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Joined: Jan 17, 2009
Posts: 272
Location: Missouri
Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:00 pm |
I agree with the above. Far more logical. Heres where problems arise with both methods. In order for the bridges to be compatible the RN team would still have to keep up to date with every forum a bridge was offered for, we all know what problems that would bring?
So the conclusion is to logically stay with just phpBB and/OR remove it as planned and offer a bridge but, perhaps create a forum system specifically for RN, which could probably be used for other *nuke forks as well, not the point though.
That would give users the ability to choose between different systems, limited, but different and to everyones advantage. Then you would have the ability to use the built in forums which would probably be far more secure, or choose to disable them and use the bridge for whatever version of phpbb you wanted to. You could still create other bridges sure.
Might sound complicated, but could ultimately be a simpler solution to make everyone happy. Just a thought. |
Site Admin

Joined: Mar 30, 2006
Posts: 2583
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:06 pm |
Building a new forum is out of the question in my opinion. Why reinvent the wheel. The time required to develop a forum is just staggering to ever think about. |
_________________ "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. |

Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:20 pm |
Hmm.. I get you so I agree, too much work in one way. In another, one thing that I think is needed is for users to only have to register one name, on all systems. That might be simpler, but that would be the major drawback on not having a semi-integrated solution. |

Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:21 pm |
Well.... I left one thing out, theres still the security issue that needs to be considered... very touchy subject.
Another note, it doesnt have to be a "new" system... So maybe choose one to integrate. |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:16 am |
Palbin wrote: | The "bridge" has nothing to do with the number of forum providers. It is to facilitate an easy upgrade when PHPBB or whatever releases and update. The ultimate goal would be for when PHPBB releases an update you can just install it without any modifications. The idea of being able to use different forums is just icing on the cake. |
I just reread your comment and now you have me confused (yet again) . The bridge/API approach has much more to do with the number of forum providers than anything else. Upgrades are actually the icing on the cake  |

Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:01 am |
I like looking at it the other way  |

Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:32 pm |
Saw an old discussion and thought Id bring it up, what about Phorum? Looks like someone had plans, maybe a long time ago, to integrate. |

Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:16 am |
The answer is still the same. The API/bridge approach will allow for most any forum. Basically the approach will be that the bridge will expose the variables that the forum needs and then the forum just uses them. That's the high level working intent. |

Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Posts: 424
Location: France,Translator
Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:35 am |
horrorcode wrote: | Saw an old discussion and thought Id bring it up, what about Phorum? Looks like someone had plans, maybe a long time ago, to integrate. |
PunBB integration was also discussed.But raven made it clear it wasn't going to be integrate in RN.
The best thing i'd like to see in a version 3.0 of RN is the choice between forum scripts (as seen in Nuked-Klan) ,(cherry on cakes)
Raven , I saw a bridge working with nuke 7.6 , but it's not really integrated in nuke. Only the users are "transfered" from one cms to the other.
My opinion would be to change the handling of users in Nuke to make it compatible with phpbb3. I don't know if it's possible but it would really change my day. |

Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:38 am |
eldorado wrote: |
My opinion would be to change the handling of users in Nuke to make it compatible with phpbb3. I don't know if it's possible but it would really change my day. |
That there is really my only concern. As long as the functionality is there to use the same users table. I just thought other options would be nice too but Im guessing what Raven speaks of will have the ability we need it to.  |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Dec 02, 2006
Posts: 1693
Location: Texas, USA
Wed May 13, 2009 7:36 pm |
I like the user-bridge concept and the ability to pick and choose which forum "flavor" one may prefer, but I'm curious if that means it is being considered to distribute RN without a "default" forum module...?
Also, does that mean db conversion scripts will be available for all the supported forum platforms? If available, will those conversion scripts be able to deal with "extras" such as the forum attachment mod? |

