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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:59 am Reply with quote

OK...I did a quick search and didn't find a definitive answer here....

How good is PHP-Nuke 8.0? I've been running an install for a few months, applied a few security patches, but not sentinel. I turned off the built in WYSIWYG editor...

How does this compare to RavenNuke? Is PHP-Nuke 8 worth keeping, or should I work to convert to RavenNuke?

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:30 pm Reply with quote

I ran 7.9 for almost a year, and I switched to RN2.10 recently. I am very glad I did. The RN WYSIWYG editor is really great. Lots of things work better and the site loads faster. Sentinel is a must, so whatever you do, install that (it comes integrated with RN2.10). Also, I am biased, but you get great support here for RN.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:30 pm Reply with quote

at this moment ravennuke is most secure for many reasons.
if you dig deep enough in the forums you will find many reasons why well explained.. Wink
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:49 pm Reply with quote

Ohh, boy.
Can I please, ok.

Ill be as nice as possible and all this is MY OPINION, this site and its owners/affiliates/staff may not support these same ideas, I will let them speak for themselves.

PHP-Nuke v8.0 seems to be in the series of the P.O.S. Model F.B. has been dishing out for a while now. Laughing Laughing get it? lol.

Funny thing is its claimed to have more functionality then other versions, well thats simply NOT true.

Also claims to have better security, in some respects, yes that is true. But while correcting for some serious issues that needed to be resolved long before it was distributed, F.B. opened wholes that could do as much damage if not more then the ones he actually secured.

Even his security forced lose of functionality, as well as improperly porting.

So Now lets explore RavenNuke.

I am very much in love with RavenNuke as it not only is far more secure then any PHP-Nuke (with or without Sentinel).

Sentinel definatley is worth its weight in Gold, but even Sentinel cant complete secure flat out nuke. Its simply not going to happen, too much code is insecure. Sentinel definatley stops ALL it can, but there are bits of code in PHP-Nuke that needed to be rewritten in order to have any form of security.

So RavenNuke with that in mind (I believe), was thought up. Now the code has been extensively scrutinized to the degree that huge chunks of the code was rewritten. The RavenNuke team tested the nuke again, and again and again.

It took More time to test the code then F.B. took to release newer version of PHP-Nuke. Funny isnt it? This team takes months of testing, F.B. releases, I believe not one but 2 different versions of nuke while this team was still developing RavenNuke, and that isnt because this team is not as knowledgeable or skilled as F.B. Simply, this team wanted to get it right and not have the same issues that plague standard nuke, and I for one personally feel that this team has surpassed any expectations put on them by any member of the nuke community.

I was trying to be nice, I swear it.

Now I hope this enligtens you a bit it also let me go on and on. lol.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:14 pm Reply with quote

thanks D for the story,would have taken me hours to type all that.. Laughing

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:41 pm Reply with quote

Ok, makes sense...I'm taking a liking to raven nuke right now, playing with it some...

Isn't this the same sort of stuff that goes on with Winblows? I forget the name of it, but there is a distro of Windows that some guy makes himself, and redoes some of the core code...

My only question - on my PHP-Nuke 8 install I applied some mods from the PHPBB site, like youtube, gvideo, a signature control panel, etc - am I still able to do that in raven nuke? Does raven nuke leave the phpbb code alone, or will I need special versions of bbtonuke for this install?


PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 3:18 am Reply with quote

im sure you will be able to use these mods...
Hangin' Around

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:59 am Reply with quote

Noob member here...used PHP-Nuke from about version 4 though 6.5 and then haven't had to host a site until recently again, and immediately turned to PHP-Nuke.

I attempted to use PHP-Nuke 8.0 for a few days...but was having trouble finding enough mods to support with what I wanted. I'm not meaning PHPBB mods as even the latest RavenNuke uses the current version so many of them work well, but regular Nuke mods were so incompatible as most were written for 7.x and many only supporting 7.6 variants.

Since being recommended to RavenNuke I haven't looked back. Not only talking security, but just compatibility with many of he mods out there is much better...

Although on the surface 8.0 looked nice and seemed to have more functionality, in the end it was more smoke and mirrors and many things were just not 100% working. RavenNuke has been very stable and have had no issues.

