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Joined: Sep 26, 2005
Posts: 63
Location: Oxfordshire. United Kingdom.
Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:17 am |
I, like Raven, have a nuke package that includes NukeSentinel, and my question is related to an idea I had after upgrading NS to 2.5.03.
I noticed that another "$ab_config;" message has been added to the header to display a message when NS is disabled.
There have been occasions when the nuke package has been downloaded and installed and configured, but they have forgot or didn't realize that NS has to be setup.
I have been looking at adding to the "$ab_config;" header warning. So that a warning that a "NS has to be setup" image is displayed to the admin user when he/she is logged on.
So, finally , to my question......
I started on the work to edit the script to display the new warning, but... what advise can anyone give as to what should trigger the warning not to be displayed? Should it be a lack of data in the Admin auth list? or the fact that htaccess/ftaccess etc does exist? or what?
All feedback on this will be most welcome.
Martyn |
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Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:31 am |
I believe that the next version of Ravennuke will "require" NS. You could do the same thing now in mainfile by simply requiring NS instead of just including it.
Something like that might do where NS is presently included. |

Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:20 am |
Thanks for the reply but I think you misunderstood.
I do not want a check on whether or not sentinel is there, I want a reminder for the site admin to goto NS admin and complete the configuration of it.
Martyn |

Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:55 am |
Sorry, I misunderstood. And sorry I don't know off the top how to do what you are suggesting. |
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Joined: Jun 04, 2004
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Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:13 pm |
You could check the absence of configuration information or the presence of default configuration information, sort of like how RN checks for the installation directory and reminds you that it needs to be removed. |
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Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:52 pm |
Yes Kguske just as I thought.
Maybe I should have a list of "ifs"
Like "no admin auth list", "no ip-country data", "no .htaccess" etc etc.
What do you think should be the minimum requirement to say that NS is installed?
Martyn |

Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:12 pm |
That really depends on your installation routine and your preferences for determining if NS has been installed and / or configured. If the NS configuration table doesn't exist and it isn't created by the installation routine, that could be a minimium requirement. If the installation routine creates and loads default data in the table, you could test to see if certain default data (e.g. approved admin users) is changed.
Some installations won't support admin auth / .htaccess or ip2country data, so I would recommend against using those as a minimum requirement. |

Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:03 am |
The installation routine does create and load default data in the table, so I think I will start with an admin user list check. |

Sun Nov 19, 2006 5:23 pm |
Sounds like a good idea. Good luck! |