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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:39 pm Reply with quote

I just installed the Raven 2.20 yesterday and when I'm logged into my admin panel then click the blocks I can't move the site info block to the top right side. When I click edit then select right then save it just goes to a blank white screen and can't move any blocks to the right. Can anyone help me with this?
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:24 pm Reply with quote

I don't see any "site info" block in RN2.20. As a test, I just moved my administration block to the right side on my RN2.20 test system. It worked fine.

Possibly there is a bug in your site info block ... I don't know anything about it but it must be from a previous version. You could try turning on dblogging (see recent thread about it) and see if any MYSQL errors are being generated.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:42 pm Reply with quote

What is dblogging? And how do I see if there are any errors?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:48 am Reply with quote

Anyone know what wrong with it? I still can't move the block over to the other side, is there anything I can do to get it to work?

when I installed it I deleted the raven overview message that appears in the centre so I could put my own there and it won't even let me put a message there, nothing shows up on my page what wrong?
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:51 am Reply with quote

Is this a fresh install or an upgrade?

Regarding "dblogging", there is a switch in rnconfig.php that you can turn on the logging of SQL errors. Errors will be written to rnlogs/dblog file.

This is working for everyone else, so that is why fkelly is suggesting it is an issue with that block. Please try other blocks to see if they will work to rule that out. I am also thinking that your installation is not complete, either you did not complete each step within the installSQL.php script or some other step. You need to read the HowToInstall manual and follow it step-by-step...

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:24 am Reply with quote

Yes this is a fresh install and I had problems setting it up, I read the howtoinstall manual and went step by step through it and managed to install step 1 but step 2 wouldn't install but then step 3 4 5 would so someone helped me on the clan themes board and he installed it for me by adding something manually. The website works but I can't move any block from right to left or left to right and I can't post a overview message where the raven message was originally.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:57 pm Reply with quote

Is there anything else I can do to try and get it working? I don't want to do a fresh install all because of not moving the blocks around, i've completed the forums and everything.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:33 am Reply with quote

Post the structure of your nuke_blocks table please so we can take a look.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:01 am Reply with quote

This is a screenshot of my structure for the nuke_blocks it might be hard to read but you can see all the settings.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:15 am Reply with quote

No, I cannot read it. Please copy-and-paste into a post (the text). Thanks!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:48 am Reply with quote

well I can't copy the whole table in here because it ends up scrabbled like this
that why I used screenshot of it

Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default Extra Action
bid int(10) No auto_increment Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
bkey varchar(15) utf8_general_ci No Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
title varchar(60) utf8_general_ci No Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
content text utf8_general_ci No Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
url varchar(200) utf8_general_ci No Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
bposition char(1) utf8_general_ci No Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
weight int(10) No 1 Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
active int(1) No 1 Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
refresh int(10) No 0 Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
time varchar(14) utf8_general_ci No 0 Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
blanguage varchar(30) utf8_general_ci No Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
blockfile varchar(255) utf8_general_ci No Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
view int(1) No 0 Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
expire varchar(14) utf8_general_ci No 0 Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
action char(1) utf8_general_ci No Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
subscription int(1) No 0
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:13 am Reply with quote

Looks like the 'group' field is missing, back in a second..
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:22 am Reply with quote

Just to make sure you have no corrupted data either...
Go to your phpMyAdmin interface and load your tables as shown in the screenshot you did.
At the top of the page you will see a tab marked 'SQL' - click that.
When the page reloads you'll see a text area, paste the following into it and click the GO botton.

CREATE TABLE `nuke_blocks` (
  `bid` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `bkey` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  `title` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
  `content` text NOT NULL,
  `url` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
  `bposition` char(1) NOT NULL default '',
  `weight` int(10) NOT NULL default '1',
  `active` int(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  `refresh` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  `time` varchar(14) NOT NULL default '0',
  `blanguage` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  `blockfile` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `view` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `groups` text NOT NULL,
  `expire` varchar(14) NOT NULL default '0',
  `action` char(1) NOT NULL default '',
  `subscription` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`bid`),
  KEY `title` (`title`)
) ;

When the page reloads go to your sites admin page and click 'blocks' for nuke to reload all the blocks.
NOTE: your site will be broken until the blocks are reloaded by going to the admin page.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:50 am Reply with quote

Shall I drop the nuke_blocks first? I pasted the code in and it says error nuke_blocks already exsist

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:08 am Reply with quote

Ok I dropped the nuke_blocks and pasted your code into it to make a new nuke_blocks and when I go into admin and click blocks there none there and my website doesn't show any either.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:17 am Reply with quote


INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(1, '', 'Modules', '', '', 'l', 1, 1, 0, '', '', 'block-Modules.php', 0, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(2, 'admin', 'Administration', '<strong><big>&middot;</big></strong>&nbsp;<a href="admin.php">Administration</a><br />\r\n<strong><big>&middot;</big></strong>&nbsp;<a href="admin.php?op=adminStory">NEW Story</a><br />\r\n<strong><big>&middot;</big></strong>&nbsp;<a href="admin.php?op=create">Change Survey</a><br />\r\n<strong><big>&middot;</big></strong>&nbsp;<a href="admin.php?op=content">Content</a><br />\r\n<strong><big>&middot;</big></strong>&nbsp;<a href="admin.php?op=logout">Logout</a>', '', 'l', 2, 1, 0, '985591188', '', '', 2, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(3, '', 'Who''s Online', '', '', 'l', 3, 1, 0, '', '', 'block-Who_is_Online.php', 0, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(4, '', 'Search', '', '', 'l', 4, 0, 3600, '', '', 'block-Search.php', 0, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(5, '', 'Languages', '', '', 'l', 5, 1, 3600, '', '', 'block-Languages.php', 0, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(6, '', 'Random Headlines', '', '', 'l', 6, 0, 3600, '', '', 'block-Random_Headlines.php', 0, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(7, '', 'Site Info v2.2.2 ©', '', '', 'l', 7, 1, 3600, '', '', 'block-User_Info.php', 0, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(8, 'userbox', 'User''s Custom Box', '', '', 'r', 1, 1, 0, '', '', '', 1, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(9, '', 'Categories Menu', '', '', 'r', 3, 0, 0, '', '', 'block-Categories.php', 0, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(10, '', 'Survey', '', '', 'r', 4, 1, 3600, '', '', 'block-Survey.php', 0, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(11, '', 'Login', '', '', 'r', 5, 0, 3600, '', '', 'block-Login.php', 3, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(12, '', 'Big Story of Today', '', '', 'r', 6, 1, 3600, '', '', 'block-Big_Story_of_Today.php', 0, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(13, '', 'Old Articles', '', '', 'r', 7, 1, 3600, '', '', 'block-Old_Articles.php', 0, '', '0', 'd', 0);
INSERT INTO `nuke_blocks` (`bid`, `bkey`, `title`, `content`, `url`, `bposition`, `weight`, `active`, `refresh`, `time`, `blanguage`, `blockfile`, `view`, `groups`, `expire`, `action`, `subscription`) VALUES(14, '', 'Information', '<br /><center>Powered by RavenNuke(tm)</center><br />', '', 'r', 8, 0, 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '0', 'd', 0);

I thought the admin area should refresh the list so I'll have to check that but the above is the sql data needed for a default install.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:27 am Reply with quote

Yes that seemed to work thank you but when I go to make a new message to add in the centre of the page like where the raven add was when you install, it just takes me to a blank screen when I press add message :S
so it's not letting me have any overview messages.
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Joined: Apr 30, 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:32 am Reply with quote

Again, need the structure of your nuke_messages table.
My guess is that you didn't run the NSN Groups step of the installer

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:35 am Reply with quote

This is what it says in the table of nuke_messages table
Is there another code I have to put in or do you have the sql data for default install for this also? That might work? Thanks for all your help.

Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default Extra Action
mid int(11) No auto_increment Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
title varchar(100) utf8_general_ci No Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
content text utf8_general_ci No Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
date varchar(14) utf8_general_ci No Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
expire int(7) No 0 Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
active int(1) No 1 Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
view int(1) No 1 Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext
mlanguage varchar(30) utf8_general_ci No

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:36 am Reply with quote

It sounds like you either have some corrupt files or some steps were missed during the install.
In particular, one field was missing from the blocks table for the groups system so I think it is safe to assume the other two tables that need this have the field missing as well.
If you want to EXPORT your table structure for all the tables and save it to a text file and PM me a link to it I can compare it with what you should have and give you any corrections needed but I do not think I will have time toady as my time is about up.

If the problem is the result of a file not uploading or getting corrpted that will be a bit hard to diagnose so unless you have altered any files, you may have to re-upload them.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:51 am Reply with quote

How can I send you the file that I saved from the export? It's saved in wordpad?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:10 am Reply with quote

It's getting me frustrated now, I wasn't expecting it to be this difficult, I'm not good with fiding faults and everything about websites as you can tell lol I was just expecting to install raven and then it would work since it was supposed to be easy to set up.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:02 pm Reply with quote

I know it's frustrating, but please be patient I'm sure Guardian will be able to fix it for you. Most of the time things go without a hitch, but problems can happen, whether you are using RavenNuke, or any other CMS.

Upload the file to your website and PM Guardian a link to the file.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:46 pm Reply with quote

Are you sure you ran the installer correctly? I believe there still is a seperate step to upgrade your tables with the NSN changes

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:25 am Reply with quote

Well I got the messages to work so everything is ok for now, I'm just worried something else will go wrong because I'm no good with fixing websites, if things have gone wrong now and you think there might be things missing then something else has to go wrong along the line somewhere. I hate being a nuisance asking here all the time as well I do appreciate everyone helping me though.

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