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Theme Guru

Joined: Jan 11, 2006
Posts: 170
Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:59 pm |
Is it considered ok to have a theme which allows for a horizontal resolution of 1280px + . The index page here is stretched to the limit with the use of CSE HTML Validator Lite.
I ocassionally send people here to check RavenNuke but they think the index page IS RavenNuke and I have trouble explaining to them that it is not RN but the theme and selected content which is causing their browsers to have a horizontal scrolling bar way off of the screen. I think most of them run with 1024x768.
I use 1280 so it's not a problem to me.
Edited: I see now, once someone logs in the horizontal scrolling stops. |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
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Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:16 pm |
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Mar 06, 2004
Posts: 1164
Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:00 am |
| looks okay.
The problem just seems to be here. |
_________________ Steph Benoit
100% Section 508 and W3C HTML5 and CSS Compliant (Truly) Code, because I love compliance. |

Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:18 am |
I can't figure out what's wrong. I don't see it. I'll keep looking.
BTW, have you gotten my emails and/or PM's since the last time you appeared, briefly, and then disappeared ? |

Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:38 pm |
I still don't see any issue here. |

Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:49 pm |
Gosh, I hope you're sending them to my "other" email address (and not
I think the issue is with either:
a) The forums block
b) the CSE HTML Validator Lite
I recoded my version of the forums block and fixed that darn drop-down, dimensions, etc... It still isn't perfect (at every resolution), but it's close.
I'm dumbfounded to figure out why logged in versus not-logged in would be different, but all I can think of is having something to do with cookies. I dunno. It's stumping me and as I never have seen your compilation of code for this domain, I'm at a little bit of a loss. |

Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:57 pm |
I'm using whatever address you have here and when you sent me email the last time about a month ago.
You mean the show/hide forums block? |

Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:59 pm |
Okay... that should work...
Yeah, the collapsing forums block.
If you want, we can have you turn it off for a few minutes, I'll logout, change my resolution down to 1024x768 and we can diag it block by block.
What do you think? |

Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:36 pm |
I don't see a scroll bar until about 969px (width) - logged out. I'm still failing to see the issue. |

Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:47 pm |
What I find strange here is that it is a session issue (I think).
I'm using FF3B3 (I don't want to update yet to B4 for a few reasons)...
I'll have also checked this out in IE 7, Opera and FF2.
Here's a screen shot of Anonymous:
The above was IE 7, but I get the same results regardless of the browser.
I don't notice the issue at my default 1440 x 900 resolution. |

Joined: Dec 19, 2004
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Location: Germany:Moderator German NukeSentinel Support
Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:02 pm |
I just noticed I have the same issue with IE and FF. I use all the time 1024 X 768 and this works for all other sites perfect. |

Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:30 pm |
Thanks for letting me know. When time allows I will look into it. But, I don't see this as a big deal right at the moment. That's why we have scroll bars  |

Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:16 am |
Just an annoyance for those not logged in... (and 1st time visitors)
I'm glad I've got a widescreen!  |

Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:03 am |
There is nothing that I am aware of that differentiates the theme working whether logged in or not. It just doesn't make any sense. |

Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:27 pm |
I think it's the collapsible center forum block that's the culprit. When I'm logged off the block won't resize horizontally. There's alot of white space in the subject area. But, when I log in the block resizes horizontally and the white space in the subject area disappears. |

Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:54 pm |
Is this a dead issue now? I have released sites using RavenNuke as the engine and still when someone tells me that they come here and the site displays way off the screen I have to make an attempt at explaining to them that their site will not look like that when I'm done.
I am getting ready to release a large site upate which I am using RN as the engine to drive the sites features and it seems to me that nothing has been done to correct the issue of horizontal scrolling here for the majority of people who use 1024 resolutions.
Anyhow, I'm just one in umpteen designers but I am one who tries to support RN fully and design new innovative ways in which to design sites using RN and the one I am about to release is an example of just that. But when I read this thread it just seems to me that since most of us have large resolution screens that it doesn't matter to those who don't. |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 29, 2004
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Location: Arizona
Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:37 pm |
papamike, just make sure you keep in mind that Raven's site here is NOT RavenNuke. Only is and the Forums Collapsing block is also not a part of RN as of yet...
I just want to make sure that is clear to all who read this thread and to you as well. Expectations must be clear.  |
_________________ Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:18 pm |
Expectations must be clear? The only expectation I have of RavenNuke is to leave it alone and go off in a different direction.
I have been coming HERE for years for RN support, there's one of my banners on the site and a support button in the Support scrolling block but this isn't RavenNuke. And the forums don't support RavenNuke.
To cloudy for me.  |

Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:52 pm |
I'm confused....
Quote: |
And the forums don't support RavenNuke.
Where is this coming from? Of course we support RavenNuke here and have and continue to give excellent support for it! Have you ever gotten any help from FB for PHP-Nuke? NEVER.
All this thread is talking about is the Forums Collapsing Block which has nothing to do with RavenNuke, so I do not understand your hostility.
Or I have just taken your reply completely wrong here?  |

Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:12 pm |
You have taken my reply completely wrong. I was replying to this statement
"papamike, just make sure you keep in mind that Raven's site here is NOT RavenNuke. Only is and the Forums Collapsing block is also not a part of RN as of yet... "
It has always been my understanding that this site IS RavenNuke and I have always supported RavenNuke, you know that. I started the thread about the horizontal scrolling, so I felt compelled to see if I could stir a response and maybe solicit a fix.
I should have placed ? after my statements.
After all the time and effort I have placed into fully supporting RavenNuke in the background, sending people here, designing sites using RN and then come here and have to go through this just because I recommended a change is enough for me to pull my support of RN.
Pull my banner and button off of this site and delete my account, I'm done with supporting this bunch. |

Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:29 pm |
papamike, and you sir have taken my original "expectations" post completely wrong as well. I wasn't sure if you knew that Raven isn't personally running RavenNuke on this site here only because he's had this site up and running for many, many years prior, with tons of mods/customizations. That is all that I was trying to say.
I cannot understand why two posts would upset you so to the point of this. I am saddened that you have taken this so strongly. I am just so stunned by your response that I almost don't have the words... |

Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:29 am |
PapaMike, seriously - settle down. I don't know where you have all of a sudden gotten confused but you are way out of line right now. If you don't want to support RN then that's your choice. But you need to get your understanding fixed. There are so many postings stating and restating that this site isn't and never has been RavenNuke(tm). The site is the test site for the product and the support forums have always been here. Do what you want to do but do it for the right reasons. I have had your banner here free of charge because of your support of RavenNuke(tm). I will remove it because you requested it. |

Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:17 am |
To everyone reading this, I am deeply sorry for starting this war of words and I humbly apologize.
I DO have strong feelings about the things I support and care about with RavenNuke being one of them. I will continue my staunch support of the most secure CMS out there. |

Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:18 am |
Strong feelings and passion are needed and welcomed. As long as I have known you, you have always had them and I respect you. I was very surprised by your post and am very glad for your follow-up! I am sorry for the misunderstanding so let me explain a bit more.
This site has a very heavily modified v6.9 as its base. It has all the security of RavenNuke(tm). I just haven't had time to do a complete makeover. RavenNuke(tm) , the support forums here, hosting, PM's, Email, side work, etc. take up quite a bit of time . That's why I set up a separate site for RavenNuke(tm) to be shown and tested. I will say that I have started the makeover of this site and hope to have it done by summer. But, while it is a priority it is not the only priority
Thank you for your passionate support of RN and don't hesitate to contact me via email if you need a more private venue to discuss your concerns. |
Last edited by Raven on Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:19 am; edited 1 time in total |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
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Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:30 am |
I wouldn't presume to speak for anyone else but, no problem here
I have had the same problem myself trying to explain that although this site is the support site for the RavenNuke CMS it doesn't actually 'use' the RavenNuke CMS because of all the hand coding that Raven has done to this specific website over the years, not to mention the tens of thousands of indexed links that might be lost due to different url re-writing methods.
I thank you for your support and having strong enough beliefs to stick by your convictions. |