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Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Posts: 244
Location: Flying to close to the sun
Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:44 am |
Hey all, I am trying to install RavenNuke76 v2.02.02_FULL and i have uploaded the contents of the HTML folder to a subfolder in the nuke root.
when i call "" in my browser, i just get the 404 error, page cannot be displayed.
I have edited my config.php with all of the DB info.
this is a new domain that i registered a week ago then transfered to my new host. any help appreciated. Thanks. |
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Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:01 am |

Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:15 am |
This is a fresh nuke installation and the subfolder is the nuke root folder.
here is the exact path.
when i call that url in my address bar, i get the 404 error.
i have also gone into my Vdeck control panel and made sure of the correct path to the installSQL.php and it is correct.
maybe im just too tired to see whats going wrong.
I have to get some sleep. lol. thanks for your reply fkelly.
[EDIT] I'm thinking it may be because my dns name servers have not yet resolved themselves. it's only been about 18 hours since i pointed them.
I'll just get some sleep and check it later today. |
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Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:00 am |

Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:36 am |
yes i tried all of those with the same result, but i did try something that gave me a clue about the name servers not resolving. i called this in my browser http://myhostserver/~username&password then added the path to the installSQL.php.
which game me this > MySQL Database Connectivity Test Results and all of my config.php info and at the bottem said the following.
I was unable to reach your MySQL server using the MySQL connection settings in your nuke config.php file. The exact error message that your MySQL server reported is Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO).
and that told me the DNS most likely had not resolved. So im here still waiting. rofl. i guess it can take up to 48 hours but i have never had it take that long. |

Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:17 am |
I guess it could still be domain problems but the fact that it's reading config.php and not connecting appears symptomatic of a different problem.
In your config.php you should have some lines that look like this:
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuname = "a_user_name";
$dbpass = "a_password";
$dbname = "a_database_name";
Usually you need to go into a host manager or cpanel or something like that on a shared Unix host and set up a user who has privileges for a database and give them a password. Then you put that in to the config.php. I'm not sure you've finished with that from what you've quoted. |

Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:33 pm |
yea i did all of that. it just cant connect to the mySQL DB yet because the dns servers over at IpowerWeb have not updated themselves yet.
See, i transferd from Host482 to Host567 and apparantly the tech who moved me didn't update the DNS info for the move to the other server. .
So here i am waiting for something to click and it would have never happend but last night i gave them a call again and another tech fixed the problem.
so now i just have to wait until 5:00pm PST for there DNS servers to update, then i can run the installSQL.php. Doh!!. thanks for your insight fkelly.  |

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:02 am |
thebishop, so you are trying to do this with RavenNuke installed on one server and connecting to a mySQL database on a different server?
Also, I would not have expected to see root@localhost being used... |

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:26 am |
montego wrote: | thebishop, so you are trying to do this with RavenNuke installed on one server and connecting to a mySQL database on a different server?
Also, I would not have expected to see root@localhost being used... |
nope, i'm only dealing with one server host567.
i was moved from host482 due to other issues.
once i was moved it takes 24 hours for the dns servers to be updated.
Everything should be fine around 6am this morning when the dns servers update themselves.
as for the root@localhost thing, i just tried that to see if i had installed verything correctly and the installSQL would find my config.php |

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:35 am |
Quote: |
as for the root@localhost thing, i just tried that to see if i had installed verything correctly and the installSQL would find my config.php
Ah, ok... thx. |

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:53 am |
No, Thank you  |
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Feb 21, 2006
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Fri Nov 10, 2006 5:25 pm |
I see where you all are going with this, and if you dont mind, it should still connect to the server considering localhost is not based on dns at all but tells it to look within its own system. So something else must be wrong if it cannot connect to the database. What environment are you using for a control panel, cpanel is the most commonly used control panel for linux systems if Im not mistaking and I dont think windows servers have a standard control panel as I believe it can be anything.
It will help in helping you to know the control panel you use. |
_________________ For those who stand shall NEVER fall and those who fall shall RISE once more!! |

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:37 pm |
Vdeck CP is what i'm using. And your right it should connect when lookin within itself. something is blocking RN from connecting to the DB.
I'll check a few things and post back. Thanks. |

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:36 pm |
very strange, i have tried calling the installSQL.php and it gives me this result.
I was unable to reach your MySQL server using the MySQL connection settings in your nuke config.php file. The exact error message that your MySQL server reported is Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO).
i am using the correct DB password. more testing after dinner.  |
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Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:24 am |
I presume localhost has worked for you before and your host doesnt do crazy things like godaddy and have the domain on one server and the sql server on another. |

