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Joined: Jan 24, 2008
Posts: 4
Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:21 pm |
I'm a bit new to this upgrading Nuke and after inheriting a Nuke Clan website I have had major problems upgrading to Nuke 8.1.
Therefore after reading up I have instead upgraded the original site of our clan to nuke 7.6 instead using the RavenNuke_v2.10.01 release.
I followed the install instructions including all the update scripts from nuke 6 through to 7.6 and all the scripts to update the phpbb 2.10 to 2.22.
Unfortunately I have the following issues that for the life of me I cannot find answers for in many Nuke sites and through my best friend google
1. After updating my clans forums structure seems intact with all the relevant topics etc (including the counts, e.g. 3000 posts etc), however the posts themselves have vanished! Go to any of the rooms at and our posts wont show (except for any new ones we put on). There is a wealth of clan info that is still in the database, yet the forums won't display it
2. After logging in with my admin username and pass, it won't let me use the Edit-Admin link to configure other admins. When I click on the link Sentinel bans me! I then have to go and remove my ip from database and .htaccess file! If I turn sentinel off, when clicking the Edit-Admin (authors) link I get a blank page with "Illegal Operation" written on it. I also don't seem to be able to make my account / ip immune to sentinel
3. Shoutbox, I had to disable as now it does not show shouts (even though they are there when checking shout-history) ..this did work on the 8.1 install I did previously??
Any help would be very much appreciated, I'm pulling my hair out now!
[SC]MysticDonut |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:44 pm |
First, in Sentinel there is a scan for new admins step that you might need to run. Not running that might be a source of your problems with edit-admin.
Second, it's not quite clear what the sequence of your update steps was. Did you update each version of Nuke from 6 to 7.6 and THEN update to RN2.10.01? PHPBB 2.22 comes WITH RN2.10.01 so I'm not clear why you would have been running the PHPBB upgrade scripts separately.
I'm thinking that with all these updates, it is very likely that there could be a structural problem with your MYSQL database. You might want to get the MYSQLdiff tool that's mentioned in a number of forum posts here. Search for it here and then maybe Google to get the program. Load up a separate database (empty) from the RN2.10 distribution and run a database comparison between that and your current database. That would tell you if you have structural problems.
Oh, just one more thing. That illegal operation message you are getting is likely coming from admin.php. It checks to make sure that the author's (the admin that is trying to edit the authors table) name is "God". You should check your authors table and see that it is using a tool like phpmyadmin. |

Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:35 pm |
Hi fkelly,
Many thanks for your speedy reply, I wish I asked sooner!
This is exactly what I did.
1. I took a copy of my old site.
2. I copied the RN2.10.01 files over it.
3. I ran the Nuke 6 - 7.6 updates
4. I ran the php upgrade scripts form 10-11 up to 22 ( i assumed this was correct as my phpbb original was 2.10, so I gathered my database would be wrong and that is what I thought the scripts were for, to update the database?)
5. I moved all from my local machine to my shared hosting server and then exported my updated database to a sql file and then re-imported it on the live server.
6. Changed the config file with the live server database location and login and re-uploaded it to the live server.
As for the illegal operation thing, thanks for that info. I do not know login for GOD, I never inherited that just inherited adminstrator and password, which on my old site allowed me to setup other admins etc and to adjust forums etc).
As for the sentinel 'scan for admins' option, I would use it if I could, the text is there, just won't let me click it! I guess this could be to do with the GOD account?
*EDIT* I have sorted the GOD account now! I can access Sentinel extra options and authors!! Just need to get my shout box working and retrieve my missing posts next, I hope!!
Thanks for your help, I'd be lost without it.
[SC]MysticDonut |

Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:45 pm |
The process you describe looks very logical to me. However, just looking at it, there were some database upgrades from 7.6 to RN 2.10.01 ... there are scripts in the 2.10 package that you might need to run. Likewise, your Forum upgrade process looks logical but Evaders, among others, understands that process better than I and may have a suggestion or two.
You may need to do a PHPmyadmin thing to the authors table to set yourself up as God. See which admin ID has that name and give it to yourself instead.
OOPS just saw your edit, so you are okay with God. LOL.
You still might want to run some kind of database comparison using mysqldiff. With all those updates it's very easy for a few fields to be left out or have the wrong attributes and the comparison will point it out. If that seems a bit complicated, well, the table definitions you SHOULD have are in the rn_core_pl32.sql file that's in the installation folder of 2.10.01. Look especially at the forums tables as well as the nsngroups tables and the modules table. Those all had updates along the way and you need to match up with the definitions in that sql file I referenced for your distribution to work correctly. Also take a look at the users table and the users_temp tables. Those also had changes. |

Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:42 am |
Hi Fkelly,
Got my posts back! The topics table was empty! Managed to import back from a backup and then use the re sync options on phpbb.
Now I have another issue
We have lost our 'Preview' and 'Submit' buttons inside new and existing posts? Now no-one can post anything???
Is this to do with the database do you think?
[SC]MysticDonut |

Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:12 am |
I'm sorted now! Had to log in and then out again for some reason!
Again, many many thanks for your help!
I'm off to look at the shout box problem now, think someone mentioned that its to do with two many blocks using onpageload in the javascript.
[SC]MysticDonut |

Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:41 pm |
Phew, I'm glad you solved that. I was going to have to punt to someone who knows more about Forums than I do anyway. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Apr 06, 2006
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Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:55 pm |
mysticdonut, the our shout box vs RavenNuke fix was posted by me somewhere. A million people asked about this problem in a million other threads, so you should be able to find it easily. If not let me know and I can try and find it. |
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