Thu May 14, 2009 1:06 am |
Quote: | I like the user-bridge concept and the ability to pick and choose which forum "flavor" one may prefer, but I'm curious if that means it is being considered to distribute RN without a "default" forum module...? |
Considering it - Yes
Quote: | Also, does that mean db conversion scripts will be available for all the supported forum platforms? |
Not necessarily. That may be left to others to contribute.
Quote: | If available, will those conversion scripts be able to deal with "extras" such as the forum attachment mod? |
At this time I can only say that whatever we decide to be CORE, we will support and plan to offer conversion scripts. Right now we are concentrating on complete separation and detachment of the current phpbb2nuke (phpbb2). |
Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jul 18, 2004
Posts: 579
Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:44 am |
I wanted to report i managed to get excisting users to phpbb3.
All login works.
If want to login in the forum you will be redirected to your account.
If choose to register you will be redirected to your account new user creation.
I used the osc2nuke bridge and the default conversion tool intregrated in phpbb3.
The only thing you need to do is backup nuke_users table and rename it to nuke_bbusers
Choose in the conversion tool for prefix : nuke_bb
Choose for the path ./modules/Forum (out of the head)
Choose convert and all user + old phpbb2 posts private messages + groups are converted to phpbb3.
It is realy simple , i think this is 80% of the total work what must be done to have a full functional phpbb3 intregration.
PS: i am using phpbb 3.0.5 what is at the moment the latest phpbb3 version |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Posts: 3312
Location: near Albany NY
Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:32 pm |
Whitehat, some questions for you.
Quote: |
If want to login in the forum you will be redirected to your account.
If choose to register you will be redirected to your account new user creation. |
So there are code changes to the Forums code at the point where they would login or register for the Forums? I know these might be minimal but I am just trying to understand how this works. Because if this is right then when a Forums software update comes along we need to preserve the code changes and make sure they work correctly.
Quote: | The only thing you need to do is backup nuke_users table and rename it to nuke_bbusers |
So are you now dealing with two users tables ... one for Forums and one for Nuke? Or does the code in RNYA get changed to point to nuke_bbusers? I would have to guess that Forums has their own internal users table format which is different from Nuke's. If the conversion tool "bridges" data from one to the other on a one shot basis what happens when a new user registers? How is the new data put over into Forums format?

Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:47 pm |
Yes if register and visit the forum for the first time the user will be added to the forum database.
and yes 2 databases are used for users.
This is nothing strange , if consider bridging to other types of forum or even use multiple forum.
What is strange is that rnya uses forum db fields in the table nuke_users , these value's shouldnt be there at all.
What the current disadvantage is, is that when you delete a user you also have to delete him/her in the forum part.
And if you edit a user as admin , you also have to edit in forum.
and yes the minimum changes is something you must accept , infact i think there isnt any other way for whatsoever forum type.
It would be best if the forum devellopers add a button "allow php-nuke user" lol
FYI: the table nuke_bbuser you can delete afterwards as phpbb3 will run on its own prefix user table, by default phpbb_users |
Last edited by wHiTeHaT on Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total |

Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:54 pm |
Thank you Whitehat. I think we agree with you about RNYA but we inherited that situation and undoing it will take quite a bit of work.
And apologizing for my incessant curiosity but
Quote: | Yes if register and visit the forum for the first time the user will be added to the forum database. |
So, if I get this, there is code on the forum side that is monitoring and when a user visits the forums for the first time it says "oh he's not in my system, let's see if he's in the Nuke users table ... oh yes, there he is, let's automatically add him to Forums"? How's that for pseudo code? Or is something else involved? |

Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:59 pm |
yes excact and it works with only one file call , that is why it is called a bridge
/* phpBB 3.X bridge for phpnuke */
/* ============================== */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 2007 -2008 */
/* author and owner bruno Teboul */
/* */
/* */
/* All rights reserverd to the author */
// admin check
if (isset($_COOKIE['admin']) && (!isset($user->data['session_admin']) || !$user->data['session_admin']) ){
$bridge_admin = $_COOKIE['admin'];
$bridge_admin_login = false;
if (!is_array($bridge_admin)) {
$bridge_admin = base64_decode($bridge_admin);
$bridge_admin = addslashes($bridge_admin);
$bridge_admin = explode(":", $bridge_admin);
$bridge_adminid = $bridge_admin[0];
$bridge_adminpwd = $bridge_admin[1];
$bridge_adminid = substr(addslashes($bridge_adminid), 0, 25);
if (!empty($bridge_adminid) && !empty($bridge_adminpwd)) {
$sql = "SELECT pwd FROM ".$prefix."_authors WHERE aid='$bridge_adminid'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$pass = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if ($pass['pwd'] == $bridge_adminpwd && !empty($pass['pwd'])){
$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM " . USERS_TABLE . " WHERE username_clean = '" . $db->sql_escape(strtolower($bridge_adminid)) . "'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
//add_log('admin', 'LOG_ADMIN_AUTH_SUCCESS');
$bridge_admin_login = true;
$bridge_admin_login = true;
$bridge_admin_login = false;
// action collector
$mode = (!isset($mode)) ? '' : $mode;
if (!$mode) $mode = (!isset($_GET['mode'])) ? '' : $_GET['mode'];
if (isset($mode)){
switch ($mode)
case 'post':
if (isset($forum_id) AND (int)$forum_id > 0 AND !$auth->acl_get('f_read', $forum_id)){
Header("Location: ../modules.php?name=Your_Account");
case 'bump':
if (isset($forum_id) AND (int)$forum_id > 0 AND !$auth->acl_get('f_read', $forum_id)){
Header("Location: ../modules.php?name=Your_Account");
case 'reply':
if (isset($forum_id) AND (int)$forum_id > 0 AND !$auth->acl_get('f_read', $forum_id)){
Header("Location: ../modules.php?name=Your_Account");
case 'edit':
if (isset($forum_id) AND (int)$forum_id > 0 AND (!$user->data['is_registered'] OR !$auth->acl_gets('f_edit', 'm_edit', $forum_id))){
Header("Location: ../modules.php?name=Your_Account");
case 'delete':
if (isset($forum_id) AND (int)$forum_id > 0 AND (!$user->data['is_registered'] OR !$auth->acl_gets('f_delete', 'm_delete', $forum_id))){
Header("Location: ../modules.php?name=Your_Account");
case 'group':
case 'viewprofile':
if (!$user->data['is_registered']){
Header("Location: ../modules.php?name=Your_Account");
case 'register':
Header("Location: ../modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=new_user");
case 'login':
Header("Location: ../modules.php?name=Your_Account");
case 'reg_details':
Header("Location: ../modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=edituser");
case 'logout':
if ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS)
Header("Location: ../modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=logout");
// user status collector
if (isset($_COOKIE['user'])){
if ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS){//login if not
//check user from phpnuke
$bridge_user = $_COOKIE['user'];
$bridge_login = false;
if (!is_array($bridge_user)) {
$bridge_user = base64_decode($bridge_user);
$bridge_user = addslashes($bridge_user);
$bridge_user = explode(":", $bridge_user);
$bridge_user_id = (int)$bridge_user[0];
$bridge_user_nname = $bridge_user[1];
$bridge_user_pwd = $bridge_user[2];
if (!empty($bridge_user_id) AND !empty($bridge_user_pwd)) {
$sql = "SELECT user_id, username, user_password, user_email, user_regdate FROM ".$user_prefix."_users WHERE username='" . $db->sql_escape(strtolower($bridge_user_nname)) . "'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if ($row['user_password'] == $bridge_user_pwd && !empty($row['user_password'])) $bridge_login = true;
$bridge_login = ($row['user_password'] == $bridge_user_pwd && !empty($row['user_password'])) ? true : false;
$bridge_user_username = $row['username'];
$bridge_user_email = $row['user_email'];
// if login in cms
if ($bridge_login){
$forum_user_exist = false;
$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM " . USERS_TABLE . " WHERE username_clean='" . $db->sql_escape(strtolower($bridge_user_username)) . "'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$forum_user_exist = ((int)$row['user_id'] > 0) ? true : false;
$bridge_user_id = (int)$row['user_id'];
//user doesnt exist in the module, we create one
if (!$forum_user_exist){
$sql = 'SELECT group_id
WHERE group_name = '" . $db->sql_escape('REGISTERED') . "'
AND group_type = " . GROUP_SPECIAL;
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$group_id = (int)$row['group_id'];
// end clean username
$sql_ary = array(
'username' => $bridge_user_username,
'user_password' => $bridge_user_pwd,
'user_email' => $bridge_user_email,
'user_type' => '0',
'group_id' => $group_id,
if (!function_exists('user_add')) require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $phpEx);
$bridge_user_id = user_add($sql_ary);
