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Spouse Contemplates Divorce

Joined: Jan 02, 2003
Posts: 2496
Fri Nov 12, 2004 12:08 pm |
CNB Your Account 750 4.4.0 final
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Somehow we missed this one. After the Next version is out I'll go back and update the 4.4.0 version again as we intend to continue it as a "Lite" version from here on out.
CNB Your Account 750 4.4.0 b2
If you install the fix listed Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!.
You will also have to update your CNB YA include lines in mainfile.php to reflect the change from a named variable to a define.
if (defined('FORUM_ADMIN')) {
} elseif ($inside_mod == 1) {
} else {
Can't admin forums after CNB YA install
Open modules/Your_Account/includes/mainfileend.php
Replace the PM popup code with this:
if(!stristr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'admin/')) { // PSL this was causing
// Forums admin page to fail
$pusername = $uinfo['username']; // Popup ignored user preference
$result = $db->sql_query("select user_new_privmsg from ".$user_prefix."_users where username='$pusername' AND user_popup_pm='1'");
list($numrow) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if ($numrow > 0) {
$content .= "<scr+pt language='javascr+pt'>\n";
$content .= "<!--\n";
$content .= "var win ='modules.php?name=Private_Messages&popup=1&mode=newpm', '', 'height=225,width=400')";
$content .= "//-->\n";
$content .= "</scr+pt>";
echo "$content";
Replace the + with i
In modules/Your_Account/public/userinfo.php
$username gets clobbered by the code for the user online status.
Around line 114 you'll find
$username = $row2[uname];
if ($username == "") { $online = _OFFLINE; } else { $online = _ONLINE; }
Try changing it to:
$active_username = $row2[uname]; // Edited PSL 12-9-04 was killing $username
if ($active_username == "") { $online = _OFFLINE; } else { $online = _ONLINE; }
$username should reflect the $_REQUEST['username'] not the result of the session check. This was/is messing up any blocks of code included after the user status check.
12/7 added changes reported here:
Also dealing with the realname issue.
Real Name not saving fix in this unofficial patch:
Display of NSN Group status is broken in NSN-Groups 1.6.2. This display is only compatable with the version of NSN-Groups 1.4.0-1.6.2. Temp fix is to download this file and replace your existing modules/Your_Account/includes/ui-l10nsngr.php
We will include a 1.4.0 - 1.6.2 compatable file in the next release.
Installer missing config for double check email on new users reg page.
INSERT INTO nuke_cnbya_config VALUES ('doublecheckemail', '1');
Just run this command from phpmyadmin to correct. As soon as we can access the files we'll get it fixed.
CNB Your Account 750 4.4.0 b1
All of the following are fixed in CNB Your Account 750 4.4.0 b2 users are urged to upgrade their installs rather then apply these fixes.
Users Config
1.) Valid email function missing but option exists in Users Config.
Status: Not Fixed.
2.) Cookies not being sent message when logging in.
Status: Fix supplied in above topic. Will include in next beta.
3.) setcookie parameter 3 must be string error.
This happens when a cookie path is set in cookies configuration. This will be fixed in the upcoming beta2 distribution.
1.) Off Site Avatars saved with path mixed into url.
Status: Temp Fix supplied in above topic.
2.) Private fields showing to all in userinfo page. Fix included in upcoming beta2.
Several files missing security fix reported 5/27/04
Status: Fixes posted
Will include in next beta.
Hidden member status by default
Status: Fix supplied in above topic. Will include in next beta. |
_________________ [b][size=5]openSUSE 11.4-x86 | Linux i686 | KDE: 4.6.41>=4.7 | XFCE 4.8 | AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3000+ | MSI K7N2 Delta-L | 3GB Black Diamond DDR
| GeForce 6200@433Mhz 512MB | Xorg 1.9.3 | NVIDIA 270.30[/size:2b8
Last edited by sixonetonoffun on Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:55 am; edited 13 times in total |

Joined: Jul 18, 2003
Posts: 977
Wed Nov 17, 2004 8:26 am |
I do not want to hijack this thread but I didn't want to start a new one.. Please continue to post all the known bugs and fixes here in this one thread so that it is easy for the user of CNB to fix everything that comes out. This type of thread is very helpful so thank you!. |
New Member

Joined: Dec 03, 2004
Posts: 17
Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:01 pm |
Not a bug but a small necessary info for to install CNB-YA properly: Please update the installation description, that the image 'html/images/admin/users.png' must be copied to '/root/images/admin'. The '/root/images/admin/users.gif' may remain there. Thanks. |

Joined: Jun 16, 2004
Posts: 159
Location: Sweden
Sun Dec 19, 2004 2:53 pm |
Hi there have some here!!
when i hit Create Field do i get this!
Code:Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_PUBLIC, expecting ']' in /usr/home/web/nuke/modules/Your_Account/admin/addfield.php on line 54
And image dont work on Edit user!!
thats all i have got after install on 7,5 patched |

Sun Dec 19, 2004 3:29 pm |
Thats one of the files we are cleaning up to run with globals off and applying some additional stuff to work better with magic quotes off, better filtering of $_POST vars. I'm not seeing that error in my working copy. I checked the files at :
and I'm not getting that error on my 75 test site. Any further details to help us sort this out would be appreciated. |

