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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:34 am Reply with quote

This is a problem that just showed up randomly on me last night half way through setting up my site. I'm not quite sure what's going on...

First, I have 2 links at the top that are either:

"Register" and "Log In"


"My Account" and "Log Out"

Now, when I logged in my user account to view some changes I had made, then clicked "log out". While, for all intents and purposes, the account was logged out (wasn't able to view things set to "registered users" or access anything like "Your Account) the links at the top of the page still had "My Account" and "Log Out" instead of reverting back to "Register" and "Log In".

My first thought was that it was a cookie issue - I was being logged directly back in on log out. But since "registered users" `stuff` wasn't accessable by me after my apparent 'logout' I was really doubting it. Yet, I wanted to test to be sure, so I called a friend that had never been to the site. His first pageload showed "My Account" and "Log Out" as the options.

Not a cache or cookie issue.

My second thought was that it was simply an issue with the theme I was using. So I contacted the support there, who said that those links, while used in the theme, are set elsewhere. I don't know how true that is - I've yet to find where exactly they are at in the code, but that is why I ended up here.

Any help is appreciated.
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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:56 am Reply with quote

snwmnx, I cannot believe the theme authors said that those links are set elsewhere! Sad That is completely bogus unless there has been a misunderstanding as to what the issue was. The themeheader() function most definitely controls how all of that gets set up, plain and simple.

Now, if what they are saying is that they are simple using the is_admin() and is_user() funcitons, then that is a different story.

Pretty confident this is a theme issue. Go back to the stock fisubice theme for a moment, make sure and clear your cookies AND cache, kill the browser, and from a fresh browser session try to replicate the issue on the fisubice theme. Then report back your findings and then we'll go from there.

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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:14 am Reply with quote

Wow, duh. Don't ask me why I didn't just change the themes....

Yes, when I change back to the original theme, everything functions as it should. I'll figure it out, and not bother you guys with this anymore, as it is obviously not a problem with RavenNuke.

Big thanks for a quick reply, too. Lets me focus my efforts where they should be, instead of in things that are working fine.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 5:18 am Reply with quote

I'm just so disappointed in what the supposed theme authors said... Sad They may have forgotten to make a variable global. At least that would be the first thing that I would check, such as $user or $admin IF they are using is_user($user) and is_admin($admin) functions to determine how to format that part of the page.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:55 am Reply with quote

Well, after I fixed the problem, I sent the author another email, just kind of letting him know what had fixed the problem. I literally only reuploaded his theme. His response to that email was:

"It could be something related to the authotheme module, although I've never heard of that before. It couldn't be the theme specifically because the theme doesn't do anything more than tell phpnuke and the autotheme module to place that bit of code."

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:42 am Reply with quote

Well, this is the first time that you mentioned autotheme... that completely changes what I said above. Autotheme does things completely different than the standard theme processing. Bang Head

It is always helpful if you can mention what add-ons you have applied that may be even remotely closely related. In this case, since this was theme related, knowing that autotheme was added was very pertinent.

But, glad it is working now...
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