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Joined: Jul 05, 2006
Posts: 8
Thu May 17, 2007 4:44 pm |
i am using futurenuke latest version and the sentinel version is 2.5.07.
when i go to the sentinel module and click Blocker Configuration and then say Harvester Blocker Settings it just sits there for upto 4 minutes and then asks me to download admin.php or what to open it with.I recently upgraded sentinel to version 2.5.08 to see if this would fix the problem, i deleted all tables and re-installed as a fresh install but still have the exact same problem.
Thinking it may be a permission problem (chmod) or maybe even server specific.
does anyone have any ideas on this.....
Thanks |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 29, 2004
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Thu May 17, 2007 7:40 pm |
I have not seen this before. Have you asked the FutureNuke folks? They should have good support for this I would think. |
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Thu May 17, 2007 10:05 pm |
sorry m8 i been out all day...but yer i posted on there first but it has come to a stand still...
how would i go about removing and starting fresh....(just sentinel of course) |

Fri May 18, 2007 6:27 am |
Using the NS Installer, choose the option to remove all the tables (It might say de-install or something like that). Once that is complete, come back and use the installer again to do a fresh install.
If this does not work, then you may have a corrupt NS file somewhere and should make sure to use a good FTP client, such as FileZilla (free from to re-upload the NS files.
It is doubtful to me that there is an issue with the core file edits, but not having ever used FutureNuke (nor will I), I don't know for sure. |

Fri May 18, 2007 7:26 pm |
ok i use flash fxp which is very good ftp client.i did the re-install but the same issue still.....i replaced all the files and started matter what i do it seems to not work.That is why i was wondering if it was server specific.or a file permission problem (chmod maybe)
also do you mind me asking why you wouldn't use futurenuke....(apart from your obvious connection with there major issues with it..)
Thanks |

Sat May 19, 2007 9:39 am |
dfwcomputer, LIke I said, I've never seen this one before, so it is difficult to tell for sure. However, from most likely to least likely:
1. Something in your .htaccess file that might be causing a loop (do you have any RewriteRules in there?)
2. Still a corrupt file somewhere
3. Code conflicts within FutureNuke itself (which is why I was hoping they would support their product for you).
To answer your question about FutureNuke: I don't use FutureNuke because I don't have to. I feel that I am using the best, cleanest, most bug free, fastest and compliant nuke version out there, so why use anything different. JMO. |

Sat May 19, 2007 6:50 pm |
ok thanks for your reply montego...and no offence was intended with my last question just wanted to thanks for answering that.
this my .htaccess file....
<Files .AccessProtection>
deny from all
<Files admin.php>
require valid-user
AuthName "Restricted by NukeSentinel(tm)"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile xxxx/xxxxx/xxxxxxx/.Accessxxxxxxxx
# -------------------------------------------
# End of NukeSentinel(tm) admin.php Auth
# -------------------------------------------
<Files 403.shtml>
order allow,deny
allow from all
i also removed the .htaccess altogether but still had problems.
regarding the corrupt file i will download filezilla shortly and reupload everything to double check that side of things and let you know.
as for code conflicts i dont think it would be that as i installed a fresh version on my localhost i have running and sentinel work perfect....
thats what gave me the initial thought that it might be a files permission is wrongly set or something to do with the server itself.
Thanks again. |

Sat May 19, 2007 8:42 pm |
some other stuff i've come across....
will register_globals = On be a problem for sentinel and i have included a link to a text file with all my folder and file permissions
right click and save link as
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oh and the re-uploading with filezilla hasn't helped
this is giving me a headache
Thanks |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
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Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Sun May 20, 2007 8:29 am |
I assume you have error reporting turned in config.php? |

Sun May 20, 2007 8:37 am |
dfwcomputer, just looked at your .htaccess file. What is ".AccessProtection"? Try removing the following and see what happens:
<Files .AccessProtection>
deny from all
I have never seen that before. I still do not believe this to be a file permissions problem because the function you are modifying only does db calls, no file manipulation. |

Sun May 20, 2007 6:20 pm |
yes i have error reporting on but no errors come up it just sits there loading the page and then finally asked me to download admin.php
and the .AccessProtection is the .staccess renamed but yer it still didnt work when i removed the .htaccess altogether.
I am starting to think i need to reupload the whole site.....
EDIT: I just re-read the part about only does db is there a table and info i can have a look at... |

Mon May 21, 2007 5:56 am |
You could try to do a repair on all the nuke_nsnst_ prefixed tables and see if that fixes it. If it doesn't, you may need to start over.
Sure wish the FutureNuke folks would respond and help you out.
It might be worth checking on the core file edits. The instructions are in the Nukesentinel download... hopefully they compare favorably with what you have. |

Mon May 21, 2007 6:54 am |
ok i'll check it out...thanks for ya help |