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Joined: Aug 02, 2006
Posts: 18
Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:14 am |
I'm sorry if this has been posted somewhere - I couldn't find it.
I've recently installed the 2.02.02 full build on my site and all I get on the index.php and admin.php pages is a < sign. I'm hosting with Godaddy because it came with the domain. This is my first install of the Raven distro. I have installed phpnuke on my home machine but it was win2k3 and now this is Linux, which i have very little experience with. It looks like the tables are created just fine and they are populated like they should be. But it just won't bring up the site.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Ps. I'm sorry i just realized i posted this in the wrong section  |
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Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:26 am |
a link to the site might be helpfull, I have never seen this problem and cannot speak for godaddy hosting.
I always recomend a good host that you find and not one provided.
Ravens hosting  |
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Joined: Jul 15, 2004
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Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:13 am |
Well at one time I used godaddy and had RN 2.02.02 running just fine on it so it is probly not the hosting |
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To strive, to seek, to find, but not to yield!
I don't know Kara-te but I do know cra-zy, and I WILL use it! |

Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:49 am |
Sorry, i thought i had posted it. is the site.
Thanks for taking a look. I might look into a different provider, i would just like to see if I can get this going since it is provided with the domain.
-CPO |

Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:34 am |
You are using the free hosting, I was using the paid hosting, so I will retract my statment about the account. |

Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:55 am |
Do you not think it's even worth spending the time to try and get working? |

Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:07 pm |
well, free is a nice price. It depends on if Raven Nuke will work with a free hosted account at godaddy, they may do some things that will keep it from working....
I am trying to start a new free aocunt over ther now just to see what is going on..
I don't know how long it will take to create the account and when I can play with it so I may not know till tomorrow if it can tun nuke..
So all I can say I am looking into it but it may take awhile to get an answer.
other wise try a reinstall or to reupload all files to make sure non were corupt in uploading. |

Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:22 pm |
I'll try reuploading again, is there a program you prefer to use? I've tried smartftp which i read isn't great so I then tried ws_ftp but I still get the same results. I've also tried to reinstall it once...
Thanks for going through all this to help me out! |

Wed Aug 16, 2006 2:04 pm |
just an update to you cpo, waiting for DNS to catch up to new account at godaddy to test nuke on it, so still no answers at this time. |

Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:10 am |
OK I got the account running, uploaded nuke and installed it and I got the same thing as you, just a <.
So there is a problem in the hosting. So even if we can figure what it is and get nuke to run (which is gonna be hard as there is not a lot of information on how they have thier free hosting accoints set up) who know what other problems we could have in the future.
Free is good but it looks like you will need to pay for hosting, I know that godaddy can run nuke as I have done it, and of course you can host with Raven....or many others.
I will play with this a bit more but I am not goning to spend to much time on it. |

Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:34 am |
Thank you so much for spending your time on this already! I guess i'll have to do something different with my hosting. I greatly appreciate your time! Don't worry about spending much more time on it, unless you think you might be able to figure it out relatively quickly - which it doesn't look like by your last post.
Thanks again!
-CPO |

Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:39 pm |
Well I have no idea why this works, but if you edit mainfile.php and put in
echo " ";
it will show the main page... so I got it to run sortof, but then I got problems with admin and sentinel so at this point I'm giving up on it. |

Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:02 pm |
LOL, ok. No problem. Thanks again for looking into it. I did in the mean time try setting up PHP Nuke 7.8 and it worked right away. I wonder if it'd be possible to upgrade to raven nuke after that... I'll play around with it though.
-CPO |
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Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:19 pm |
For what it's worth, you've gotten some good experience in setting up sites with all this. I just looked in on the link to your 7.8 site and it looks fine. But before you invest a lot more time in this I'd highly recommend that you wipe it out and try again with Ravennuke 2.02.02. I'm not sure what the "<" problem is but give us some time to work with it and we'll figure it out.
If the host can support a 7.8 site then it can support Ravennuke. There's no difference there. You still might find it more cost effective over the long term (if you value time at all) to go with a professional host such as Raven's. For one thing, just having access to PHPmyadmin can save you hours of time and tons of headache. |

Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:39 pm |
fkelly wrote: | For what it's worth, you've gotten some good experience in setting up sites with all this. I just looked in on the link to your 7.8 site and it looks fine. But before you invest a lot more time in this I'd highly recommend that you wipe it out and try again with Ravennuke 2.02.02. I'm not sure what the "<" problem is but give us some time to work with it and we'll figure it out.
If the host can support a 7.8 site then it can support Ravennuke. There's no difference there. You still might find it more cost effective over the long term (if you value time at all) to go with a professional host such as Raven's. For one thing, just having access to PHPmyadmin can save you hours of time and tons of headache. |
You're right, this has been good experience. If you want to give me a hand troubleshooting it, I'm game... I'll go ahead and wipe it clean and try a fresh install of RavenNuke 2.02.02. Once I get it there, I'll post back here what happens. I do actually have access to phpmyadmin through the cpanel so that has actually been very nice.
I'll let you know what happens.

Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:13 pm |
Alrighty, I've blown away the PHPNuke 7.8 install, including the database. I've uploaded the RavenNuke 2.02.02 full and gone through the HowToInstall guide (as best i can, i can't get to the admin.php page to configure beyond the initial setup.php). I still get the "<" though . take a look:
Let me know what you think I should do.
-CPO |

Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:27 pm |
OK, sorry i just added the echo " "; to the mainfile.php like Tao_Man suggested and I can get to the site. I have error reporting enabled and there is one mentioning the mainfile.php and when i get to the admin.php as well. The error is like this:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/c/p/o/cpopsahl/html/mainfile.php:22) in /home/content/c/p/o/cpopsahl/html/mainfile.php on line 313
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/c/p/o/cpopsahl/html/mainfile.php:22) in /home/content/c/p/o/cpopsahl/html/admin.php on line 102
As I was typing this, I now try to go back to my site and i got blocked...
Any thoughts? |

Fri Aug 18, 2006 10:12 am |
Ok tracking down that error leads to this...
create a file called php.ini in your web root or nuke root, put in it
output_buffering = on
do not use PHP_FLAG output_buffering on in your .htaccess, as php is set up as CGI.
I got it to work just fine under Firefox this way!
But under Internet Explorer all I got was our old friend <
Ok I think this must be a theame issue then
And for anybody else I got it to run just by normal install haven't changed anything yet, no upgreades to sentinel or anything as of yet but site is running. |

Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:00 am |
tried diffrent themes that came with RN 2.02.02 and none of them seem to work in IE, but got site up under FF just fine got Sentinel all set up with cgi auth and forum admin protedted |

Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:02 am |
Do you still have that echo in mainfile? What line is it on? What's at lines 22 and 313 in your mainfile? Maybe quote a few lines around those lines for us here.
If you take the echo statement out then you just get a blank screen?
I'm looking at your site and wondering if the ads that Godaddy sticks up at the top of the page might be causing the problem. If you look at view source for the page you don't see the ads so Godaddy must be doing something to stick them there before your page is generated. I can't quite figure how they are doing it because normally everything you see on a page is in the view source. But I'm wondering if that's the cause of the output already started error ...
Try taking the echo statement out and rerun the thing and look at view source and see what you get. Sometimes even if the page appears blank you can see the cause of the error in the source. |

Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:26 am |
well as cpo, is the one with the real problem i'm just helping him out ill let him answer most of those questions. but just to set it out what has been going on
1. a regular install of RN just shows a < on screen in IE or FF
2. I found that putting a statment of echo " "; right at the top after <?php in mainfile.php would make it show up in FF but not IE but it still gave errors, from those errors I got to...
3. set output_buffering = on in php.ini, now WITH NO EDITS a stright RN 2.02.02 will work in FF but not IE.
4. at no time in IE did it show anything outer then < after the ads.
If you want you can got to in IE and FF to see. This is a stright RN 2.02.02 install nothing has been changed or updated from the install other then I did protect the forum admin files. |

Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:23 pm |
I can see the site okay in both IE and Firefox. This is from the site you listed. I looked further at view source to see how they were sticking those ads up top and there's a Jabascript file that executes at the bottom of the file. You'll notice a slight hesitation before the Jabascript thing fills in its place at the top of the page. The link to the Jabascript is to a script on the Godaddy page. (I'm using IE 6 btw and the latest Firefox, I almost forgot how to load IE).
I was thinking that to diagnose the problem you could create a simple PHP file that just displays a "hello world" type of html screen. See if that works or whether the Godaddy script causes problems with it. |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:14 am |
Sorry for not replying, i was on vacation this weekend...
fkelly wrote: | Do you still have that echo in mainfile? What line is it on? What's at lines 22 and 313 in your mainfile? Maybe quote a few lines around those lines for us here.
If you take the echo statement out then you just get a blank screen?
Yes, i still have the echo in the mainfile. I tried taking it out and it went back to our good old < sign. I've put the echo back in for now...
I've also tried the php.ini with and without the echo in mainfile.php. Either way with the php.ini, i get the < sign. I'm not exactly sure i have the php.ini file right, all i have in it is the output_buffering = on, is that all I should have in there?
I wanna try the Hello world php page, however i'm not sure how to do that... I'm really really green as far as writing php code.
Thanks for your help! |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:44 am |
Something like this should work:
echo '<h_tml>';
echo '<head>';
echo '</head>';
echo '<b_ody>';
echo 'hello world';
echo '</b_ody>';
echo '</h_tml>';
Just save it to the root of your Nuke site and execute it from the address bar. It should display hello world. I even tested it
I'm very suspicious of that Jabascript that I see GoDaddy executing and I think that may be fouling up your site. But I don't know that for sure. If this test scribt gives you errors then we'll be a bit surer.
Note I had to stick some underscores into some of the tags to get them thru Sentinel security. b_ody, h_tml, just take the underscores out. |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:01 am |
As far the php.ini file goes it sounds like you have it set up right it is a simple text file placed in your web root. All I have in mine is output_buffering = on, and I now no longer need that echo statment.
A real simple hello world script would be
echo "hello world!";
this ran just fine on my domain under IE or FF. |