Sun Dec 19, 2004 4:45 pm |
were is the fault do i inviseble that row show row 56 up and do i same on that row 56 shows the block up but dont seems to work
Code:if ($sqlvalue[public] == '1') $sel = "selected"; else $sel = "";
thats row 54
and i did download that you did have on that link and install that 1 and get the erro
Code:Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_PUBLIC, expecting ']' in /usr/home/web/nuke/modules/Your_Account/admin/addfield.php on line 54

Sun Dec 19, 2004 5:05 pm |
Can try like this:
if ($sqlvalue['public'] == '1'){$sel = "selected";}else{$sel = "";}
But there is a lot of this sort of cleaning up that is needed in this file. |

Sun Dec 19, 2004 5:33 pm |
that did work thanks alot....but a stupid quest hehe
what is that for creat field??  |

Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:29 pm |
There are 2 things everyone needs to know about 750 4.4.0 b2 it won't work well with magic quotes off or register globals off. We're working on these compatibility issues and hope to have a new version done that will be. When? When its ready... |
Hangin' Around

Joined: May 30, 2004
Posts: 46
Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:11 pm |
If you are using CNB Your Account v4.4.0 b2 to v4.4.2 with RavenNuke76 v2.02, last_ip in nuke_users isn't being set because CNB Your Account is looking for $Version_Num >= 7.4. RavenNuke76 v2.02 sets the Version_Num to rn76v2.02. You can correct this by changing nuke_config/Version_Num to 7.6 rn2.02 |
_________________ Captain Computer Said It !!!! |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:38 am |
CNBYA and other scripts are misusing this field.
In the database schema, the Version field is "varchar(10)". Someone along the way has attached the floatval (in mainfile.php) which is wrong. If anything, that code should be removed, regardless of this issue.
In RavenNuke76, I have modified the code to this:
// $Version_Num = floatval($row['Version_Num']);
$Version_Num = htmlentities(strip_tags($row['Version_Num']));
It is, by schema definition, a character field. It will break any code that is using it as a numeric. In reality, this is no longer v7.6 and shouldn't be identified as such. |
Member Emeritus

Joined: May 02, 2003
Posts: 1389
Location: Puerto Rico
Sat May 05, 2007 8:59 pm |
Not sure if this has been reported or if dev is active but i couldn't find it in the forum, if it was reported/resolved i apologize.
Version 4.4.2's cnbya.php file incorrectly sets the version to 4.4.1
Line 151:
Code:$result = $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_cnbya_config VALUES ('version', '4.4.1')");
Should read:
Code:$result = $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_cnbya_config VALUES ('version', '4.4.2')");

Sat May 05, 2007 9:51 pm |
When resending the activation email to a user the username will be shown as an ip if a user_info block that lists i'ps is used on the website because of the code found in modules/Your_Account/admin/resendmail.php:
line 29:
Code:list($uname) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT username FROM ".$user_prefix."_users_temp WHERE user_id='$chng_uid'"));
should be changed to something like:
Code:list($resenduname) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT username FROM ".$user_prefix."_users_temp WHERE user_id='$chng_uid'"));
and line 43:
Code:echo "<tr><td align=center>"._SURE2RESEND." <b>$uname<i>($chng_uid)</i></b>?</td></tr>\n";
Code:echo "<tr><td align=center>"._SURE2RESEND." <b>$resenduname<i>($chng_uid)</i></b>?</td></tr>\n";
Site Admin

Joined: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 6437
Sun May 06, 2007 11:05 am |
Hi Chatserv! The current author of CNBYA put out a beta version of 5.0 with a lot of improvements, but it still had some issues and hasn't been released. It's been a while (over a year) , so most aren't optimistic about that version being released.
That said, it's good to see your suggested improvements for the last release... |
_________________ I search, therefore I exist...
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Sun May 06, 2007 11:12 am |
A real shame, in the past i used this tweak when it was authored by Bobmarion and i know many others used it too. I would gladly take a look at 5.x in hopes of tackling its issues but i wouldn't have the time to provide support for it which is a big factor with tweaks like this one. |

Sun May 06, 2007 11:18 am |
Agreed. The new functionality in 5.0 is really nice, and I would love to make it happen, too, but have way too much on the plate right now. |

Sun May 06, 2007 1:59 pm |
We should change your name to "Phoenix".
Phoenix is "A mythical bird that never dies, the phoenix flies far ahead to the front, always scanning the landscape and distant space. It represents our capacity for vision, for collecting sensory information about our environment and the events unfolding within it. The phoenix, with its great beauty, creates intense excitement and deathless inspiration." - The Feng Shui Handbook, feng shui Master Lam Kam Chuen |
Hangin' Around

Joined: Jan 08, 2007
Posts: 35
Location: Australia
Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:43 pm |
I have CNB Your Account 4.4.0 b2 and ever since I had my forum lockout prob, CNB has not been approving people.
Also I have lost (well 1 Month after installation) the image, I need help on both parts as I have 6 people wanting to join. |
_________________ G'Day
Wazza |

Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:00 pm |
If your host recently switched from PHP 4 to PHP 5, you'll need to change the parameters on the imagepng function.
For example:
Code:imagepng($image, '',75);
Should be:
Code:imagepng($image, '',9);
That should fix the image issue. Not sure about the forum lockout. |