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Joined: Feb 08, 2005
Posts: 290
Location: USA
Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:34 pm |
I've changed my theme and now all the pages are blank! I did a search on the web and found that the problem is a result of my FTP progy u/l all the files in *forced lowercase* ... I've tried reinstalling ALL the files from the originals on my harddrive but I still see nothing : o{
Can someone please tell me what file I changed while in admin.php so I can go back in and put the default theme in? I'm not sure that will fix it but it's worth a try. What code should I change to get it back to default for the theme?
For the record the site *was working* before I changed the theme, except those parts for which that theme didn't apply.
I'd also like to know what files are changed when one edits admin.php!?
Thanks in advance. |
_________________ Bluezzz
~ Stop & smell the roses, while you can! ~ |

Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:40 pm |
Oh, another change I *had made* while in admin was to the names on the modules which were then showing lowercase, I think I only changed what the name would show up under for Site Navigation block but since I've reu/l ALL the folders which are now not only lowercase, I'm wondering if perhaps the table that holds those module names is still showing as lowercase when in fact it needs to show as whatever it actually is? Help? |

Joined: Apr 05, 2006
Posts: 263
Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:58 pm |
subsilver standard on phpbb/2 or fisbuce ravennuke 7.6 new distro if im correct |
_________________ LUV RAVEN DISTROBUTION BEBE are great (free advertisements for now until i get to 20,000 posts LoL) |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:03 am |
I know what the default theme is, the question was where is that changed, what file? When I changed it from admin.php ... what file was changed that I need to go back in and set it to default?
Likewise, how do I reset the database so that it reads the corrected file format (not just lowercase)? |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 29, 2004
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Location: Arizona
Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:56 am |
Quote: |
I know what the default theme is, the question was where is that changed, what file? When I changed it from admin.php ... what file was changed that I need to go back in and set it to default?
No "file" is changed. Using phpMyAdmin, edit your nuke_config table record and modify the field Default_Theme back to whatever theme you want.
Quote: |
Likewise, how do I reset the database so that it reads the corrected file format (not just lowercase)?
I do not understand this. After you change the default theme back to something that is working, I would remove ALL of your files for that theme. Then, I would get yourself a good FTP tool, such as FileZilla (very popular and FREE FTP client that you can get from SourceForge - it is ALL I use now at home and at work). Then re-FTP the files so that they retain their case. |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:03 am |
I got both resolved by reinstalling the INSTALLATION folder and redoing the installSQL.php and setup.php sections. Of course I lost any changes I had made but no biggy to redo those. Thanks for your replies! I'm back up and running *for now* and *until next time*.
Although, I'm still not sure which files got changed in mySQL tables. |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:02 pm |
Well almost everything resolved : o/
I cannot see anything (blank page) when going into Forum Admin ... I can click on Forums under Site Navigation, and go to the actual Forums page, but the Forums Admin page (accessed from the Site Admin page) is blank ... again I suspect it has to do with the theme which is not the same as the main site ... I think it's ppbbs or somesuch, not sure why there's a problem with that. Any suggestions? And yes, I have searched but not found an answer *yet*. |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:57 pm |
Well to help you which FTP program you using, as you can change that >change all cases to lower case in the tools /options/prefrences tab at top just look in there you will find it just play with it,
i use Smart-FTP and i have to uncheck pasv otherwise it cuts files out of upload another
pain when FTPing files to and from server , i only upload or down 1 main folder at a time to make sure it done right.
/modules/your_account/files.php and then check they match each other
your machine/files >> site/files
modules/your_account/files.php /modules/your_account/files.php
in your case its /modules/forum/templates >upload your defaut theme into here again and do what i said above is confusing at first but you get used to it after 8months  |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:01 pm |
Yep I've done that. It seems to be a theme issue on the forum, same issue I had with the main site before I reinstalled the sql tables ... I'm just not sure what file make the forum theme change in? In other words, this RN76 2.02.02 has apparently used a forum theme that is compatible or something, I say this because when I changed the site theme ALL the pages went blank (when they had all been fine). I've seen there is a theme issue from what I've read on the web. I just need to know how to change the forum theme to something that will allow the admin page to show? |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:12 pm |
i remember i had that same thing when i moved sites a while back.
montego wroteQuote: | No "file" is changed. Using phpMyAdmin, edit your nuke_config table record and modify the field Default_Theme back to whatever theme you want. |
your deafult theme is different to the Ravennuke 7.6 DISTRO
you will find that if you follow Montego`s help above [expand] if needed it will sort your problem out.
if you need me to walk you through it i will long version. |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:24 pm |
The only theme installed for the Forums/templates folder is subSilver : o/ So I'm going to attempt to copy over the fisubice theme over and see if that works ... I think it IS already set for the right theme but the theme didn't come installed for the Forums? |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:41 pm |
not Forums/templates
Modules/forums/templates for when your in
forum >index you said above your page was blank ^ that is how you fix it.
did you upload a backup file to your database/phpmyadmin ? this will be an SQL file
if so your default theme might be different since you have used other templates or theme/s on your old site.
1. what is your old site template/theme called ?
2. have you an SQL backup of your old site ?
3. if so>> let us know here cant help you unless you give those i`m afraid , not physic man lots of versions themes/template out not good at geussing games !
going to bed get back tomorrow |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:50 pm |
I'm using Raven's Distro, the latest ... 76 2.02.02 ... I am not installing over anything previously existing, this is a new site. I have not changed the theme, it should be whatever was in the distro. This is not an old site (although I do have another site these two sites are in no way related), this is a completely new site. I installed Raven's Distro new, there was nothing there beforehand, I followed the instructions that came with the distro. Therefore, I don't have an old theme ... I only have what was in the distro.
From phpMyAdmin this is what is showing under the nuke_config table (but I have no clue how to change it's theme since I have no idea what that table thinks the default should be. The only theme in there (modules/Forums/templates) was subSilver and yes all is in it and accounted for. I tried copying over the contents of the distro theme (fisubice) to that same folder (modules/Forums/templates) but that didn't work : o/
SQL query:SELECT COUNT( * ) AS `Rows` , `Default_Theme`
FROM `nuke_config`
GROUP BY `Default_Theme`
ORDER BY `Default_Theme`
LIMIT 0 , 30
How do I find out *what* the Default_Theme is so I can change it to subSilver? |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:32 pm |
Bluezzz, You have got to get yourself a new FTP client. If you have FTP'd everything in the distribution to your site and followed the setup instructions in the HowToInstall manual, then these issues would not be here.
I would bet good $ that you have missing files. You need to use something like FileZilla (get for free from SourceForge). I have NEVER had an issue with it and even use it at work, which I have to be extremely picky with what I use there because I cannot aford FTP issues. |

