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PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:28 am Reply with quote

Hello all! First I would like to thank the Raven community for everything!

For my previous problems (The WSOD!) Visit my last thread at:


Here are a few questions and problems I have now, that I cant seem to find appropriate solutions for by searching. Thanks for reading, and I appologize for the length of the post and my poor spelling, heh.

1. My somewhat "magical" solution to the WSOD was the downgrade script and then FTPing all the Raven 7.6 files right over the top of my working 7.8 site. Everything seems to work on my site liek usual, but there are a few "glicthes"

a. I avoided using the Raven install script, mainly because I fear I could somehow FUBAR my site or the SQL tables. Does this install script overwrite my current tables and data?

b. I now see Nuke Sentinel and NSN groups in my Admin panel. They seem to be working, but how is this possible if I didnt set-up their tables? It seems as if they are there but probably not fully operational until I create their required SQL tables?

2. There now seems to be some issues with my site administration: I cant create, move or edite my blocks or modules! Could this be somehow related to my imcomplete Nuke Sentinel installation? All other admin functions seem to work fine, I just cane create blocks or modules.


What would you do if this were your site? I still have the "Renamed Install" Directory uploaded...

Should run the script? Do I have to change its DIR name back to "INSTALLATION"? My fear is that the WSOD will show its ugly face and that there will be no turning back!

I suspect that this problem happened after the script populated the IP2Country data, and that I was somehow denied access to the site, but I didnt get the usual "Invalid IP" error message.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading my long and boring post!

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:24 pm Reply with quote

Does this install script overwrite my current tables and data?

In its current 2.02.02, the answer is "yes" and should be used with extreme caution on existing sites that are being upgraded.

b. I now see Nuke Sentinel and NSN groups in my Admin panel. They seem to be working, but how is this possible if I didnt set-up their tables? It seems as if they are there but probably not fully operational until I create their required SQL tables?

Did your 7.8 site already have these installed? If not, I question that they are working properly. You can check is NSN Groups is installed by looking for these tables:


And, also you would want to check the following tables for the existence of the field called "groups":


If you do not see these things, you can use the RavenNuke installSQL.php script to ONLY execute the NSN Groups step. OR, you can use phpMyAdmin to execute the statements in the INSTALLATION\sql\rn76_nsngroups.sql file.

With regards to NukeSentinel, this is a much more difficult question to answer. If you did not have it previously, you can install it using installSQL.php using only the steps appropriate for NukeSentinel. However, if you already had NukeSentinel installed, you may be better off upgrading to NS 2.5.02, the latest release, separately.

2. There now seems to be some issues with my site administration: I cant create, move or edite my blocks or modules! Could this be somehow related to my imcomplete Nuke Sentinel installation? All other admin functions seem to work fine, I just cane create blocks or modules.

Actually, this tells me that NSN Groups tables and fields are NOT in your database.

What would you do if this were your site? I still have the "Renamed Install" Directory uploaded...

Once all the tables are installed, personally, I would remove the complete directory. If someone can figure out your renamed directory name, it would be disaster!

I have no idea about the WSOD question, but I think that was from the other thread???

Whew... I'm worn out just responding to this post. killing me

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