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:04 am |
No, it would have worked that way but i must have had the password for my DB and phpMYADMIN mixed up. i have sorted that out and i got to the point were i was going to load my NS country to IP tables and then BANG. just after trying to load all 64.000 of the IP to country tables at once, i recieved the max_questions exceeded for mySQL error and my site was locked tighter then a squirrels bumm.
now i have to wait 1 hour to be able to finish the installation.
I'm wondering when the installation was interupted , if there is any way any of the tables could have gotten corrupted. will it be safe to just call the installSQL.php again and start from scratch , reloading all of the tables again.
my DB is clean except for these tables so maybe i should just drop all of the tables and start over clean ?
On another note,
I have been thinking about starting up a game server/web server hosting company for a while due to the fact that there arn't many good providers of either to choose from on the net. I'm thinking about leasing a full rack in an LA DC to start off with. |

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:15 am |
You would be better deleting the nsnst tables from the DB using phpmyadmin the running the installer again to be honest - to be on the safe side.
You can run the Sentinel one individually.
If it looks like you are about to go over your sql call restriction (you can make a note of the number of executions as it's given after each run) then simply create another mysql user for the DB you are using and change the username in config.php then carry on with the next execution  |

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:33 am |
you beat me to that guardian. i just created three new mySQL users then i tried logging into pypMYAdmin to delete the NS tables and recieved this error.
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pma_reloadnavigation() in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/phpMyAdmin-2.6.3/ on line 133"
good grief, now what. maybe it wont let me even use phpMYadmin because of the sql call restriction. rrrgggh, me runs off pulling my hair out. |

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:37 am |
Good grief!!!
What host are you using? |

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:47 am |
ipowerweb or i could say ipowersuck.. i have also used startlogic-suck and dot5-suck. LOL.
this is why i have been thinking about starting my own hosting company. I know game hosting like the back of my hand, that will be very easy.
its the web hosting i need to learn a lot more about.
the thing is, i need a web host thats on the west coast and will give me 100 gigs of space and 1000 gigs of transfer. plus all the bells and whistles. |

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:58 am |
You'll need a dedicated server for that - a VPS would still restrict you to whatever the host has configured to the server for. |

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:06 am |
dot5 hosting gives me that but there are a horrible host.
startlogic gives the same but they are the absolute worst host ever. i could tell you stories about SL that would make your hair stand on end.
Ipower gives me 50gigs of space and 750.000 Xfer but their turning out to be bad also. i have had no FTP access for going on 24 hours now and now i get that phpMYadmin error. I think i'm going to start looking for another host tonight and tell Ipowerweb to give me a refund. thanks for all your insight in this matter guardian.  |

Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:56 am |
Ok this is very frustrating at this point.
I'm at the following setup configuration step.
RavenNuke76(tm) © 2005, 2006 - RavenNuke76(tm) Setup/Configuration Tool.
I have filled out all of the fields and then i hit update and its telling me that all fields must be filled in, and they are filled in but it keeps saying that.
it worked the the first time but i ended up getting some error when i tried to acceess my admin.php to configure my site. so i dropped all of the tables and started from scratch again.
now its telling me that all of the fields are not filled in.  |

Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:05 am |
Thats a caching problem (we have fixed it in the next release).
What is happening is the form is 'remembering' what you entered last time and using that 'remembered data' to auto fill in the fields.
But the data is not 'really' there unless you physically type it in again - thats why you get the error.
We only recently discovered this as 99% of installs work first time but with the issus you have been having with your host............. |

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:01 pm |
As for the issues i have been having with ipowerweb, it was the max_questions limitation that caused those, not anything that was wrong with there setup or mySQL. And the best way to get around the max_questions thing is to do this.
Go to your control panel and to were ever it is you change permissions for the database username, then click on edit (meaning edit the dbusers permissions) but don't change anything, then click on (update) that will clear the mySQL call limitations and you can proceed with whatever you were doing. up to the max_questions limit that is set by your provider.
remember to stop and do this again before you reach the mySQL max_questions limit. if your limit is 50.000 max_questions, you should only have to do this once to install RavenNuke with the NS IP to country files.
As for the caching problem, Thats the first thing i thought of when it did this. But that can't be the only thing thats going on here. Because I cleared my browers cach and i entered all of the information in by hand several more times and two times it was completely different info and it still would not let me continue. I also reuploaded the files today and tried it and it did the same thing.
At this point im going to just use the regular 7.6 package.
once again thanks for your insight all. |