Tue Aug 22, 2006 1:17 am |
I have that, currently I'm using WS_FTP tho, never had a problem with it. I'll double/tripple check to be sure all the files made it over and if they have I'll return to plague you with more posts LOL hugzzz |

Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:02 am |
WS_FTP Pro is also very good...  |

Tue Aug 22, 2006 4:28 pm |
OK I reinstalled ALL files from /modules/forum but still when I'm in admin.php and then click on the Forums Admin icon, the page comes up blank. Again, I think this has something to do with the theme but I'm not sure what. Since I've reuploaded all the files for the forum and that didn't fix it ... what else controls the forum that I should look at? How would I look at what the Default_Theme is to be sure it's the right one or change it if need be??? |

Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:42 pm |
i re-read everything and noticed this
[quote]Oh, another change I *had made* while in admin was to the names on the modules which were then showing lowercase, I think I only changed what the name would show up under for Site Navigation block but since I've reu/l ALL the folders which are now not only lowercase, I'm wondering if perhaps the table that holds those module names is still showing as lowercase when in fact it needs to show as whatever it actually is? Help?
only the first letter in modules is Capital
this is what (i presume) ours looks like this >
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
THE forum/templates >should have fisbuce aswell as subsilver |

Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:07 pm |
As I stated later in this post, I had to reinstall ALL the files ... done. I then had to rebuild the SQL tables ... done. The ENTIRE site works fine now EXCEPT I cannot access the Forums Admin page.
I can click on Forums in the Modules block and I get that no forums are active or whatever it says. From Admin when I click on Forum Admin button I get a blank page so I can't set up the forum at all. What came in the distro has been installed, the Forum theme was subSilver, the site theme is fisubice. I assume that Default_Theme for the forum would be subSilver (since that is what was in the distro).
When I was talking about capitals (making changes, it was before I reinstalled, I doubt it's the problem now ... unless the SQL table didn't get changed ... but then I didn't actually change any tables).
I've been searching the web for the following ...
modules/Forums/admin/index.php blank
One link I found in google that comes back here is
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The problem is the thing is so old I don't know if it still applies!?
I didn't activate Sentinel yet because the instructions said to setup the Forums first, I can't set up the forums until I can get at the admin page : o. |

Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:17 pm |
well i just tried deleting my
Modules/Forum/admin/index.php the theme subsilver NO EFFECT
Then i Deleted INDEX.PHP from that Folder above Guess what i got blank page
re upload this file >++ your modules/forum/admin > index.php file |

Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:36 pm |
Nope, no go, the file was the same but I u/l it anyway modules/Forums/admin/index.php ... didn't help, but thanks for the suggestion.
I'm currently reading here:
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I'm not sure if these folks' problems relate to mine but at least it shows I'm not crazy LOL |

Wed Aug 23, 2006 7:24 am |
Try in config.php setting your display_errors to TRUE. Do you get anything then?
By the way, had you, by chance, uploaded a different theme and set your site to use it PRIOR to trying to access the Forum admin page the first time? |

Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:46 am |
Nope, I did not upload a different theme. I think it could be that the config file (per instructions) is not in the nuke directory ... the instructions said to put it in another directory and create a new config.php in the root, which I did. Maybe somewhere in the Forums admin it's still looking for the real config?
I'll try your suggestion tho. |

Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:53 am |
OK I made display_errors TRUE but alas no errors showed.
From what I've read it may have something to do with any of the following:
themes or Sentinel. I did activate Sentinel but that didn't change anything either, I've not yet changed the settings as set in instructions because again the instructions say to get the site set up including Forums first, then make Sentinel changes. I have found on the web where some have had the blank Forums Admin problem due to Sentinel but I don't know if that applies to me since the posts were old.
I'll just have to keep searching : o/ |

Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:18 am |
OK I'm in! What I had to do was put the config.php (with all the db info) back into the nuke folder rather than the suggested new config.php. The problem with that is that leaves my config wide open and in a known location right? I mean, the instructions said to change the location of the real config and then put another config in it's place pointing to where it actually is. I see there is also a config.php in the Forums folder ... should that one also be changed to the dummy config for security sake?
At least we know it was the dummy config.php that was causing the problem. Now how do I keep that dummy config and still be able to use the forum admin too!?
Also I am getting an upgrade message ... should I do it or no?
Version Information
Your installation does not seem to be up to date. Updates are available for your version of phpBB, please visit to obtain the latest version of BBToNuke (the ported version of phpBB files for phpNuke).
The latest available version is phpBB 2.0.21. You are running phpBB 2.0.20.
I'm afraid upgrading might cause yet more problems! |