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Joined: Aug 22, 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:55 am Reply with quote

Hi fellow RavenNukers,

I wonder if someone can assist with my latest problem.

As I recently mentioned in these forums, I am currently upgrading one of my existing PHP-Nuke websites from running on Nuke Version 7.6 with Patch 3.1, to Raven's RavenNuke76 Distro.

While leaving the existing website still running live online, I have been constructing the new version. In order to complete installation of the new Raven's RavenNuke76 Distro version, I of course had to create a database. I am using phpmyadmin to admin the MySQL database, so I simply created a second database, with a name almost identical to the first one, the only difference being the digit '2'.

So for example, if my orignal database was named 'Raven', the second database is now called 'Raven2'.

Once this was created, I began to author and design the new site.

Now this has been completed, I want to use the new website, but not with 100% of all the information from the old/original database.

I realise that if I wanted to continue using ALL the information from the old/original database, all I would have to do is delete the new database, (the one names 'Raven2'), and rename the old/orignal database to the new name, (i.e instead of being 'Raven', now name it 'Raven2'). I also realise that an alternative way to do the 'changeover' to the new website would be to change the config.php file to have the name of the new database, (i.e change the database name in the config.php file to 'Raven2').

The main problem I have is that I DO NOT want to use all the data in the original database.

I do want to import data relating to the forums and registered user data, but among all this information in the database is data relating to blocks or modules I no longer need or want to use in the new website.

So the untimate question is, 'Please can someone advise me how to import the data I DO want to use from the old/original database, into the new database so that the new version of my website works?'.

Last edited by emmaphp on Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:31 am; edited 1 time in total 
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:34 pm Reply with quote

thats done by simple making backups of the tables and then insert them into the new database...(only the info)
keep in mind that in order to do this the new database tables must be empty.

important to know is,is that everything must be put back that is related to any posts or members....
so that surely includes the whole forum......meaning all table contents...
and make sure all is updated so that both forums are equal...
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:36 pm Reply with quote

If you use PHPMYADMIN to do a dump of both data and structure you should be able to accomplish what you want. Probably the best way to do this (I'm thinking as I type) is to just dump (called export) the tables that you want to restore. That way the resulting file size will be smaller. If you dumped all the tables you'd have to use an editor to remove those tables you don't want to restore. Use the "add drop table" and "if not exists" options in PHPmyadmin when exporting the tables.

When you have them out there you can then use the SQL option of Phpmyadmin to import them. Now the tables you are dumping will be from your original database and you will be importing them into your second one, but that should be no problem as long as your table names are the same. You will get a drop table and create table statement and insert statement for each table you are moving over.

One good thing about this approach is that your old database will still be there if you discover any thing you left out later. You can just dump and restore individual tables at that point.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:58 pm Reply with quote

Generally what you'll need is the users table, along with the forums table (the ones that are like "nuke_bb")

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:02 am Reply with quote

I would caution you on replacing the structure of the RavenNuke database. I would take ONLY the data. You may want to compare the structure first, also, prior to loading it in as the two must match to be entirely successful.

Key tables to review for sure are:

.. and all the nuke_bb* tables

There could very well be differences between your 7.6 database and the RavenNuke database for these tables. RavenNuke has NSN Groups pre-installed which alters a few of these tables, and depending upon what updates you have made to phpBB, and/or other "fixes" that you may have applied, there may be slight differences in nuke_users.

My personal favorite approach to dump the full structure and data from the production site to a local mySQL setup on my local PC. Then, upgrade the database on my local PC to the RavenNuke structure (there are several threads related to this here). THEN, take the data for the tables I want and should be able to just insert it in as fkelly suggests.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:51 am Reply with quote

Greetings good people,

Am I to understand that if I cange the data base for a RN7.6 install to a Nuke 7.7 install that it will run? I am in the process of changing all of my 7.7 sites over to RN7.6. I have hundreds of web links that I do not want to lose in the conversion. Many thanks.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:32 am Reply with quote

You will need to run a downgrade script first.
I would recommend downloading the latest version of RN (2.10) and reading the HowToInstall files and also searching the forums here. You should find all the information you need here and if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to post back. Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:03 am Reply with quote

i realy think that downgrade script should be given another name...it sounds so negative..
call it ravenconvert.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:16 pm Reply with quote

Yes, I think you are right, you aren't really downgrading if you are making something better!
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