weblink ID number is a stupid idea - I wonder which brain dead individual thought up that bright idea in the first place.
I'll do it. Guaranteed complete, with any other modifications you want and will be available for download on the 30th February 2007 (only). |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:31 am |
This is great feedback! It's not that I'm unaware of these ideas - I just wanted to solicit your feedback (see similar posts for News, Your Account).
There are some existing modules that provide some of the functionality listed here (e.g. NSN Supporters).
I understand guidyy's suggestions, but have some questions / comments for benson:
- read META description is a neat idea!
- what do you mean by own link and banner listing? A link to us feature with sample banners?
- Should the top-site function use links and / order ratings?
- Would anyone really use an RSS of links? How should it be sorted?
- What do you mean by google?
- link check (this would be useful for entire site, not just for the links module!)
And a suggestion of my own:
- add a News topic (or topics) to the link so that it appears in the Related Links section of News and / or build a keyword search that does this dynamically (similar to related topics in the forums) |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:32 am |
Hi Guardian2003,
sounds good, I know if you do the job, it will be great!
Can you offer a beta version on the 23.Feb.2007, it's my birthday! Would be a nice gift!
I have only one addition, can you please add a template system? Would be perfect if we all could change the layout in a very easy way ... |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:41 am |
kguske wrote: |
- read META description is a neat idea!
- what do you mean by own link and banner listing? A link to us feature with sample banners?
- Should the top-site function use links and / order ratings?
- Would anyone really use an RSS of links? How should it be sorted?
- What do you mean by google?
- link check (this would be useful for entire site, not just for the links module!)
ok, RSS is a stupid idea, META Tag DESCRIPTION would be useful?
Link to us would be fine, if a guest/user is in the Links section he can find a direct link to a kind of 'link to us function', e.g. if I add my link to a site, I can take their banner at the same time ...
Google, I am not familiar with that, but it should be optimized for crawling and a page rank should be given back. It would be also nice to see the pagerank for the listed links ...?
Link check for the entire site is the solution, not only for weblinks. |

Joined: Dec 19, 2004
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Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:48 am |
Guardian it seems you are busy until February 2007 and don´t forget the template preview system
I think I´ll make a long list what modules I don´t activate after install if this is all included. |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:36 pm |
Guardian2003 wrote: |
I'll do it. Guaranteed complete, with any other modifications you want and will be available for download on the 30th February 2007 (only). |
Nice deadline you gave yourself!

Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:46 pm |
benson wrote: | It would be also nice to see the pagerank for the listed links ...?
Link check for the entire site is the solution, not only for weblinks. |
Everyone who works with links and keep an eye on competitors, usually has both google and alexa toolbar installed.
Even my idea of the thumbnails is quite crap but it can be more attractive for real people... In term of SEO/SERP is just bandwidth wasting LOL
I dont know you but I'm a KISS person Keep It Simple Stupid!
Guido |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:46 pm |
guidyy wrote: | Guardian2003 wrote: |
I'll do it. Guaranteed complete, with any other modifications you want and will be available for download on the 30th February 2007 (only). |
Nice deadline you gave yourself!
Thats why I gave that deadline, it was a little tongue-in-cheek.
I thought if I wrote "the 12th of never" it would take the fun out of it.
Sorry to those who were already anticipating the arrival, sadly I just have too much on at the moment to undertake such a project but I'm wiling to chip in where I can. |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:53 pm |
OK, here we go, let me get a little more serious now...........
RSS feed - I dont think that is beneficial, it would only provide outbound links and thus subvert any other other SEO techniques you have employed.
Link checker - a link checker rather than just a plain old reciprocal link checker - great idea kguske!!
I also like the idea of a dynamically built 'associated' topics based on keywords or keyword density, thats pretty cool and I don't think I have actually seen anything like that, anywhere.
Top Sites - actually, thinking about it, it makes sense to incorporate a top sites function within this. It would certainly help to keep things a little neater (effectively combining two module into one).
There are some outstanding idea's here. Makes me so proud to be a part of this community!! |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:55 pm |
I already found a couple of options for defaulting the META tag description...
benson, nothing is a stupid suggestion since it could stimulate other, more useful ideas. I like the page rank, Alexa ratings, but I'm not sure what the impact would be to do that for a page of links. Thoughts? |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:09 pm |
I actually have a directory script which displays the google PR and Alexa rank with a thumbnail of the linked sites homepage.
I thought it was quite a good feature at the time which is why I used it but it can cause a little bit of page load delay due to importing the data from Alexa - proved some sort 'timer' to grab the data was included to prevent excessive load times (which the script I have used did not have) I shouldn't think it would not be a problem - of course we would have to resort to some sort of 'default' dataset if there was a 'fetch data' failure such as a default 'no pic' image and and approriate "we could not retrieve the current data" type message.
benson - I agree with kguske, keep the idea's coming, there is no such thing as a bad or stupid question/idea as it can stimulate other questions and idea's - thats how we humans learn things. |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:40 pm |
Maybe the thumbnail could be generated when the link is submitted, rather than each time it's displayed? |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:37 pm |
Sounds like a do-able option, yeah why not! |

Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:56 pm |
Just as an FYI, v2.10.00 is frozen, internally. Nothing more is being added. We are working on cleaning up the outstanding issues, so any discussions here should be understood for future versions. |