group_set_user_default($sql_ary['group_id'], array($bridge_user_id), false);
// login on phpbb3
if ($bridge_user_id > 0) $user->session_create($bridge_user_id,false,false,1);
}elseif($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS AND !$user->data['is_bot'] AND !$bridge_admin_login){
// cms not login and user is then -> logout
and the manual here :
## phpBB 3.X bridge for phpnuke CMS ##
## version 1.0.0 ##
## author : nonal ##
## ##
What is this bridge ?
I have choosen a bridge version in order to garantee the integrety of phpBB very good work.
Indeed it would have been a very bad idea (for me) to integrate this advanced code into the
old phpnuke kernel regarding to the difference of level between phpnuke 8.1 and phpBB 3.
With the bridge version you will be able to have a phpBB 3 forum beside your phpnuke CMS,
with an automatic synchronisation of user account and administration
(account creation, login, logout, admin login).
In an other hand the changes require for the bridge are much more lighter than what is required
for phpBB 2.X inside phpnuke standard integration, what will allow all of us to upgrade phpBB 3.X
or install mods very easily with the bridge version.
Manual installation :
1°) Download phpBB 3.X at
You can choose also the language pack that you need at
2°) Create a folder "forums" inside your phpnuke installation and install phpBB 3 with the installer
inside the folder "forums" created.
- with the same db params as your phpnuke
- with the same administrator account (login and password)
3°) Now copy the content of manual_installation/html folder inside your phpnuke site directly, it will
add the file phpbb3.php inside the folder forums and add a special block in phpnuke part.
4°) Files changes : (based on the use of the default template provided PROSILVER)
-Edit the file \forums\styles\prosilver\template\index_body.html
Line 17 replace
<!-- IF not S_USER_LOGGED_IN and not S_IS_BOT -->
-Edit the file \forums\styles\prosilver\template\overall_header.html
Line 101 replace
<a href="{U_INDEX}" title="{L_INDEX}" id="logo">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a>
<a href="../" title="{L_INDEX}" id="logo">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a>
Line 126 replace
<li class="icon-home"><a href="{U_INDEX}" accesskey="h">{L_INDEX}</a> <!-- BEGIN navlinks --> <strong>‹</strong> <a href="{navlinks.U_VIEW_FORUM}">{navlinks.FORUM_NAME}</a><!-- END navlinks --></li>
<li class="icon-home"><a href="../">{S_INDEX}</a> <strong>‹</strong> <a href="{U_INDEX}" accesskey="h">{L_INDEX}</a> <!-- BEGIN navlinks --> <strong>‹</strong> <a href="{navlinks.U_VIEW_FORUM}">{navlinks.FORUM_NAME}</a><!-- END navlinks --></li>
-Edit the file \forums\styles\prosilver\template\overall_footer.html
Line 9 replace
<li class="icon-home"><a href="{U_INDEX}" accesskey="h">{L_INDEX}</a></li>
<li class="icon-home"><a href="../">{S_INDEX}</a> <strong>‹</strong> <a href="{U_INDEX}" accesskey="h">{L_INDEX}</a></li>
-Edit the file \forums\styles\prosilver\template\viewforum_body.html
Line 78 replace
<!-- IF not S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->
-Edit the file \forums\language\en\template\common.php
Line 192 add after
'FORUM_INDEX' => 'Board index',
The line
'SITE_INDEX' => 'Site index',
-Edit the file \forums\includes\functions.php
Line 3463 add after
'L_INDEX' => $user->lang['FORUM_INDEX'],
The line
'S_INDEX' => $user->lang['SITE_INDEX'],
-Edit the file \forums\config.php
$dbms = 'mysql';
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbport = '';
$dbname = 'XXXXXX';
$dbuser = 'XXXXX';
$dbpasswd = 'XXXXXX';
$dbms = 'mysql';
$dbport = '';
$dbuser = $dbuname;
$dbpasswd = $dbpass;
-Edit the file \forums\faq.php
Line 20 add after
The lines
// start bridge
require($phpbb_root_path . 'phpbb3.' . $phpEx);
-Edit the file \forums\index.php
Line 24 add after
The lines
// start bridge
require($phpbb_root_path . 'phpbb3.' . $phpEx);
-Edit the file \forums\mcp.php
Line 22 add after
The lines
// start bridge
require($phpbb_root_path . 'phpbb3.' . $phpEx);
-Edit the file \forums\memberlist.php
Line 21 add after
The lines
// start bridge
require($phpbb_root_path . 'phpbb3.' . $phpEx);
-Edit the file \forums\posting.php
Line 59 add after
if (in_array($mode, array('post', 'reply', 'quote', 'edit', 'delete')) && !$forum_id)
The lines
// start bridge
require($phpbb_root_path . 'phpbb3.' . $phpEx);
-Edit the file \forums\report.php
Line 21 add after
The lines
// start bridge
require($phpbb_root_path . 'phpbb3.' . $phpEx);
-Edit the file \forums\search.php
Line 20 add after
The lines
// start bridge
require($phpbb_root_path . 'phpbb3.' . $phpEx);
-Edit the file \forums\ucp.php
Line 31 add after
The lines
// start bridge
require($phpbb_root_path . 'phpbb3.' . $phpEx);
-Edit the file \forums\viewforum.php
Line 21 add after
The lines
// start bridge
require($phpbb_root_path . 'phpbb3.' . $phpEx);
-Edit the file \forums\viewforum.php
Line 21 add after
The lines
// start bridge
require($phpbb_root_path . 'phpbb3.' . $phpEx);
-Edit the file \forums\viewtopic.php
Line 22 add after
The lines
// start bridge
require($phpbb_root_path . 'phpbb3.' . $phpEx);
installation is done.

Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:03 pm |
and this is the whole point:
In an other hand the changes require for the bridge are much more lighter than what is required
for phpBB 2.X inside phpnuke standard integration, what will allow all of us to upgrade phpBB 3.X
or install mods very easily with the bridge version.

Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:57 pm |
Great stuff Whitehat. Thank you again. |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
Posts: 6799
Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Sat Jul 11, 2009 2:43 am |
wHiTeHaT wrote: | Yes if register and visit the forum for the first time the user will be added to the forum database. |
They should also be added to the nuke_user table - without that, it cannot be a bridge.
The whole concept of a bridge means that *nuke is the 'master' and the module is the 'slave' - *nuke should be the controlling influence, not the module.
An easier way to stop regitration/log-in from the forums would be to use htaccess to redirect users;
forum registration -> nuke registration
forum log-in -> nuke login
Quote: | This is nothing strange , if consider bridging to other types of forum or even use multiple forum. |
That exactly right. *nuke should be smart enough to detect which forum(s) are being used and synch the relevant data between the core and the module.
Quote: | What is strange is that rnya uses forum db fields in the table nuke_users , these value's shouldnt be there at all. |
I think fkelly already commented on that and I agree with you both, that they shouldn't be there. There are a lot of fields in there just for the PM system which is actually part of the forums. The problem with removing them at this point in time is that it has the potential to break a lot of third party modules.
I have a completely seperated PM system that should be released soon, so that will help
Quote: | What the current disadvantage is, is that when you delete a user you also have to delete him/her in the forum part.
And if you edit a user as admin , you also have to edit in forum. |
I agree. This again goes back to the fact that phpNuke originally went for an integration approach instead of a truly modular plug-in/bridge type approach.
Quote: | It would be best if the forum developers add a button "allow php-nuke user" lol |
If the forum was developed with globally available function/Classes it would make the work so much easier as you can them just call up whatever you needed. |

Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:41 pm |
Guardian2003 wrote: | wHiTeHaT wrote: | Yes if register and visit the forum for the first time the user will be added to the forum database. |
They should also be added to the nuke_user table - without that, it cannot be a bridge.
The whole concept of a bridge means that *nuke is the 'master' and the module is the 'slave' - *nuke should be the controlling influence, not the module.
An easier way to stop regitration/log-in from the forums would be to use htaccess to redirect users;
forum registration -> nuke registration
forum log-in -> nuke login
you might not understood what this bridge does ( why you dont test it?)
This is how it works:
Nuke is master , if login to nuke and goto forum.. forum detect you and add you as user (by default it do this for new user , check my convertion methode to have excisting user).
Once forum detect you, as either new user or excisting user, you are instantly logged to the forum.
If you choose to logout within the forum , you go be redirected to nuke's logout , so you instantly logged out.
Registering and log-in can only be done in nuke, not in the forum , the forum will redirect you to nuke login or nuke new account creation.
Private messaging can be done within the forum , the converter also convert old phpbb2 pm's to phpbb3 pm's
A phpbb3 forum block for nuke comes with the bridge
Quote: | If the forum was developed with globally available function/Classes it would make the work so much easier as you can them just call up whatever you needed. |
when the bridge was develloped , phpbb3 was still version 3.0.1 or earlyer.
Today i came accros the Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! , this should make it al easyer. |

Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:00 pm |
wHiTeHaT wrote: |
you might not understood what this bridge does ( why you dont test it?)
I would love to test it. As always, it is just finding the time  |

Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:02 pm |
The whole proccess beside the ftp part will take you less then 10 minutes , the original phpbb2 will still be intact and working on your (raven)nuke site. |