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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:54 am Reply with quote

Hi guys,

I am new to this site but i signed up for two reasons:

1. it was recommended by the guys at clan themes
2. for any errors i encounter with my new raven site.

Right down to the problem.

I had an error on my new site in subdirectory Raven


I attempted to fix it and have made it worse.

I get the following errors when logging out:

Warning: main(includes/nmatch_functions.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/***/public_html/Raven/mainfile.php on line 1357

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening 'includes/nmatch_functions.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/***/public_html/Raven/mainfile.php on line 1357

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare makepass() in /home/***/public_html/Raven/modules/Your_Account/index.php on line 42

All i initially changed was the number for the security graphics in mainfile.php but it seems to have screwed it - and i have tried to restore the backup i made the previous night to no avail.

Originally there was a problem with the security GFX on new registrations page and i was looking at several sites to find a possible fix.

One pointed to the bottom part of the mainfile.php to change the image code from 75 to 9.

Prior to doing this i made a back up the previous night and also made another backup of that file to my desktop.

When i made the change i uploaded the mainfile.php to the server sub directory [host server / public_html / Raven / ] and since then the site does not work unless i point it to the admin URL.

If you point it to this address www.neophytez.com/Raven [<<< this will be the main start up page] it redirects to www.neophytez.com.

But if i am logged in as admin and then logout i get the above error [bolded].

When trying to fix this it still points to an error on line 42 of another file.

I really have no idea about this and why it has happend - all i changed was a number.

if you go here http://www.neophytez.com/Raven/modules.php?name=Forums you will see the errors at the very top of the page.

The logout screen i get is this http://www.neophytez.com/Raven/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=logout

Not sure if you have any ideas.
I am using is RavenNuke.

BTW Reason i have two sites [in case anyone asks] is because my old site was an unstable install [www.neophytez.com] but is still running and the new site was a raven install - better security and more stable.

I am ready to wave the white flag and walk away from this. Sad
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:17 am Reply with quote

1. Just restore the mainfile.php from the distribution you downloaded.

2. What are you trying to change in mainfile? As far as I know, no changes to mainfile should be required. The settings for the gfx check are in rnconfig.php and are well documented there.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:25 am Reply with quote

Will that rectify the problem?

Man I feel stupid!

See i have no idea to all this PHP / MySQL malarky - its all new to me so still learning.

Where is the documentation for the GFX check?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:41 am Reply with quote

The documentation for the gfx check is right in the rnconfig file. You can set it to off and see if that resolves your problem, at least that will be an indicator. Eventually you will probably want to be running it with gfx on but at least that will tell where the problem is, or give a pointer.

If you are editing PHP files without knowing what you are doing, and particularly if you are not using a "decent editor" (search on that term here) you are very likely to get things all screwed up. That's a technical term we use ... all screwed up. But really, with RN there should be no need for you to edit mainfile and if you are applying edits suggested on other sites for other mainfiles you are very likely to get things all screwed up.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:13 am Reply with quote

Cheers for the advice fella!

The reason i wanted to fix the GFX was that it was stopping members signing up as no code could be seen therefore no neew sign ups - thats where all of this stems from.

I know what you mean about PHP - I guess I believe in learning by doing.

Most of the edits i make come from text files that tell you on a 'how to' basis - other than that i would not go near it.

I am more CSS / HTML / Flash type of guy - more design than coder.

So the mainfile.php i got when i downloaded the raven zip will fix it?

See the problem is the site i had was heavily modded so it had stuff like gamertags, medals, ladders, leagues, minor module / block additions - would this play any effect on the mainfile.php?

Is this something you have encountered before?

I really appreciate the time you are taking to reply to my post and i will definately be staying put on here - got a few questions that you guys could help me with at some time - nothing as big as this - things such as welcome pm for new sign ups etc.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:12 am Reply with quote

If you had mods to your previous mainfile that some of these add-ons depended on then you could be up the creek without a paddle. You could run a file comparison utility (search for options in posts here) and see what the changes are between the old mainfile you were using and RN. The RN one from the distribution will definitely work with the RN distribution. I'd recommend that you get things working with that and then we can address the GFX issue separately. You should NOT need to change mainfile to get GFX working but it does work differently in RN than it did in earlier versions of Nuke. I am not an expert on GFX and maybe some of the other moderators or other knowledgeable folks here can help with that but first let's get a good known version of mainfile running.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:28 pm Reply with quote

The mainfile.php worked.

I have changed the config GFX bit to 6.

I cannot login to the admin area - I get some funny animation [http://www.neophytez.com/Raven/images/eyes.gif] with 'GET OUT' on the page under said animation and the title of the page saying 'INTRUDER ALERT!!!' does anyone know why?
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