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Hangin' Around

Joined: Oct 04, 2003
Posts: 35
Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:28 am |
With montegos help in another post I have managed to install NSN GR Downloads and patch it for Captcha and also to work with the latest version of RavenNuke.
I currently have 233 downloads in my database and have been quite happily adding to that amount over the last two days. However this morning It intermittently would return me to the Admin screen after trying to add a download. This happened once or twice at first, but now I cannot add anything at all without being kicked out to the Admin page when I click 'Add'!?
My initial thoughts are that maybe I have hit the maximum amount of downloads? Or, that maybe the downloads are matching names in a sensor list as they tended to be words like 'Chaos' and 'Shooter'?....I'm just not too sure.
I have enabled level 1 logging in rnconfig but as of yet nothing obvious has shown itself in the error log. I also tried replacing the index.php with the one mentioned above. No Joy.
I have to my knowledge not made any additional changes to the site/db structure since successfully adding around 30 downloads yesterday. So it strikes me as slightly odd as to why the functionality has just stopped.
Any thoughts or ideas would be gladly received.
StalkS |
Last edited by StalkS on Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:56 am; edited 1 time in total |
Site Admin

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Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:56 am |
I hadn't given it any thought until now but it is possible you have hit a limit imposed by a field type in the database. I do not use NSN GR Downloads any more myself so I'm not familiar with the table schema.
Are all these downloads in one single category?
How many downloads do you have now in total, 256? |

Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:53 am |
They fall under a sub-category and then into 26 other categories below that level.
You can see the structure Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
StalkS |

Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:06 am |
I'm right in the middle of something at the moment but I'll try and grab a copy of NSN GR Downloads in a couple of hours and check the table structure but looking at the number of downloads you have, you have not hit the magic number I thought you had.
I assume you have enough disc space on your hosting account to add more downloads? |

Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:15 am |
Thank you very much Guardian2003 I would really appreciate that. I am nowhere near the limit of my hosting package storage space.
StalkS |
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Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:45 pm |
StalkS, please make the sure following file is write-able as 666:
And then in rnconfig, set $loglevel to 1. Check to see if there is a db error being thrown. I have looked at the data model for limitations on the number of categories and downloads and you are not up against any reasonable limit. It may be the size of the text in some fields if they are not being handled properly (but I think they would be truncated... sorry, can't remember). Lets see what, if anything, the dblog says.
Also, if you have not already modified the $display_errors to true in config.php give that a try too to see if there is an underlying PHP error. |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:59 am |
montego, I have just double checked and all settings are as you have specified and have been for over 3 Weeks (I left them on to see if any error popped up).
I have two reoccurring errors in the dblog that happen on a daily basis they are as follows:
Quote: | December 10, 2008, 5:53 am 1146 : Table 'MYnukeDATABASE.nuke_tuto_infos' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT "1" FROM nuke_tuto_infos
remote addr:
December 10, 2008, 5:53 am 1146 : Table 'MYnukeDATABASE.nuke_fancynl_archives' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT "1" FROM nuke_fancynl_archives
remote addr: |
EDIT: Just did a quick search and found the following information on the above errors from the NUKESEO site Quote: | There are content classes for the Fancy Newsletters and Tutoriaux modules, and these are checking to see if the modules are installed. It doesn't hurt anything, but you can simply remove those modules from the modules/Sitemap/content folder and the messages will stop appearing in the log. |
and this one that seems to have only happened just the once:
Quote: | November 16, 2008, 7:20 pm 1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't want to be crawled, please send us a email.)'' at line 1
SQL was: SELECT DISTINCT(`ip_addr`) FROM `nuke_nsnst_tracked_ips` WHERE `user_agent`='AISearchBot (Email:; If your web site doesn't want to be crawled, please send us a email.)'
remote addr: |
From a novices point of view looking at them I do not believe that it is related to my download problem. No other errors are visible when adding downloads or browsing.
Thanks to you both for taking the time to investigate the issue.
StalkS |
Last edited by StalkS on Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:10 am; edited 1 time in total |

Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:29 am |
No, you are right. These are definitely NOT NSNGD related. This is definitely odd and really not sure what it could be. Have you tried just creating a test download with very little text and stay away from any words that might be questionable (like you said "sensor"). I think we need to rule out whether this is a data driven problem or a "number" problem. |

Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:36 am |
I did create a 'Test' Category and tried to add a text file called 'Test' but the same thing happened. Is it possible that this is actually the maximum threshold for downloads via any version of pphpnuke? |

Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:54 am |
I am looking at the modules/Downloads/admin/DownloadAddSave.php script and I do not see any reason for this. Please check with phpMyAdmin and see if the downloads are really getting added to the database, just not showing.
I am at a loss for why this is happening. I'll try to keep digging if I can find the extra time. Weird... |

Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:35 am |
phpMyAdmin shows only the currently listed downloads
I would really appreciate any further help you can offer.
Otherwise the only solution I can think of is to remove NSN GR Downloads completely. Then use the original phpnuke downloads module re-entering all of my downloads then installing NSN GR Downloads again and letting it transfer the data across to populate its own fields (which could be a whole lot of effort for nothing if it fails).
StalkS |