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Hangin' Around

Joined: Apr 03, 2004
Posts: 32

PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 5:11 am Reply with quote

Hello everybody, I've got a couple of questions for everyone of you, I you would take a look at them, I would be really pleased !

I'm about to send a motivation letter + my CV to IBM for a student internship this summer called EXTREME-BLUE. They want to know if I have experience in open source stuff, and contribute to an open-source project/community.
I was thinking my answer to this question over, and thought : how could you describe someone that does all that. Since you guys/girls must be doing this ( because you are on RAVENPHPSCRIPTS forum ) I was wondering :

* what is your experience in programming, what languages or education ?
* what is your experinece in open source-stuff, like NUKE or LINUX ?
* how often do you look around in forums, or what do you do on the net ?

I hope this info will provide a better view of the 'community' etc for me...
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:53 pm Reply with quote

Hmm... people aren't really waiting in line to talk about theirselves I gues.. Sad
Site Admin/Owner

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:21 pm Reply with quote

AYK wrote:
* what is your experience in programming, what languages or education ?
* what is your experinece in open source-stuff, like NUKE or LINUX ?
* how often do you look around in forums, or what do you do on the net ?

I hope this info will provide a better view of the 'community' etc for me...
I've been programming since 1970. Just a short list of the many languages: RPG I, PL/I, SAS, BASIC, VB, Assembler, Cobol, PHP, Rexx, HTML, JavaScript. Oracle, DB2, MySQL. All the aformentioned - self taught.

Open Source - about 4 years now, I think. Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Many hacks and scripts.

I really don't have time to spend in many forums. When I goto a forum, it's usually a specific one for a specific purpose, except my own of course Smile
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Joined: Nov 17, 2003
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 6:22 am Reply with quote

Well not much help from me here, but have been around computers off and on since the old keypunch days. Took some basic programming back then.

Now I am trying to teach myself Html and learn a basic understaning of PHP.

I go to forums all the time. Especially Ravens to learn what I can. It must help because I am not longer afraid to go in and look at my site from the inside out. There isn't a whole lot I can fix but I'm not afraid to look anymore Razz

Shonie's Retreat
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Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jan 02, 2003
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Location: Vancouver Island

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 9:03 am Reply with quote

Sometimes us west coast folks need a nanosecond or two to think and respond. Cool

I am not a programmer. regex's give me a headache. Although, once I programmed a 500 instructions maintenance DOS batch file. So only on good days am I a wanna be programmer. But I am a script-a-holic. Open source is my best friend.

I got my first computer in 1986 in a very remote area. The first modem not until 1991 when I moved to the city. I began a BBS system days after that.

I've taken some computer courses, none of them met my immediate needs, but the theory was good. I do read manuals.

My thing was, I wanted my communications creation to do what *I* wanted it to do. ... That took a lot of "modding" of whatever bit of software that came close to my needs. In 1995 the internet AUP was changed. I could have gone into competition with AOL or Compuserve, but in 1997, the files and data on my 5,000 member BBS were put on backup tape for the last time. Crying or Very sad I took up html.

It wasn't until September 2001 that I really got interested in server-side anything. My lame highspeed ISP suddenly wasn't good enough. I thought I'd have to learn perl/cgi or .asp .. it all looked headachey.

Before installing any CGI script, I read a page titled "How to fix Your CGI script." The last suggestion, it was a long list, said... "If the above doesn't work, try a PHP script."

I went looking for PHP stuff ... I was amazed!! A zillion functions, simple yet elegant and a huge user support base. Perfect solution. Smile

phpbb2, installed! then I found phpnuke ... oops, that looked complex! So back to phpbb2. It was a process. I didn't even know what I didn't know. It took a few more weeks/months before feeling confident enough to try a nuke install, it was nuke6.0 w/ phpbb2 port. Now I knew what I didn't know! Wink

Surf forums? I love to surf forums! It is the mining of knowledge. Besides a walk on the beach, what could be more fun than a few hours at your favorite support sites?

Hope that helps with something and good luck with your interview.

"We want to see if life is ubiquitous." D.Goldin 
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 5:00 pm Reply with quote

Thanks all ! Great responses !
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