Also, as was mentioned, the support here is FANTASTIC. I've yet to have a problem that wasn't found either by a search or posting. And although I'm a noob when it comes to much of this, the support group here does not talk down on your and helps you regardless of your expertise in a way to make it understandable...
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:56 pm Reply with quote

I've been nuking since ver 6. And I've tried various permutations, forks, forks of forks and every FB release out there. I came back to Raven's nuke 7.6 because it was sane.
And the support on this site is fabulous. Since then, there was rn 2.02, and now rn2.1 and I'm one happy camper! I have more than six RN 2.1 nuke sites, all local community non-profits, all with different needs. RN2.1 is the sweetest spot in CMS out there. More and more people are going to discover this and then there will be coders falling over themselves writing new apps for this secure and classy cms. The future is bright and my recommendations is... switch to rn2.1 now!

<slighty biased reporter>

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Hangin' Around

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:03 am Reply with quote

I'm currently using nuke 7.9 and was thinking of going to latest release from dadanuke.org, but that was before I looked RN.
First thing that made me mad that some one at some point decided to go with htmlspecialchars function site wide which doesn't not support ISO-8859-2 and thats the code page that I use for my web. So now if I want to go to latest nuke I have change all my text to Utf-8 which could changed using some sql techniques, but it's a pain.
Before I proceed with my other comments I would like to find out answer to this question:
Does anyone know what kind of testing is conducted with every release of RN nuke?
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:28 am Reply with quote


Does anyone know what kind of testing is conducted with every release of RN nuke?

Since this is probably a question around the different charset issue, I will have to admit that given that the Team is primarily North America based, with some exceptions overseas, I am thinking that not much testing has occurred around different charsets. Are you offerring up yourself to be a tester for this kind of thing?

But, since this is a thread comparing PHP-Nuke 8.0 to RavenNuke(tm) 2.10.x, this is a moot point, as neither one has focused on supporting anything other than ISO-8859-1 I am afraid.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:43 am Reply with quote

Well, my question was in general about testing(sorry for confusion)?
I was talking about char set just to high lite one of the problems.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:44 am Reply with quote

Welcome to RN 2.1!
Diversity is all good. More testers are good too.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:39 am Reply with quote

Please forgive me going a bit of the subject, but how much testing is conducted for RN before release if any?
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:46 am Reply with quote

lol....well I would say there is hours upon hours upon hours of testing that goes into it by the team itself, and then for the latest release, a site was setup for anyone who wanted to hack away at it to find bugs was more than welcome..... Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:10 pm Reply with quote

Good because going to original topic and mentioned earlier different distro of nuke. I asked the same type of questions or to be more specific I asked if there is any regression testing done. Will all the respect to their authors/author, he said that he isn't familiar with term regression testing, which is Ok, but scary.
Again, I bring this up not to prove that someone is better or worse, instead of my intention is to show the difference between the two packages...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:51 pm Reply with quote

When you consider that PHP-Nuke doesn't appear to be tested at all, RN2.10 looks pretty d*** good. Like FireATST said, there was a team of volunteers testing it, and then a public test site was set up and random people beat up on it.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:22 am Reply with quote

.. and then to top it off, there was a small group of Final Release Candidate Testers also that had the release for about week right before release.

I cannot tell you how many bugs we fixed from the original PHP-Nuke code, well, actually, I probably could as we are using a formal change control tool to manage the source code, and, also a formal issue tracker.... hhhhmmmm... sounding pretty formalized and managed huh? Not sure what, if anything, the original author uses, but what history tells us is that he has been typically a "one man show" and does not take community input seriously, nor does he accept community involvement in the improvement to Nuke. Whatever HE wants to do, he does...

In contrast, we have a strong community here and a strong team behind it. Are we going to be perfect? Absolutely not, because we're human. But, you would never see FB create a patch release like we are about to do... he just continues to add more bugs in each new release... Another indicator that he does not even provide a mechanism to gather community input, nor a mechanism / process to act upon it, Or, he just does not care.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:00 pm Reply with quote

well i dont think ravennuke have to prove itself anymore..
and there will always be people that go for the official phpnuke release.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:39 pm Reply with quote

hitwalker wrote:
well i dont think ravennuke have to prove itself anymore..
and there will always be people that go for the official phpnuke release.

I agree with you. I think it is excellent package.
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PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2007 5:38 pm Reply with quote

I used php nuke and got hacked a few times I swithced to RN about 18 months ago and have been hack free. Never had any real issues and if you do put the question ont he forum and 99.99% of the time oyu get the answer in 12 hours and not the usual" use search function NOOB" i have found on other sites.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:43 am Reply with quote

RavenNuke is where the development, community, support, and future is. It's that simple.
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