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Joined: Jun 17, 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:00 pm Reply with quote

Seems I keep running into problems since the site move and upgrade to RavenNuke.

Previously, the banners worked. However, when upgrading to RN and importing the 5 banner tables, I can not see the banners. Nor can I add a new banner via the Administration Banner menu. I complete the field and click submit, but the page refreshes with empty calls and no new client listed.

Did I torque it up by replacing the RavenNuke banner tables with the old phpnuke 7.8 tables?
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 6:56 am Reply with quote


Did I torque it up by replacing the RavenNuke banner tables with the old phpnuke 7.8 tables?

Absolutely. RavenNuke is looking for PHP-Nuke 7.6 tables, not 7.8. I believe that the banners system changed in either 7.7 or 7.8. I see only two banners related tables in RavenNuke.

You need to go back to using the RavenNuke tables and then figure out what data is relevant to load.

By the way, didn't you have to downgrade the database from 7.8 to 7.6? I am sure that when you replaced your downgraded tables with the 7.8 ones, you took a back up, so you need to put those table and data back.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:01 am Reply with quote

Actually, the site got hacked and later I found that even after I fixed what I thought was all the hacked items/files, I still had troubles. So, I installed RavenNuke and used a backup from a few days prior to the hack to repropogate the site. Therefore, I did not make backups of the old RavenNuke tables. I now wish I would have. HitsFan

Any recommendations?

I have been thinking of purchasing some cheap domain space for testing. Perhaps this will be the only way to get those banner tables? Or is there another way? Are there downloadable tables for RavenNuke?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:21 am Reply with quote

I personally run about 8 - 10 different test / QA sites on my personal PC using my own windows installation of Apache 1.3.x, mySQL 4.1.x and PHP4. You could also do the same with XAMP (a bundled installation environment). I would highly recommend to every webmaster to do the same.

Regarding your question. If I were in this situation, I would probably dump your current banners tables structure and data to a text file (using phpMyAdmin). Then, within the RN distro, take a look at the INSTALLATION/sql directory for file rn76_core_pl32.sql. In there is all the core 7.6 PHP-Nuke tables. I believe the two you need are nuke_banners and nuke_bannerclient, but I'll be the first to admit that I have never messed with the banner tables/code, so hopefully it is just the two. Create those two tables and then compare the structures and see how you can insert the right data into the two tables.

Another possible solution would be to reload a test database with your 7.8 backup, run the downgrade script on it again, and then pull over the data (NOT structure) for those two tables and try and load the data in via phpMyAdmin.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 5:03 pm Reply with quote

Xamp looks like an excellent tool. I downloaded and installed it, but I am having problems installing RavenNuke within it.

However, I did fix my banner issue. I basically extracted the RavenNuke .zip and extracted the rn76_core_pl32.sql file and imported into my database and manually entered the banner details. I tried copying/pasting the INSERT data from banner_clients and the other file, but I got an error. Basically, it was like you said, the two are not copatible.

Thanks for all your help! I would really like to start using Xamp. I need to figure out how I can install RN within it.
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