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Hangin' Around

Joined: Apr 07, 2007
Posts: 32
Location: Columbus,OH/Poland
Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:48 pm |
I wrote my own module, but I'm having trouble with redirecting user to login and back to my module.
I'm using the redirect code like this:
Code:$redirect = 'mymodule&op=add_practice';
header("Location: modules.php?name=Your_Account&redirect=".$redirect);
but then after login it redirects to
I looked at YourAccount module and can someone tell me what $t,$f and $mode variables in function login?
Thanks |
Last edited by nicpon on Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:01 am; edited 1 time in total |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:12 pm |
Who in their right mind would create two global variables named $t and $f?
It looks like they are tying together the forums and Your_Account together somehow. If you look in modules/Forums/nukebb.php you can see them being used in there. $t is a topic id and $f is a forum id. Maybe they are for watching a topic or forum for new messages?
As for your redirect problem...are you using short links? |
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Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:34 am |
Yes, pretty sure it is ShortLinks as I think the GTZ-PageTap.php file is causing his link to be re-written.
What version of ShortLinks are you using? If you are not using ShortLinks, but some other URL rewriting tool, and you have tapped your new module, the issue lies within that tap file...
Regarding the redirect, I am not sure that will work for your own module as it is a "kludge" to get PHP-Nuke and phpBB to integrate. They both have user registration capabilities but forums redirects to YA to process the registration.
I am not 100% certain how it works, so we'll have to see if Evaders99 is lurking and knows more (or anyone else with more experience there). |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:06 am |
I can always add some code to login function to make it work, but I'm trying to get my modules as much stand alone as possible. Meaning I don't want to make many changes to core files as it becomes painful to update the system.
To answer your question. I'm using latest release of RN, but I haven't touched shortlinks yet. I'm moving from nuke 8.0 and my new site on RN is still running on IP instead of domain name and I will wait with shortlinks until domain is transferred to new IP.
Somehow, mode variable is set during redirection and I will look deeper into it tonight to find out what exactly is going on there. |

Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:19 pm |
nicpon, aarrrggghhhhh.... I see what happened now. it is actually Raven's GoogleTap codes that modified what you posted. Sorry about the confusion. |

Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:05 am |
One thing that I just noticed, when I posted in my first post this link Code:m o d u l e s .p h p ? n a m e = F o r u m s &file=Treningi&op=add_practice - I have to write it with spaces otherwise it's changed by shortlinks
| , it was changed to Code:forums.html?file=Treningi&op=add_practice
| and in my problem is the first case.
BTW the module I'm talking here about is for sharing workout practices. It's still under development, but once it's done I'll be glad to share it with anyone. |