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Joined: Oct 13, 2007
Posts: 61

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:48 am Reply with quote

I have just started modifying the fisubice theme on 2.10 version, in the header file I have enabled some borders and included this attribute tag - style="border-color:#F7B3FA:" to change the color, but although the color has changed to pink, the outer border around the header, sides and navigation bar are displaying the color in a darker shade than it should be, almost like there is grey mixed in with it, yet the color of the borders around the blocks is displaying correctly, please can anyone tell me why this is happening and how I can correct it?

Thanks for any help Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:36 pm Reply with quote

I would highly recommend you do not modify the HTML directly. Instead modify the themes/fisubice/style/style.css file to get what you want.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:58 pm Reply with quote

Thanks for replying. What is it in the style.css file that I would modify to get the borders I want? I have been trying to work it out, but haven't managed to crack the code Smile

Thanks for any help with this.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 10:43 am Reply with quote

I'm not real sure as I don't use fisubice. I would do a view source on a page in your browser and see if the tables are marked with a class. Then you could style those tags easily. If they aren't marked with a class you'll just have to style the table, td, tr, etc tags until you get what you like.

I didn't want you to modify the generated html directly from header.php for example, because you'll loose those edits when you upgrade, and it will mess up other themes.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 10:43 am Reply with quote

If you can't do it soley with CSS then you could modify the fisubice theme itself. Make a copy of it first and then work on the copy.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:53 pm Reply with quote


I lack the knowledge to modify the fisubice theme itself, the coding is very different from the themes I've seen before. I am not really sure how to do class tags, so Im wondering if someone can tell me how to do them? I looked on the web for info, but what I tried didn't seem to work. Also, is it possible that the borders are set in a file somewhere for the color to display in a darker shade? It just seems strange to me that I can enable the borders and change the color yet it won't display in the right shade.

Thanks for any help Smile

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:31 pm Reply with quote

Well its kind of hard to explain without seeing what you are trying to accomplish. Can you make a screenshot of what you are trying to do?

I would read up on CSS. There are many good tutorials on the web. Fisubice may not style all the tags you need, so if that is the case you would have to modify the theme code to add class="xxx" attributes to table tags or something.
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