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Joined: Aug 15, 2006
Posts: 66
Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:18 am |
Quote: | On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union formally downgraded Pluto from an official planet to a dwarf planet. Following many years of controversial debate since its discovery in 1930 and following hot on the heals of the discovery of another small planet Xena in our solar system, which turns out to be 5 percent larger than Pluto, the IAU have changed the definition of what makes a planet, a planet. |
I'm trying to add the above text to my news module but it just keeps redirecting me to the main page of the site, even when previewing. I've got no clue why it won't add it. It seems to add the word "test" fine. |

Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:23 am |
If I ty to add "On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union" it adds fine but has a problem with the word formally..... Though If I just try to publish the word formally by its self, it'll do that. I don't understand ?????? |
Site Admin

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Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:25 am |
It's the word Union. Change the letter o to the number zero (0). NukeSentinel doesn't like union because it's used in all kinds of attacks. |
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Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:25 am |
Oh... If I take out the world "Union" from the entire paragraph it will post it. However when I just tried to post the start of the paragraph up to and including Union it allowed it to preview. This is like. Wierd. Ummmm how do I stop this from happening? |

Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:29 am |
Sorry Kguske, was posting and editing as you posted.
Is there anyway to stop that apart from changing the letter o to 0? I mean its the name of an organisation that I'd like to represent correctly on my site. And one that will probably be used often. |

Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:38 am |
What version of NukeSentinel are you using? I think it's gone back and forth on how it stops union attacks... |

Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:40 am |
NukeSentinel(tm) 2.5.02
I ended up just putting a space in the name though I'd still like to be able to post it correctly. - though if it means having security less tight then I'll stick to putting a space in the name.
(thanks for your help btw) |

Joined: Dec 28, 2004
Posts: 94
Thu Aug 31, 2006 5:16 am |
Im using 2.5.1 and ravens latest distro and just found the same problem.
If I type "Union Jack" and post in the forums its OK.
If I type "The Union Jack" it bins out to the main page.
If I turn off the Union blocker its works fine so it is directly related.
Should I post this in the Sentinel forums?
Trub |
Theme Guru

Joined: Nov 01, 2003
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Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:51 am |

Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:02 pm |
Sorry Jaded, I wrote that very badly.
On NO account have I or should anyone leave theirselves open to exploit.
Trub |

Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:09 pm |
no need for sorry. I just wanted to be sure that somebody who read that did not think it was okay to turn off their protection lol. |

Joined: Dec 27, 2005
Posts: 296
Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:12 pm |
Raven gave me a workaround for this awhile ago that doesn't alter the way the word looks. Paste the article into word or frontpage if you have it and replace all instances of union with & # 1 1 7 ; nion
& # 1 1 7 ; is ascii for u. So it'll actually show up as union when you post.
NOTE: I had to put spaces inbetween the & # 1 1 7 ; because otherwise it wasn't showing up right in the post. Don't put spaces inbewteen those characters when you are replacing the letter. |

Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:18 pm |
Once again, circumvention is the key to all progress.
For the record, it's ± followed by ; (the forums disguises it). |

Thu Aug 31, 2006 5:17 pm |
Nice one guys...... and gals.
Cheers for the work around.
I wont be able to post back if I need to till next wednesday.
Jaded I dont normally post like this..... I'm having a few probs with my main website and lost my sence of humour..... I think my posts are becoming robotic
Oooooooo......... I may need some proper advise and I know I can come to you guys for it....... I've Gone off topic.......
Cheers again.
Trub |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Thu Aug 31, 2006 5:48 pm |
While circumvention has it's virtues, the real problem here lies in mainfile.php and not Sentinel and it's fixed for the next release of Ravennuke. There was a missing parenthesis in a very complex set of logic. For now circumvent. |
Site Admin

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Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:52 pm |
I was actually testing that very thing today in the files for the next release - good job FK |

Joined: Apr 26, 2004
Posts: 368
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:42 am |
fkelly wrote: | While circumvention has it's virtues, the real problem here lies in mainfile.php and not Sentinel and it's fixed for the next release of Ravennuke. There was a missing parenthesis in a very complex set of logic. For now circumvent. |
Will this fix be published anywhere so that we can fix our sites? |
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Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:40 am |
Well with the usual caveats ... back things up, test the results, know what you are doing with coding ... you can find this code in mainfile (before version is from RN2.02)
$postString = "";
foreach ($_POST as $postkey => $postvalue) {
if ($postString > "") {
$postString .= "&".$postkey."=".$postvalue;
} else {
$postString .= $postkey."=".$postvalue;
str_replace("%09", "%20", $postString);
$postString_64 = base64_decode($postString);
if ((!isset($admin) OR (isset($admin) AND !is_admin($admin))) AND (stristr($postString,'%20union%20')) OR (stristr($postString,'*/union/*')) OR (stristr($postString,' union ')) OR (stristr($postString_64,'%20union%20')) OR (stristr($postString_64,'*/union/*')) OR (stristr($postString_64,' union ')) OR (stristr($postString_64,'+union+')) OR (stristr($postString,'http-equiv')) OR (stristr($postString_64,'http-equiv')) OR (stristr($postString,'alert(')) OR (stristr($postString_64,'alert(')) OR (stristr($postString,'javascript:')) OR (stristr($postString_64,'javascript:')) OR (stristr($postString,'bad_tag')) OR (stristr($postString_64,'bad_tag')) OR (stristr($postString,'onmouseover=')) OR (stristr($postString_64,'onmouseover=')) OR (stristr($postString,'document.location')) OR (stristr($postString_64,'document.location'))) {
header("Location: index.php");
and replace it with this:
Code:if (!defined('ADMIN_FILE') && !file_exists('includes/nukesentinel.php')) {
$postString = '';
foreach ($_POST as $postkey => $postvalue) {
if ($postString > '') {
$postString .= '&'.$postkey.'='.$postvalue;
} else {
$postString .= $postkey.'='.$postvalue;
str_replace("%09", "%20", $postString);
$postString_64 = base64_decode($postString);
if ((!isset($admin) OR (isset($admin) AND !is_admin($admin))) AND (stristr($postString,'%20union%20') OR stristr($postString,'*/union/*') OR stristr($postString,' union ') OR stristr($postString_64,'%20union%20') OR stristr($postString_64,'*/union/*') OR stristr($postString_64,' union ') OR stristr($postString_64,'+union+') OR stristr($postString,'http-equiv') OR stristr($postString_64,'http-equiv') OR stristr($postString,'alert(') OR stristr($postString_64,'alert(') OR stristr($postString,'javascript:') OR stristr($postString_64,'javascript:') OR stristr($postString,'bad_tag') OR stristr($postString_64,'bad_tag') OR stristr($postString,'onmouseover=') OR stristr($postString_64,'onmouseover=') OR stristr($postString,'document.location') OR stristr($postString_64,'document.location'))) {
header('Location: index.php');
Note that the whole thing is "wrapped" by a test for whether the user is an admin or whether sentinel exists. If so, it's not executed at all. Sentinel has it's own tests for "union". |

Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:19 pm |
Thanks.  |