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PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 6:15 pm Reply with quote

I'm confused as well. It looks like it is deleting more than just your new module. Resend_Email, rwsMetAuthors, UserInfoAddons, coppermin, Groups, and HTML_Newsletter are all getting deleted and put back.

I think how it works is that whenever you are in the ACP / modules, it reads your module table to get a list of active modules. Then it reads the directories under modules. If it finds directories missing, it removes those entries from the modules table. Are the permissions on your modules directory itself okay? I just don't get it unless something is playing with permissions or your host is having disk problems. Was this a fresh install? Or did you install RavenNuke over another Nuke? Maybe upload all the files again? I'm at a loss right now.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:34 am Reply with quote

This sounds vaguely familiar, but I cannot put my finger on it. It seems that there was another thread about modules "disappearing", but for the life of me I cannot recall if it was ever figured out. We will have to search...

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:20 am Reply with quote

During the development of rn2.10 we changed significantly the way new modules were recognized. Previously, I believe, every time the block file "block-modules.php" was read in (which was basically on every page load for every user) the /modules directory was checked for new modules as well as deleted modules. We removed this logic from the blocks directory and centralized it under admin in modules.php. It had previously been in both places.

I'm wondering if perhaps your /blocks/blocks-modules.php file never got updated in your transition to 2.10. Also those admins field in your modules table being set to "0" are very suspicious. That field is a comma delimited string of admins who should have access to a given module. It is set by authors.php and should only contain the names of administrators from your authors table who are NOT GOD or Superusers. How a 0 gets in there is beyond me but it's a sign something is not working.

I would really go double check that your files in both the /admin and /blocks directory are up to date and that something did not go wrong in the FTP process when you updated your site.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 1:07 pm Reply with quote

One of the other previously documented common reaons for modules disapearing was a mis-match in the number of fields in the modules table and the sql code in blocks-modules.php not having the same number of field updates to match the number of fields in the table - specifically the old GT NextGen google tapping module use to cause this specific error (possibly what Montego was thinking of?).
But this also backs up what fkelly has suggested regarding the block-modules.php being wrong.
It would certainly appear that there is some problem between the number of feilds blocks-modules.php is looking for and the number that are actually in your database table.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 1:13 pm Reply with quote

That's an excellent point Guardian. I stopped using that block a year or two ago and forgot it did all that. It is hard to tell but it does kind of look like he is using that block on his site. Maybe it is a block-Modules.php from a different Nuke and there is a mismatch in SQL.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 1:36 pm Reply with quote

I re-uploaded the block-Modules.php file and when it overwrote, it showed a significant file size difference, so I assume that I was using the old block. I installed RN over my old phpnuke through a linux shell and if I remember correctly, my old block was block-modules.php (notice the lowercase "m"). The case sensitivity in the linux file system may have prevented it from being overwritten correctly.

However, my problem still persists. It may be possible that now the old modules block has messed up the sql table. Can you guys suggest a way to fix this? Maybe just dump the table and force phpnuke to recreate it or is there a snippet of SQL code I can use to mend it?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:04 pm Reply with quote

There isn't any way the block could have altered the table. However I'll repeat my request to have you post the structure of your modules table (export it from phpMyAdmin so we can see the CREATE TABLE statement it thinks it has).

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:08 pm Reply with quote

Sorry about that, I wasn't sure what you meant by posting the structure. I posted those screenshots of the tables as a response to that request. Sorry Sad


-- Table structure for table `nuke_modules`

  `mid` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `custom_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `active` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `view` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `groups` text NOT NULL,
  `inmenu` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  `mod_group` int(10) default '0',
  `admins` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`mid`),
  KEY `mid` (`mid`),
  KEY `title` (`title`),
  KEY `custom_title` (`custom_title`)

-- Dumping data for table `nuke_modules`

INSERT INTO `nuke_modules` (`mid`, `title`, `custom_title`, `active`, `view`, `groups`, `inmenu`, `mod_group`, `admins`) VALUES
(1, 'AvantGo', 'AvantGo', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(2, 'Content', 'Content', 1, 0, '', 0, 0, ''),
(3, 'Downloads', 'Downloads', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(4, 'Encyclopedia', 'Encyclopedia', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(5, 'FAQ', 'FAQ', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(6, 'Feedback', 'Feedback', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(7, 'Forums', 'Forums', 1, 0, '', 1, 0, 'Sphinx,'),
(8, 'Journal', 'Journal', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(9, 'Members_List', 'Website Members', 1, 1, '', 1, 0, ''),
(10, 'News', 'News', 1, 0, '', 1, 0, 'Yukiko,'),
(11, 'Private_Messages', 'Private Messages', 1, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(12, 'Recommend_Us', 'Recommend Us', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(13, 'Reviews', 'Reviews', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(14, 'Search', 'Search', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(15, 'Statistics', 'Statistics', 1, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(16, 'Stories_Archive', 'Stories Archive', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(17, 'Submit_News', 'Submit News', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(18, 'Surveys', 'Surveys', 1, 0, '', 0, 0, 'bob,'),
(19, 'Top', 'Top 10', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(20, 'Topics', 'Topics', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(21, 'Web_Links', 'Web Links', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(22, 'Your_Account', 'Your Account', 1, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(23, 'Advertising', 'Advertising', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(24, 'Donations', 'Donations', 1, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(26, 'coppermine', 'Gallery', 1, 0, '', 0, 0, ''),
(27, 'Shout_Box', 'Shoutbox', 1, 0, '', 0, 0, 'Sphinx,'),
(28, 'Staff', 'Staff', 0, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(29, 'NukeSentinel', 'NukeSentinel', 0, 0, '', 0, 0, ''),
(30, 'gallery-fixed', 'Gallery', 1, 0, '', 1, 0, ''),
(33, 'IRC', 'IRC', 1, 0, '', 0, 0, ''),
(34, 'Video_Stream', 'Video_Stream', 0, 2, '', 1, 0, '');

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:54 pm Reply with quote

Well that looks okay for RavenNuke. Did you get rid of the old block-modules.php? Try disabling that block for a little while and see if your modules stay active. That will narrow it down to that.

I guess make sure you are using the block-Modules.php from RavenNuke. Maybe post a link to it like you did with your index.php file so we can look at it.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:03 pm Reply with quote

`mid` should not be a key since it's also the primary key but otherwise that structure looks okay to me. Did you edit a post? It looks like you thought you had success at first and now you don't.

I am looking at dump output from both my local system and my test system and there is something strange going on with that admin field. I am getting 0's in the admin field, it looks like for new modules. I think maybe there could be a bug still in the new module creation process that's putting a zero in there when it should be ''. I don't know if that's relevant to your problem but it's something we will have to look at separately here. After Christmas.

If you've verified the /blocks/block-modules.php you might want to do the same for /admin/modules/modules.php. That's the other program that affects this process and if you did not get the right version of that you could have problems.
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