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Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:52 pm |
If you go step-by-step in the HowToInstall, the link will appear right under/beside (can't remember) the path to .staccess setting in the Admin panel. |
New Member

Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 23
Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:21 pm |
I don't think I'm asking the right question, or I just don't know enough about this stuff to articulate what I'm trying to say.
Here is where I am at on the HOWTOINSTALL Instructions:
* Should produce a new window with the following information:CGIAuth Setup
Since you already have a window or tab open where you can edit the .htaccess file just save this text into .htaccess. If you neglected to open such a window then open it now and save the text in .htaccess. The text that is generated will look like this:
Note:Some or all of the below .htaccess code may already be present in your .htaccess file. If you see that your .htaccess file already has the code, then you only need to verify that the USERNAME and path to .staccess are correct.
# -------------------------------------------
# Start of NukeSentinel(tm) admin.php Auth
# -------------------------------------------
<Files .staccess>
deny from all
<Files admin.php>
require valid-user
AuthName "Restricted by NukeSentinel(tm)"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/USERNAME/public_html/.staccess
# -------------------------------------------
# End of NukeSentinel(tm) admin.php Auth
# -------------------------------------------
USERNAME will be your username and the path may be different
When I click on CGIAuth Setup a pop up window comes up with the following code:
Now that I have this code - I need to copy and past it into my .htaccess file per the instructions. I have done that, per the instructions, however then I am not able to access my website or admin.php. So this means I have either copied and pasted it into the incorrect place, or I need to add something to the code above and have failed to do that. I know it is asking for me to put my user name in there somewhere, but it looks as though it already has.
I hope this helps to explain what my issue is. I've followed the Instructions, but perhaps I have misunderstood something. ><
Taliesen |

Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:56 pm |
That's because you missed a step. When you scan for new Admins it will produce the correct .staccess file that you need for the .htaccess file. Make sure the .htaccess file has the correct path to .htaccess. |

Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:01 am |
I have done both. I have my user ID and the HEX in my .staccess file. The direction in my .htaccess file matches the same path that is under the Sentinel Admin Menu that allowed me to produce the new .staccess file.
That path is as follows:
I have scanned for Admins, and then gone to Auth_Admin List.
From there I have clicked on the following that is produced:
Build CGIAuth file: /home/content/t/a/l/taliesen/html/RavenNuke/html/.staccess
So I have built my .staccessfile correctly.
My issue is when I click on the CGI Auth setup and get this:
I copy and paste that into the .htaccess file and all it does is lock me out from admin.
Raven, I'm really sorry I keep being a pest. I know this is probably an easy fix and I'm just ignorant of all this coding. |

Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:22 am |
Please email to me the following information:
Site url, admin name, admin password
FTP url, name, password
NukeSentinel(tm) admin name, password
I know this is frustration for you and after all this b&f we just need to fix your issue. Ad the @ and the . to assemble the email address.
com |

Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:11 pm |
I PM'ed you all the information. Did you receive? |

Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:03 pm |
Yes I have and I'll be looking at this later tonight, hopefully! |

Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:05 pm |
Thanks!! And my guild thanks you! I will definetly be donating! |

Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:07 pm |

Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:53 am |
Fixed - 1.5 hours - Unbelievable! All I ended up having to do was to follow the instructions that I had put in the .htaccess file concerning the error documents. Just for curiosity, check your Apache error log and see if there are error messages in there. Since I didn't have access to the logs I couldn't look. If they're in there then that would have saved all of us all these migraines
# Format:
# -------------------------------------------
ErrorDocument 400 /modules.php?name=ErrorDocuments
ErrorDocument 401 /modules.php?name=ErrorDocuments
ErrorDocument 403 /modules.php?name=ErrorDocuments
ErrorDocument 404 /modules.php?name=ErrorDocuments
ErrorDocument 406 /modules.php?name=ErrorDocuments
ErrorDocument 500 /modules.php?name=ErrorDocuments
In Your Case It Should Be
ErrorDocument 400 /RavenNuke/html/modules.php?name=ErrorDocuments
ErrorDocument 401 /RavenNuke/html/modules.php?name=ErrorDocuments
ErrorDocument 403 /RavenNuke/html/modules.php?name=ErrorDocuments
ErrorDocument 404 /RavenNuke/html/modules.php?name=ErrorDocuments
ErrorDocument 406 /RavenNuke/html/modules.php?name=ErrorDocuments
ErrorDocument 500 /RavenNuke/html/modules.php?name=ErrorDocuments |

Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:00 am |
Thank you so much! I had a feeling it was something simple, however I was too ignorant to know where to look or what to do. For that I apologize.
I am afraid I am unsure as to how to access my Apache Log. Is this something I have to access via my hosting company consol, I'm assuming? If so I will sniff around to try to find it.
Also, my guild and I love RavenNuke. You have outdone yourself. I will probably move RavenNuke to my root directory, however I will keep the .ataccess, .htacces, and .ftaccess files in their current locations so I will not have to change the path for Sentinel.
Do you have any advice before I make the move? Should I do anything else before moving the files?
Also, I believe I have a new customer for you. An allied guild of mine on WoW is wanting to try out your CMS.
I will donate $20. You have gone far beyond any expectations that I had. Thank you for helping me out and getting our website up and running.
Do you have any themes that you sell? I know a few other guilds who would be interested in purchasing some from you if you do. If not then I'll send them over to since the Webmaster there told us of you.
Thanks a lot Raven!
aka Taliesen |

Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:08 am |
taliesen wrote: | Raven,
Thank you so much! I had a feeling it was something simple, however I was too ignorant to know where to look or what to do. For that I apologize.
I am afraid I am unsure as to how to access my Apache Log. Is this something I have to access via my hosting company consol, I'm assuming? If so I will sniff around to try to find it.
Also, my guild and I love RavenNuke. You have outdone yourself. I will probably move RavenNuke to my root directory, however I will keep the .ataccess, .htacces, and .ftaccess files in their current locations so I will not have to change the path for Sentinel.
Do you have any advice before I make the move? Should I do anything else before moving the files?
Also, I believe I have a new customer for you. An allied guild of mine on WoW is wanting to try out your CMS.
I will donate $20. You have gone far beyond any expectations that I had. Thank you for helping me out and getting our website up and running.
Do you have any themes that you sell? I know a few other guilds who would be interested in purchasing some from you if you do. If not then I'll send them over to since the Webmaster there told us of you.
Thanks a lot Raven!
aka Taliesen |
How do you think I feel As I said, I'm the one who discovered that early on when I wrote the ErrorDocuments module. As I'm sure you know, in whatever walk of life, you just do so much and then you start overlooking the easy things because, well, just because I had finally reached a point last night (well, early this morning) where I said to myself "Self, you're barking up the wrong tree here. So, I gutted the .htaccess and only left the NukeSentinel(tm) code. It worked instantly so I had one of those "AHA" moments and then I tried a couple of things that didn't matter, and then my eye (I only have 1 that works ) fell on the Error Documents note and at that moment I looked toward Heaven and said "Just take me now:
If your host offers a control panel then you should have access to all of your logs. Our hosting clients use cPanel. cPanel has a section named Logs and there is an icon for Error Log. That's the one you should review often. The .ftaccess, .staccess, and .htaccess files need to be in your RN root folder. So you will need to change the file paths in your NukeSentinel(tm) Administration Panel and the .staccess file path in your .htaccess file.
I don't sell themes but there are some very good theme authors who frequent and support this site. PapaMike, Jaded, Sas-Clans, and several others.
When you decide to move your RN folder, I would recommend the following steps as far as NukeSentinel(tm) is concerned.
* Rename your .htaccess file to .htaccessX. That way NukeSentinel can't block you from your site.
* Move your entire RN folder to its new location
* In NukeSentinel(tm) Admin Panel, adjust the 3 .* and 1 cache paths as required
* Edit .htaccessX and correct the path to .staccess as required - Save the changes
* Then, as the last step, rename .htaccessX back to .htaccess
Thank you for your support! |